Yes! I decided to take a shot at joining a Graphics Research Group, since I'm interested in graphics.  For now we're doing some cool stuff, but later we'll get into Renderman which I think will be very cool.  Renderman is Pixar's software that everyone uses to make CG movies with.  Pixar movies, Star Wars Episode I, and Final Fantasy are just a few big-time movies made with Renderman.  I know I'm interested in graphics, and I figure this is a great way to see get some experience.

Ok, time to bring it back down to James.  What have I done so far?

Weeks 1 and 2, Fractals and Animated Fractals

I've made my own fractal using Scheme!  Here it is, drawn to n = 4.  Click on the image to see an animated version.

Here's the code, here's the code for an animated version, and here's an exam question based on my fractal.  To actually do the drawing, go get a Scheme interpreter and the right graphics libraries.  Here's Professor Garcia's graphics page, which has all the information.

Here's the splitting-tree fractal that was also assigned for us to do, drawn to n = 5!  Here's the code.  Click on the above image to see the animated version.  I don't have separate code for the non-animated version, to do that, just draw the animated version at a certain depth.


Weeks 3 and 4, Rotate!

Click on either picture to download the .rot file for the above fractal, Bubbles3D. Click here for the scheme code.  Check out Professor Garcia's graphics page to learn how to get Rotate to view the .rot files.  Thanks!  You may have to change the .txt extension to .rot before viewing.

Week 5 and 6, Dynamic Slide

That's a screenshot of my first attempt at using SLIDE!, which is a cool graphics teaching tool developed by Jordan Smith, a CS graduate student here at Cal.  The slider bars on the left control the size of the center J, the ring of Js, the speed the ring rotates, and the colors of the center J.  The color in the ring of J's automatically fluctuates.

Here's the code, here's the online documentation, and here's the install file so you can get Slidin' yourself.  You might have to rename the .txt code file to a .slf file -- Geocities only allows certain file types.

Next week we start 3D stuff.  ::wets lips in eager anticipation::


Static Slide

Those are two screenshots of my static slide, which is really just a graph of z = sin r.  It is supposed to simulate a wave pool -- when there are two droplets, the pattern of waves gets interesting.

The code is written in java and generates slide code.  Here's the java code, here's the slide code for the first image, here's the slide code for the second image.  To run the java code, use an integer command line argument, which specifies how large a piece of the graph to render.  Route the output to a file, open the file in slide, and you're done!

Example: java wave 40 > slidefile.slf

Don't have Enuf James?