Welcome »»

Hi! Welcome to my website: Kitsune-yasha! This site is basically a way for me to put vital information about anything I see fit. It's also a way for people that like my fanfiction to find out my story status, info about the characters and stories, etc. I'll also be including a dictionary of the Japanese words I use on a regular basis. Hope you enjoy your stay!


 Started working on the Fanfic pages of the site.




 Finally finished creating pages for the site! =D Uploaded everything onto the web. Now all I have to do is make the pages relating to my fanfics.




Worked on the layout for the site a bit. The site's far from being done, but it's off to a good start!



Navigation »»

‡¤‡ About Me ‡¤‡
¤‡¤ Random Pictures ¤‡¤
‡¤‡ Quotes ‡¤‡
¤‡¤ Fanfiction ¤‡¤
‡¤‡ Poetry ‡¤‡
¤‡¤ Stories ¤‡¤
‡¤‡ Art ‡¤‡
¤‡¤ Japanese Words ¤‡¤
‡¤‡ Misc. Stuff ‡¤‡
¤‡¤ Legal Stuff ¤‡¤

Navigation »»

‡¤‡ Fanfiction.net ‡¤‡
¤‡¤ Kitsune no Yume ¤‡¤
‡¤‡ Hikari No Naka De ‡¤‡
¤‡¤ Online Jap. to Eng. dictionary ¤‡¤
‡¤‡ centigrade-j ‡¤‡
¤‡¤ Gaia Online ¤‡¤

Credits »»

Site: Kori F
Design: Another-Place.org
Image: Anime Fan Network
Found at: Day Dream Graphics