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Darkness is left in life
The darkness falling over me
Consuming my soul
My heart is slowly shutting down
My smile has turned into a frown
This pain in my life I cannot take
This depression running through my veins
Taking me down deeper into its pain
A depth so far
Feeling its dark reign upon me
Life as I know it is over
Leaving a mark in this black heart of mine
Soon will the mark reappear on my tombstone
As I lay in my grave soon to come
Struggling for something that isn't there
I blame myself for this torture
Letting it fester inside of me
Not knowing why
I'm letting one guy ruin my life
This is not his fault for he is just a victim
In the game of love
Life holds no meaning to me any longer
For it has been all misery
Wishing for one thing more then anything
Unable to get it I don't deserve to live
All I do is cause pain to everyone around me
I will not let this happen any longer
Don't cry for this is for the best you see
As I lay in this ground
Buried in the darkness
My life has been a curse
Now I hold no fear
No longer will I feel this sorrow
Death has become my mate
In the game of love
Please do not weep
Laying in the dark closed in a coffin
I have lived in darkness my whole life
My soul is no longer hurting nor is it bleeding
For I am gone unable to cause anymore pain
Wishing there was something I could do
But as long as I'm alone
I live my life in sorrow
Sorry to the ones I have hurt
Sorry to the one I love for putting you in the middle
The sky turns a shade of black
Slowly rain falls onto my grave
Wind swiftly blowing against the melancholy trees
Nature so quiet at a pause
Even the oceans stay still
While the last drop of my tear falling
Into the ground
-Leslie A.K.A. Sadie