Name: Shane V.

Interesting things other people call you by besides your name:  ummmm

Age:  17

Sex: Male

Location: Mass, USA

Interests: Computers, Cars, Games(all kinds), did i forget computers,Chess (i love that game makes you think)

Are you gay/straight/bisexual, or none of anyones God damned business?: Girls I like. (Straight)

Favorite Bands:  Metallica, Nirvana, Slipknot, Iron Butterfly, Staind, Korn, Pete, Adema, ozzy, and Eminem.

Favorite Song: Fade to Black - Metallica, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida - Iron Butterfly, Nothing Else Matters - Nirvana

Favorite Movie: Blow, Fightclub, and Hackers.

Marital Status: Ashley <3

: 7-24-85

Live life to the fullest, take a break to stop and enjoy everything around you before life passes you by and try everthing life has to offer you.
Comments:  This is my friend Shane, I met him back in the day, I think it was first semester...(whoa what a long time ago!) Well, anyway, we got off to a rough start, but now that I've got to know him a little better, he seems really cool...I hope he doesn't still think I'm a loser, even though I am. I was hoping to deceive him, and make him think I was actually a decent human being... ::evil laugh:: twahahaha...
