Played By Amber  (Head Admin)
Name: Innocent Marie Darkkiss

Age: 953 in vampire years but looks to be 23

Gender: Female

Character type:
Hastanic Vampire (Vampire type created by Me)

Brief History: It all Started with a young Vampire woman named Angra. She met and fell in love with One Named Damien Darkstarr. After along while they had a daughter. When Angra's daughter was born they didnt name her but alot called her "Little Miss Innocent" and so Angra and Damien Decided to Name her Innocent. The Years past as she grew up many men wanted her and many woman wanted to kill her but she always managed to find ways from things. She was married twice but doesnt remember any of that now. she has Twins Angel Odette and Bowan Alvar by her first husband but doesnt remember them after being resurected back to life. Now even though she cant remember her past here in the present time she knows of one child and knows little of her family anymore. She Knows the Darkkiss Clan ran The city of Santa Carla and that is where her and her daughter will stay.

Weapons used: Guardian of Hell (medievil time sword), any type of weapon near by, Fingernails, and of course her Fangs *Evil Fanged Grin*

Character Description: 5'8 165 lbs (for the looks of her look at pic)
Engaged to Marcus De La Telle,
Mother of Angel Odette, Bowan Alvar Darkkiss - Taloff and Zoe Jane Darkkiss- Xtros

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