• Appendix A - Hardware Performance Figures for the AES Finalists.
  • The following is a reproduction of some of the more telling results for the Hardware Performance Simulations of Round 2 Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithms by the National Security Agency [29]. Please see Chapter three for more details;


    Figure 50 Mars 3-in-1 result summary


    Figure 51 Mars 128Bit result summary



    Figure 52 RC6 3-in-1 result summary


    Figure 53 RC6 128Bit-in-1 result summary


    Figure 54 Rijndael 3-in-1 result summary


    Figure 55 Rijndael 128Bit result summary

    Note; Both Key Setup and Key Agility times for Twofish are different.


    Figure 56 Serpent 3-in-1 result summary

    Within the implementation of the SERPENT algorithm, the key size is padded to 256 bits internally, so the effects of varying key sizes have negligible impact on the performance metrics of the design. Consequently, only the 3-in-1cases is provided.


    Figure 57 Twofish 3-in-1 result summary


    Figure 58 Twofish 128Bit result summary

    Note; Both Key Setup and Key Agility times for Twofish are different.


  • Appendix B - A implemantation of A5 in C.
  • /*

    * A pedagogical implementation of A5/1.


    * Copyright (C) 1998-1999: Marc Briceno, Ian Goldberg, and David Wagner

    * see www.scard.org for full version


    #include <stdio.h>

    /* Masks for the three shift registers */

    #define R1MASK 0x07FFFF /* 19 bits, numbered 0..18 */

    #define R2MASK 0x3FFFFF /* 22 bits, numbered 0..21 */

    #define R3MASK 0x7FFFFF /* 23 bits, numbered 0..22 */

    /* Middle bit of each of the three shift registers, for clock control */

    #define R1MID 0x000100 /* bit 8 */

    #define R2MID 0x000400 /* bit 10 */

    #define R3MID 0x000400 /* bit 10 */

    /* Feedback taps, for clocking the shift registers.

    * These correspond to the primitive polynomials

    * x^19 + x^5 + x^2 + x + 1, x^22 + x + 1,

    * and x^23 + x^15 + x^2 + x + 1. */

    #define R1TAPS 0x072000 /* bits 18,17,16,13 */

    #define R2TAPS 0x300000 /* bits 21,20 */

    #define R3TAPS 0x700080 /* bits 22,21,20,7 */


    /* Output taps, for output generation */

    #define R1OUT 0x040000 /* bit 18 (the high bit) */

    #define R2OUT 0x200000 /* bit 21 (the high bit) */

    #define R3OUT 0x400000 /* bit 22 (the high bit) */


    typedef unsigned char byte;

    typedef unsigned long word;

    typedef word bit;


    /* Calculate the parity of a 32-bit word, i.e. the sum of its bits modulo 2 */

    bit parity(word x) {

    x ^= x>>16;

    x ^= x>>8;

    x ^= x>>4;

    x ^= x>>2;

    x ^= x>>1;

    return x&1;



    /* Clock one shift register */

    word clockone(word reg, word mask, word taps) {

    word t = reg & taps;

    reg = (reg << 1) & mask;

    reg |= parity(t);

    return reg;



    /* The three shift registers. They're in global variables to make the code easier to *understand. A better implementation would not use global variables. */

    word R1, R2, R3;


    /* Look at the middle bits of R1,R2,R3, take a vote, and return the majority value of *those 3 bits. */

    bit majority() {

    int sum;

    sum = parity(R1&R1MID) + parity(R2&R2MID) + parity(R3&R3MID);

    if (sum >= 2)

    return 1;


    return 0;



    /* Clock two or three of R1,R2,R3, with clock control according to their middle bits.

    * Specifically, we clock Ri whenever Ri's middle bit agrees with the majority value of *the three middle bits.*/

    void clock() {

    bit maj = majority();

    if (((R1&R1MID)!=0) == maj)

    R1 = clockone(R1, R1MASK, R1TAPS);

    if (((R2&R2MID)!=0) == maj)

    R2 = clockone(R2, R2MASK, R2TAPS);

    if (((R3&R3MID)!=0) == maj)

    R3 = clockone(R3, R3MASK, R3TAPS);



    /* Clock all three of R1,R2,R3, ignoring their middle bits. This is only used for key *setup. */

    void clockallthree() {

    R1 = clockone(R1, R1MASK, R1TAPS);

    R2 = clockone(R2, R2MASK, R2TAPS);

    R3 = clockone(R3, R3MASK, R3TAPS);



    /* Generate an output bit from the current state. You grab a bit from each register via *the output generation taps; then you XOR the resulting three bits. */

    bit getbit() {

    return parity(R1&R1OUT)^parity(R2&R2OUT)^parity(R3&R3OUT);



    /* Do the A5/1 key setup. This routine accepts a 64-bit key and a 22-bit frame *number. */

    void keysetup(byte key[8], word frame) {

    int i;

    bit keybit, framebit;

    /* Zero out the shift registers. */

    R1 = R2 = R3 = 0;


    /* Load the key into the shift registers, LSB of first byte of key array first, clocking *each register once for every key bit loaded. (The usual clock control rule is *temporarily disabled.) */

    for (i=0; i<64; i++) {

    clockallthree(); /* always clock */

    keybit = (key[i/8] >> (i&7)) & 1; /* The i-th bit of the

    key */

    R1 ^= keybit; R2 ^= keybit; R3 ^= keybit;



    /* Load the frame number into the shift registers, LSB first, clocking each register *once for every key bit loaded. (The usual clock control rule is still disabled.) */

    for (i=0; i<22; i++) {

    clockallthree(); /* always clock */

    framebit = (frame >> i) & 1; /* The i-th bit of the frame #*/

    R1 ^= framebit; R2 ^= framebit; R3 ^= framebit;


    /* Run the shift registers for 100 clocks to mix the keying material and frame number

    * together with output generation disabled, so that there is sufficient avalanche.

    *We re-enable the majority-based clock control rule from now on. */

    for (i=0; i<100; i++) {




    /* Now the key is properly set up. */


    /* Generate output. We generate 228 bits of

    * keystream output. The first 114 bits is for

    * the A->B frame; the next 114 bits is for the

    * B->A frame. You allocate a 15-byte buffer

    * for each direction, and this function fills

    * it in. */

    void run(byte AtoBkeystream[], byte BtoAkeystream[]) {

    int i;


    /* Zero out the output buffers. */

    for (i=0; i<=113/8; i++)

    AtoBkeystream[i] = BtoAkeystream[i] = 0;

    /* Generate 114 bits of keystream for the

    * A->B direction. Store it, MSB first. */

    for (i=0; i<114; i++) {


    AtoBkeystream[i/8] |= getbit() << (7-(i&7));



    /* Generate 114 bits of keystream for the

    * B->A direction. Store it, MSB first. */

    for (i=0; i<114; i++) {


    BtoAkeystream[i/8] |= getbit() << (7-(i&7));}}

  • Appendix C - A implementation of COMP128 in C.
  • /* An implementation of the GSM A3A8 algorithm. (Specifically, COMP128.)

    * Copyright 1998, Marc Briceno, Ian Goldberg, and David Wagner.

    * see www.scard.org for full version

    * All rights reserved.


    typedef unsigned char Byte;

    #include <stdio.h>

    /* #define TEST */



    * rand[0..15]: the challenge from the base station

    * key[0..15]: the SIM's A3/A8 long-term key Ki

    * simoutput[0..11]: what you'd get back if you fed rand and key to a real

    * SIM.


    * The GSM spec states that simoutput[0..3] is SRES,

    * and simoutput[4..11] is Kc (the A5 session key).

    * (See GSM 11.11, Section 8.16. See also the leaked document

    * referenced below.)

    * Note that Kc is bits 74..127 of the COMP128 output, followed by 10

    * zeros.

    * In other words, A5 is keyed with only 54 bits of entropy. This

    * represents a deliberate weakening of the key used for voice privacy

    * by a factor of over 1000.


    * Verified with a Pacific Bell Schlumberger SIM. Your mileage may vary.


    * Marc Briceno <marc@scard.org>, Ian Goldberg <iang@cs.berkeley.edu>,

    * and David Wagner <daw@cs.berkeley.edu>



    void A3A8(/* in */ Byte rand[16], /* in */ Byte key[16],

    /* out */ Byte simoutput[12]);


    /* The compression tables. */

    static const Byte table_0[512] = {

    102,177,186,162, 2,156,112, 75, 55, 25, 8, 12,251,193,246,188,

    109,213,151, 53, 42, 79,191,115,233,242,164,223,209,148,108,161,

    252, 37,244, 47, 64,211, 6,237,185,160,139,113, 76,138, 59, 70,

    67, 26, 13,157, 63,179,221, 30,214, 36,166, 69,152,124,207,116,

    247,194, 41, 84, 71, 1, 49, 14, 95, 35,169, 21, 96, 78,215,225,

    182,243, 28, 92,201,118, 4, 74,248,128, 17, 11,146,132,245, 48,

    149, 90,120, 39, 87,230,106,232,175, 19,126,190,202,141,137,176,

    250, 27,101, 40,219,227, 58, 20, 51,178, 98,216,140, 22, 32,121,

    61,103,203, 72, 29,110, 85,212,180,204,150,183, 15, 66,172,196,

    56,197,158, 0,100, 45,153, 7,144,222,163,167, 60,135,210,231,

    174,165, 38,249,224, 34,220,229,217,208,241, 68,206,189,125,255,

    239, 54,168, 89,123,122, 73,145,117,234,143, 99,129,200,192, 82,

    104,170,136,235, 93, 81,205,173,236, 94,105, 52, 46,228,198, 5,

    57,254, 97,155,142,133,199,171,187, 50, 65,181,127,107,147,226,

    184,218,131, 33, 77, 86, 31, 44, 88, 62,238, 18, 24, 43,154, 23,

    80,159,134,111, 9,114, 3, 91, 16,130, 83, 10,195,240,253,119,

    177,102,162,186,156, 2, 75,112, 25, 55, 12, 8,193,251,188,246,

    213,109, 53,151, 79, 42,115,191,242,233,223,164,148,209,161,108,

    37,252, 47,244,211, 64,237, 6,160,185,113,139,138, 76, 70, 59,

    26, 67,157, 13,179, 63, 30,221, 36,214, 69,166,124,152,116,207,

    194,247, 84, 41, 1, 71, 14, 49, 35, 95, 21,169, 78, 96,225,215,

    243,182, 92, 28,118,201, 74, 4,128,248, 11, 17,132,146, 48,245,

    90,149, 39,120,230, 87,232,106, 19,175,190,126,141,202,176,137,

    27,250, 40,101,227,219, 20, 58,178, 51,216, 98, 22,140,121, 32,

    103, 61, 72,203,110, 29,212, 85,204,180,183,150, 66, 15,196,172,

    197, 56, 0,158, 45,100, 7,153,222,144,167,163,135, 60,231,210,

    165,174,249, 38, 34,224,229,220,208,217, 68,241,189,206,255,125,

    54,239, 89,168,122,123,145, 73,234,117, 99,143,200,129, 82,192,

    170,104,235,136, 81, 93,173,205, 94,236, 52,105,228, 46, 5,198,

    254, 57,155, 97,133,142,171,199, 50,187,181, 65,107,127,226,147,

    218,184, 33,131, 86, 77, 44, 31, 62, 88, 18,238, 43, 24, 23,154,

    159, 80,111,134,114, 9, 91, 3,130, 16, 10, 83,240,195,119,253


    table_1[256] = {

    19, 11, 80,114, 43, 1, 69, 94, 39, 18,127,117, 97, 3, 85, 43,

    27,124, 70, 83, 47, 71, 63, 10, 47, 89, 79, 4, 14, 59, 11, 5,

    35,107,103, 68, 21, 86, 36, 91, 85,126, 32, 50,109, 94,120, 6,

    53, 79, 28, 45, 99, 95, 41, 34, 88, 68, 93, 55,110,125,105, 20,

    90, 80, 76, 96, 23, 60, 89, 64,121, 56, 14, 74,101, 8, 19, 78,

    76, 66,104, 46,111, 50, 32, 3, 39, 0, 58, 25, 92, 22, 18, 51,

    57, 65,119,116, 22,109, 7, 86, 59, 93, 62,110, 78, 99, 77, 67,

    12,113, 87, 98,102, 5, 88, 33, 38, 56, 23, 8, 75, 45, 13, 75,

    95, 63, 28, 49,123,120, 20,112, 44, 30, 15, 98,106, 2,103, 29,

    82,107, 42,124, 24, 30, 41, 16,108,100,117, 40, 73, 40, 7,114,

    82,115, 36,112, 12,102,100, 84, 92, 48, 72, 97, 9, 54, 55, 74,

    113,123, 17, 26, 53, 58, 4, 9, 69,122, 21,118, 42, 60, 27, 73,

    118,125, 34, 15, 65,115, 84, 64, 62, 81, 70, 1, 24,111,121, 83,

    104, 81, 49,127, 48,105, 31, 10, 6, 91, 87, 37, 16, 54,116,126,

    31, 38, 13, 0, 72,106, 77, 61, 26, 67, 46, 29, 96, 37, 61, 52,

    101, 17, 44,108, 71, 52, 66, 57, 33, 51, 25, 90, 2,119,122, 35

    }, table_2[128] = {

    52, 50, 44, 6, 21, 49, 41, 59, 39, 51, 25, 32, 51, 47, 52, 43,

    37, 4, 40, 34, 61, 12, 28, 4, 58, 23, 8, 15, 12, 22, 9, 18,

    55, 10, 33, 35, 50, 1, 43, 3, 57, 13, 62, 14, 7, 42, 44, 59,

    62, 57, 27, 6, 8, 31, 26, 54, 41, 22, 45, 20, 39, 3, 16, 56,

    48, 2, 21, 28, 36, 42, 60, 33, 34, 18, 0, 11, 24, 10, 17, 61,

    29, 14, 45, 26, 55, 46, 11, 17, 54, 46, 9, 24, 30, 60, 32, 0,

    20, 38, 2, 30, 58, 35, 1, 16, 56, 40, 23, 48, 13, 19, 19, 27,

    31, 53, 47, 38, 63, 15, 49, 5, 37, 53, 25, 36, 63, 29, 5, 7

    }, table_3[64] = {

    1, 5, 29, 6, 25, 1, 18, 23, 17, 19, 0, 9, 24, 25, 6, 31,

    28, 20, 24, 30, 4, 27, 3, 13, 15, 16, 14, 18, 4, 3, 8, 9,

    20, 0, 12, 26, 21, 8, 28, 2, 29, 2, 15, 7, 11, 22, 14, 10,

    17, 21, 12, 30, 26, 27, 16, 31, 11, 7, 13, 23, 10, 5, 22, 19

    }, table_4[32] = {

    15, 12, 10, 4, 1, 14, 11, 7, 5, 0, 14, 7, 1, 2, 13, 8,

    10, 3, 4, 9, 6, 0, 3, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 12

    }, *table[5] = { table_0, table_1, table_2, table_3, table_4 };


    void A3A8(/* in */ Byte rand[16], /* in */ Byte key[16],

    /* out */ Byte simoutput[12])


    Byte x[32], bit[128];

    int i, j, k, l, m, n, y, z, next_bit;

    /* ( Load RAND into last 16 bytes of input ) */

    for (i=16; i<32; i++)

    x[i] = rand[i-16];


    /* ( Loop eight times ) */

    for (i=1; i<9; i++) {

    /* ( Load key into first 16 bytes of input ) */

    for (j=0; j<16; j++)

    x[j] = key[j];

    /* ( Perform substitutions ) */

    for (j=0; j<5; j++)

    for (k=0; k<(1<<j); k++)

    for (l=0; l<(1<<(4-j)); l++) {

    m = l + k*(1<<(5-j));

    n = m + (1<<(4-j));

    y = (x[m]+2*x[n]) % (1<<(9-j));

    z = (2*x[m]+x[n]) % (1<<(9-j));

    x[m] = table[j][y];

    x[n] = table[j][z];


    /* ( Form bits to bytes ) */

    for (j=0; j<32; j++)

    for (k=0; k<4; k++)

    bit[4*j+k] = (x[j]>>(3-k)) & 1;

    /* ( Permutation but not on the last loop ) */

    if (i < 8)

    for (j=0; j<16; j++) {

    x[j+16] = 0;

    for (k=0; k<8; k++) {

    next_bit = ((8*j + k)*17) % 128;

    x[j+16] |= bit[next_bit] << (7-k);





    / * ( At this stage the vector x[] consists of 32 nibbles.

    * The first 8 of these are taken as the output SRES. */


    /* The remainder of the code is not given explicitly in the

    * standard, but was derived by reverse-engineering.*/


    for (i=0; i<4; i++)

    simoutput[i] = (x[2*i]<<4) | x[2*i+1];

    for (i=0; i<6; i++)

    simoutput[4+i] = (x[2*i+18]<<6) | (x[2*i+18+1]<<2)

    | (x[2*i+18+2]>>2);

    simoutput[4+6] = (x[2*6+18]<<6) | (x[2*6+18+1]<<2);

    simoutput[4+7] = 0;





  • Appendix D – A Verilog implementation of A5
  • A5/1 Circuit, expressed in Verilog. The following is equivalent to the purported A5/1

    pedagogical C in Appendix A.




    Purported A5/1 circuit, expressed in Verilog.

    13 May 99

    David Honig


    Derived from Briceno, Goldberg, Wagner's Pedagogical C Code

    of May 99.

    To load key: assert Startloading, load data starting on next clock,

    bitwise (1 delay + 64 key + 22 frame clocks).

    Then wait for Doneloading to be asserted (100 more clocks). Then

    harvest your bits.

    A testbench and sample output is appended as comments.

    This synthesizes to about 150 LCs and runs at 80 Mhz on

    the smaller Altera CPLDs e.g., 10K30.


    module a5(Clk, Reset_n,






    input Clk, Reset_n;

    output Bitout; // output keystream

    reg Bitout;

    input Keybit; // input keybits 64 + 22

    input Startloading; // initial keyload

    output Doneloading; // signal done of keyloading

    reg Doneloading;


    // internal state; lsb is leftmost

    reg [18:0] lfsr_1;

    reg [21:0] lfsr_2;

    reg [22:0] lfsr_3;


    reg [1:0] State; // FSM control

    reg [6:0] Counter; // for counting steps

    reg [2:0] Phase; // for sequencing phases


    wire hi_1, hi_2, hi_3;

    assign hi_1 = lfsr_1[18];

    assign hi_2 = lfsr_2[21];

    assign hi_3 = lfsr_3[22];


    wire mid1, mid2, mid3;

    assign mid1=lfsr_1[8];

    assign mid2=lfsr_2[10];

    assign mid3=lfsr_3[10];


    wire maj;

    assign maj=majority(mid1, mid2, mid3);


    wire newbit1, newbit2, newbit3;

    assign newbit1= ( lfsr_1[13] ^ lfsr_1[16] ^ lfsr_1[17] ^ lfsr_1[18] );

    assign newbit2= ( lfsr_2[20] ^ lfsr_2[21] ) ;

    assign newbit3= ( lfsr_3[7] ^ lfsr_3[20] ^ lfsr_3[21] ^ lfsr_3[22] );


    parameter IDLE=0;

    parameter KEYING=1;

    parameter RUNNING=2;


    always @(posedge Clk or negedge Reset_n) begin

    if (!Reset_n) begin: resetting


    $display("a5 reset");

    Doneloading <=0;

    Bitout <=0;

    {lfsr_1, lfsr_2, lfsr_3} <= 64'h 0;

    {State, Counter, Phase} <=0;


    end // reset

    else begin

    case (State)


    IDLE: begin: reset_but_no_key


    if (Startloading) begin: startloadingkey

    // $display("Loading key starts at %0d ", $time);

    State <= KEYING;

    {lfsr_1, lfsr_2, lfsr_3} <= 64'h 0;

    Phase <=0; Counter<=0;

    end // if

    end // idle


    KEYING: begin


    case (Phase)


    0: begin: load64andclock



    // $display("Loading key bit %0b %0d at %0d %0x", Keybit, Counter, $time, lfsr_1);

    if (Counter==63) begin

    Counter <=0;

    Phase <= Phase +1;

    $display(" ");


    else Counter <=Counter+1;



    1: begin: load22andclock


    // $display("Loading frame bit %0b at %0d %0d %0x", Keybit, Counter, $time, lfsr_1);


    if (Counter==21) begin

    Counter <=0;

    Phase <= Phase +1;


    else Counter <=Counter+1;



    2: begin: clock100




    if (Counter ==100) begin

    $display("Done keying, now running %0d\n", $time);

    State <= RUNNING;


    else Counter <= Counter+1;


    endcase // Phase

    end // keying


    RUNNING: begin


    Doneloading <=1; // when done loading

    Bitout <= hi_1 ^ hi_2 ^ hi_3;



    end // running

    endcase // State

    end // else not resetting

    end // always


    function majority;

    input a,b,c;



    case({a,b,c}) // synopsys parallel_case

    3'b 000: majority=0;

    3'b 001: majority=0;

    3'b 010: majority=0;

    3'b 011: majority=1;


    3'b 100: majority=0;

    3'b 101: majority=1;

    3'b 110: majority=1;

    3'b 111: majority=1;





    task clock1;


    lfsr_1 <= ( lfsr_1 << 1 ) | newbit1;




    task clock2;


    lfsr_2 <= (lfsr_2 << 1) | newbit2;



    task clock3;


    lfsr_3 <= (lfsr_3 << 1) | newbit3;



    task clockall;







    task clockallwithkey;


    lfsr_1 <= ( lfsr_1 << 1 ) | newbit1 ^ Keybit;

    lfsr_2 <= ( lfsr_2 << 1 ) | newbit2 ^ Keybit;

    lfsr_3 <= ( lfsr_3 << 1 ) | newbit3 ^ Keybit;



    task majclock;


    if (mid1 == maj) clock1;

    if (mid2 == maj) clock2;

    if (mid3 == maj) clock3;





    /**************** CUT HERE FOR TESTBENCH test_a5.v **************************

    module test_a5;


    reg Clk, Reset_n;

    wire Bitout; // output keystream

    reg Keybit; // input keybits 64 + 22

    reg Startloading; // initial keyload

    wire Doneloading; // signal done of keyloading


    reg [0:7] key [7:0];

    reg [22:0] frame;


    a5 dut(Clk, Reset_n,






    always @(Clk) #5 Clk <= ~Clk;


    integer i,j;


    initial begin


    key[0]= 8'h 12;

    key[1]= 8'h 23;

    key[2]= 8'h 45;

    key[3]= 8'h 67;

    key[4]= 8'h 89;

    key[5]= 8'h AB;

    key[6]= 8'h CD;

    key[7]= 8'h EF;


    frame <= 22'h 134;

    Clk <=0;

    Reset_n <=1;

    Startloading <=0;

    Keybit <=0;

    #10 Reset_n <=0;

    #10 Reset_n <=1;


    // key setup


    Startloading <=1; $display("Starting to key %0d", $time);

    for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin

    for (j=0; j<8; j=j+1) begin

    #10 Startloading <=0;

    Keybit <= key[i] >> j;

    end // j

    end // i


    for (i=0; i<22; i=i+1) begin

    #10 Keybit <= frame[i];



    wait(Doneloading); $display("Done keying %0d", $time);

    $write("\nBits out: \n");

    repeat (32) #10 $write("%b", Bitout);

    $display("\nknown good=\n%b", 32'h 534EAA58);

    #1000 $display("\nSim done."); $finish;

    end // init




  • Appendix E – C code for Brute force attack on A5
  • /* Brute force attack on A5, by Eoin Ward eoinward@yahoo.com

    *A5 implementation from Briceno, Goldberg, Wagner's Pedagogical C Code


    *Generates one byte first and compares before generating rest of output.

    *only generates 64 bits of output instead of the full 228 bits.


    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <stdlib.h>

    #include <conio.h>

    #include <time.h>


    /* Masks for the three shift registers */

    #define R1MASK 0x07FFFF /* 19 bits, numbered 0..18 are all set to 1 */

    #define R2MASK 0x3FFFFF /* 22 bits, numbered 0..21 are all set to 1*/

    #define R3MASK 0x7FFFFF /* 23 bits, numbered 0..22 are all set to 1*/


    /* Middle bit of each of the three shift registers, for clock control */

    #define R1MID 0x000100 /* bit 8 --the 8th bit is 1*/

    #define R2MID 0x000400 /* bit 10 --the 10th bit is 1*/

    #define R3MID 0x000400 /* bit 10 --the 10th bit is 1*/


    /* Feedback taps, for clocking the shift registers. These correspond to the primitive

    * polynomials x^19 + x^5 + x^2 + x + 1, x^22 + x + 1,

    * and x^23 + x^15 + x^2 + x + 1. */


    #define R1TAPS 0x072000 /* bits 18,17,16,13 --are one */

    #define R2TAPS 0x300000 /* bits 21,20 --are one */

    #define R3TAPS 0x700080 /* bits 22,21,20,7 --are one*/


    /* Output taps, for output generation */

    #define R1OUT 0x040000 /* bit 18 (the high bit) */

    #define R2OUT 0x200000 /* bit 21 (the high bit) */

    #define R3OUT 0x400000 /* bit 22 (the high bit) */


    typedef unsigned char byte;

    typedef unsigned long word;

    typedef word bit;

    /*prototypes missing from orignail code causing warnings*/

    bit majority(void);

    void clockallthree(void);

    void Clock(void);

    bit getbit(void);

    void test(void);

    bit parity(word x);

    word clockone(word reg, word mask, word taps);


    /* Calculate the parity of a 32-bit word, i.e. the sum of its bits modulo 2 */

    bit parity(word x) {

    x ^= x>>16; /* ^= Assign bitwise XOR >> shift right */

    x ^= x>>8;

    x ^= x>>4;

    x ^= x>>2;

    x ^= x>>1;

    return x&1;}


    /* Clock one shift register */

    word clockone(word reg, word mask, word taps) {

    word t = reg & taps;

    reg = (reg << 1) & mask;

    reg |= parity(t);

    return reg;}


    /* The three shift registers. */

    word R1, R2, R3;


    /* Look at the middle bits of R1,R2,R3, take a vote, and

    * return the majority value of those 3 bits. */

    bit majority() {

    int sum;

    sum = parity(R1&R1MID) + parity(R2&R2MID) + parity(R3&R3MID);

    if (sum >= 2) /* the sum of the 8th bit of */

    return 1; /* R1 the 10th bit of r2 and the 10th bit of R3*/


    return 0;



    /* Clock two or three of R1,R2,R3, according to their middle bits.*/

    void Clock() {

    bit maj = majority();

    if (((R1&R1MID)!=0) == (int)maj)

    R1 = clockone(R1, R1MASK, R1TAPS);

    if (((R2&R2MID)!=0) == (int)maj)

    R2 = clockone(R2, R2MASK, R2TAPS);

    if (((R3&R3MID)!=0) == (int)maj)

    R3 = clockone(R3, R3MASK, R3TAPS);



    /* Clock all three of R1,R2,R3, ignoring their middle bits.

    * This is only used for key setup. */

    void clockallthree() {

    R1 = clockone(R1, R1MASK, R1TAPS);

    R2 = clockone(R2, R2MASK, R2TAPS);

    R3 = clockone(R3, R3MASK, R3TAPS);



    /* Generate an output bit from the current state.

    * You grab a bit from each register via the output generation taps;

    * then you XOR the resulting three bits. */

    bit getbit() {

    return parity(R1&R1OUT)^parity(R2&R2OUT)^parity(R3&R3OUT);



    /* Do the A5/1 key setup. This routine accepts a 64-bit key and

    * a 22-bit frame number. */

    void keysetup(byte key[8], word frame) {

    int i;

    bit keybit, framebit;


    /* Zero out the shift registers. */

    R1 = R2 = R3 = 0;


    /* Load the key into the shift registers,

    * LSB of first byte of key array first,

    * clocking each register once for every

    * key bit loaded. (The usual clock control rule is temporarily disabled.) */

    for (i=0; i<64; i++) {

    clockallthree(); /* always clock */

    keybit = (key[i/8] >> (i&7)) & 1; /* The i-th bit of the key */

    R1 ^= keybit; R2 ^= keybit; R3 ^= keybit;



    /* Load the frame number into the shift registers, LSB first,

    * clocking each register once for every key bit loaded. (The usual clock

    * control rule is still disabled.) */

    for (i=0; i<22; i++) {

    clockallthree(); /* always clock */

    framebit = (frame >> i) & 1; /* The i-th bit of the frame #*/

    R1 ^= framebit; R2 ^= framebit; R3 ^= framebit;



    /* Run the shift registers for 100 clocks to mix the keying material and frame *number together with output generation disabled, so that there is sufficient *avalanche. We re-enable the majority-based clock control rule from now on. */

    for (i=0; i<100; i++) {




    /* Now the key is properly set up. */



    /* This generates the first byte in the AtoB stream to for comparision, if it’s the same *the rest of the bits will be generated*/

    void runfirstbyte(byte AtoBkeystream[])


    int i;

    for (i=0; i<=63/8; i++) /*zero register first 14 bytes*/

    AtoBkeystream[i] = 0;

    for (i=0; i<8; i++) {


    AtoBkeystream[i/8] |= (byte)(getbit() << (7-(i&7)));




    /*only runs if first byte compares as the same as the know good output

    * This only produces the remaining 56 bits not the full 228 bits. */


    void run(byte AtoBkeystream[]) {

    int i;

    for (i=8; i<64; i++) {


    AtoBkeystream[i/8] |= (byte)(getbit() << (7-(i&7)));




    /*Code that implements the attack. */

    void test() {

    word frame = 0x134; /* known frame number*/

    byte key[8] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x66, 0x88, 0xAA, 0xCC, 0xEE};

    byte goodAtoB[8] = { 0x53, 0x4E, 0xAA, 0x58, 0x2F, 0xE8, 0x15,

    0x1A}; /* first 64bits of the know good output */

    byte AtoB[8];

    int i,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,count=0;


    /* big loop to increment each bit in the key*/

    for (b8=0;b8<256;b8++)


    key[7]= (byte)(key[7] + 1);

    for (b7=0;b7<256;b7++)


    key[6]= (byte)(key[6] + 1);

    for (b6=0;b6<256;b6++)


    key[5]= (byte)(key[5] + 1);

    for (b5=0;b5<256;b5++)


    key[4]= (byte)(key[4] + 1);

    for (b4=0;b4<256;b4++)


    key[3]= (byte)(key[3] + 1);

    for (b3=0;b3<256;b3++)


    key[2]= (byte)(key[2] + 1);

    printf(" %d tests so far\n" ,(65536*count));

    count=count+1; /*prints number of keys tested*/

    for( b2=0;b2<256;b2++)


    key[1]= (byte)(key[1] + 1);

    for( b1=0;b1<256;b1++)


    int failed=0;

    key[0] = (byte)(key[0] + 1);

    keysetup(key, frame);

    runfirstbyte(AtoB); /*generate first byte and test*/

    if (AtoB[0] != goodAtoB[0])

    failed = 1;


    run(AtoB); /* if same generate the rest*/

    for (i=1; i<8; i++)

    if (AtoB[i] != goodAtoB[i])

    failed = 1;

    if (failed) {} else{ /*if = 1 try next key else print out key*/

    printf("key found.\n");

    printf("key: 0x");

    for (i=0; i<8; i++)

    printf("%02X", key[i]);

    printf("\n frame number: 0x%06X\n", (unsigned int)frame);

    printf("known good output(64bits only): \n");

    printf(" A->B: 0x");

    for (i=0; i<4; i++)

    printf("%02X", goodAtoB[i]);

    printf("\n observed output:\n");

    printf(" A->B: 0x");

    for (i=0; i<4; i++)

    printf("%02X", AtoB[i]);














    int main(void) {

    long starttime;

    long endtime;

    time( (time_t*) &starttime ); /*sets a start time*/

    test(); /*Runs Attack*/

    time( (time_t*) &endtime);

    printf("Elapsed: %d", (int)endtime - starttime);

    /* output the time taken for the attack in seconds very little over head as it sets the sarttime at the beign and just takes it away form the end time no counting involved*/


    return 0;
