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News & Noteworthy © --- Special Report 1-11-07
California's Prop 83 Budget!

1-11-2007 California: Governor unveils budget proposal
.Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger unveiled the $104 billion proposed state budget Wednesday that would reduce the operating deficit to zero and put billions into education, highways and prisons - but cut support for welfare families and other social programs. It would put money behind a new state law to provide affordable prescription drugs to low-income residents and expand career technical education, but save more than $324 million by tightening welfare rules and cutting off aid to children whose parents do not meet minimum work requirements.

The Republican governor proposed holding the lid on spending, with only a 1 percent increase to general fund expenditures, and would set aside $2.1 billion in a "rainy day fund." Spending highlights included: $56.8 billion for K-12 education, including $52 million to expand career technical education. $7.5 billion for higher education. [snip]

$10 billion to operate the state prison system and investment of $10.9 billion over the next several years to reduce overcrowding. The budget also includes $150 million to upgrade prison heath care and $193 million to increase supervision of sex offenders. ..more.. : by Kathy Robertson

.Well, here it is, the costs for Prop 83. Now remember, originally it was touted that all sex offenders were going to be given GPS units and that was the public's understanding; safety! That is why the public voted for Prop 83. Now the truth!

Reality must have hit somewhere in the creation of the budget. So, only 9,000 (3,300 + 5,700) offenders on parole will be fitted with GPS units at an average cost of $17,033 per unit. Apparently that covers everything though.

Therapy: California does not have sex offender therapy within their prison system. Accordingly, their intent is to provide community therapy ONLY to High-Risk offenders under supervision; 3,300 offenders. The remainder will not receive any therapy; 5,700 offenders.

GPS Units: ONLY high-risk offenders will have active GPS units (real time monitoring) which allows parole agents to know where they are every minute of the day; 24/7.

The non-high-risk offenders will be fitted with passive monitoring which means agents will only know where those folks went, at the end of a day when they upload their information. Is that the safety that was touted?

Verbatim here is the budget:

Sex Offender Management Plan:
The Governor's Budget includes $30.4 million in 2006-07 and $122.9 million in 2007-08 and ongoing to implement Proposition 83 (Jessica's Law), enacted legislation related to managing sex offenders (SB 1178, SB 1128, and AB 1015), and recommendations from the Governor's High Risk Sex Offender Task Force.

Specifically, this augmentation includes funding to provide active Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring and 20:1 parole agent ratios for 3,300 high-risk sex offender parolees, and passive GPS monitoring and 40:1 parole agent supervision ratios for 5,700 non-high risk sex offender parolees.

This augmentation also includes funding to provide treatment for high-risk sex offenders, provide biannual polygraph testing of high-risk sex offenders on parole, and provide additional parole agents to coordinate with Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement Teams.

The full budget: CLICK or just the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation portion: CLICK

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