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By Ed Paparo (click to email me)

Fig. 1: This is probably the easiest receiver to build.  And, what’s great about it, is that it only costs about $25.00!

How easy can you build an Aircraft Receiver?  Try this on for size!

      Remember those Science Fair Project Kits from Radio Shack?  Pretty easy to build, right?  Well, dig out those old AM/FM Radio kits-time to tweak!


     It’s as simple as this-

1.) Buy the above mentioned kit

2.) Build it– up to the FM Tuner part.

3.) Remove the silicone from the RF coil and stretch the coil so it forms a big loop (about 1” inside diameter from pcb board).  See Fig. 2

4.) Continue installing the tuner and plop the batteries in.

The radio should receive transmissions immediately.  One note is that the antenna that came with the kit is a waste of time-  get a telescoping antenna that is 16-24” long.  That should pick up signals better.  Also, it can be slid up and down to adjust for the proper wavelength.  If the antenna is too long, the receiver will cut out completely.  Another thing is that the receiver tunes from about the middle of the FM band through the aircraft band, so don’t be surprised to hear local FM stations on this receiver.


What I did after that was to purchase an enclosure, and a pcb board  from Radio Shack.

I cut the pcb board down so it would fit into the slots inside of the enclosure and then replicated the preamplifier section on it.  Then I mounted the tuner, antenna and swivel base, LM386 audio amplifier board, power switch, and an earphone jack.  See Fig. 4.

When tuning, you may notice that if you have your hand too close to the speaker, the frequency changes.  Big deal.  Just don’t rest your hand on it when you tune. At least you can listen in on pilots and towers! 

Please feel free to email me or sign my guestbook with questions or comments.  I will be happy to hear from you.




Simple Aircraft Receiver

Fig.2: Tuner with RF Coil stretched.

Fig.3: Another angle of tuner assembly.

Fig. 4: Inside of Aircraft Receiver.