<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/epixclaypax/jonas3.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
a new beginning; warn your friends, warn everyone

Arms Akimbo is;

James Krant - Vocals
Esteban - Keyboards
Epix Claypax - Guitars
Mulligan - Bass
Funke - Drums
Restore 94
About the Band
Song Meanings
***Pictures ***
DubbTF would like to thank the 500 + random people who visited this site and signed the guestbook.  DubbTF was created for the sole purpose of writing music to entertain ourselves and/or others.  Allthough the ERA of DubbTF is at an end DubbTF would like to wish NBCM good luck on there road to musical fame.

Thank you all for listening.
Thank you all for laughing.
Thank you all for making DubbTF a fun experience.