by Miguel the Monkeyspanker

  Elagda...talk about a fucking stroke of genius. When I first put up this site, I already had in mind putting up some sort of online petition wherein people visiting my site would add their signatures to a letter which basically was a big "FUCK YOU!" to Erap which would be emailed to the president's email address. Well, suffice to say I never went through with it because I did not have the technological know-how to put up an electronic petition.

So I was pleasantly surprised to see Elagda...it was my dream of an online petition, yet not. IT WAS A MILLION TIMES FUCKING BETTER THAN MY HORSE SHIT IDEA! It was well-organized, well-advertised and it had a specific, concrete and noble goal. 1 million signatures in 21 days...telling our baboon of a president to get the fuck out of the palace and to take his entourage of crooks, pimps, prostitutes and oddballs with him.

I firmly beleive that the 1 million signature goal can be reached. I SUGGEST YOU GO OUT AND TELL EVERYONE YOU CAN TO GO TO A COMPUTER WITH INTERNET ACCESS AND SIGN UP ! Don't have a computer? Use your friend's PC...your school's PC...go to an Internet cafe! Shit! If you want you can go to my house and use my PC! I myself created email addresses for my family members who didn't have any and made them sign up.

Do your part people! If you can't go to the rally...then rally online! We have the power! Fuck Erap! Fuck the women he fucks! Fuck his horny dick! I'll fucking kick his ass if I see him! You watch out you sick corrupt fucking excuse for a president, you'd better pray to whatever diety you pray to that you don't see me in a dark alley. Coz if that happens...im gonna kick your ass! Yes sir...i'll fuck you up like a rabid animal...you son of a bitch! I'll have your nuts for lunch. You fucking give gambling a bad name. Its your fault that I pay 19 bucks for a liter of gas. I'll fucking kill you, you fat roasted suckling pig, and your fucking PNP or Armed Forces won't be able to do shit about it!