The Small Dog House

Investment Center

NZ sharemarket

Coming Soon


This investment center will try to provide everything I had learn from the beginning of my first investment practice up to now. It will include different technical anaylsis I come across with and every kind of anaylsis I met. However, please keep in mind that I am not a professionally trained investor, so if anything I converted  wrongly to you, please let me know. Thanks!!

Hot Share :

I have been after this share for a long time, its management qaulity with technilogy invesments are wonderful.

I will not be responsible to your losses !


EEGroup in EEE, AU

My 100% Freedom Creation

Here will be my dream area that will inculde all my creative ideas on different things in different  field. These dreams might not be come truth or they may already been exist. However, as you see this subtitle, "My 100% Freedom Creation", I have provided myself an area for myself to put my dreams into, so please don't say I am silly or crazy. These are my DREAMS !!!!

Lecture Notes

My Own Notes

Professional and Community Issues

Going be up very very soon

I have used my all power on this, really hope this can be helpful to all of you guys.

Human Social and Cultural Development

This has been done 2 years ago, I think there are still some related material here. Hope that can benifit those year 2 students.