Hello and welcome to our SNRG page

This page is dedicated to the wonderful world of SNRG


EricKei: I bestow upon you ownership of the word, 'snrg' for use in sexual situations only

EricKei: snrg it to me baby, uh huh uh huh

EricKei: ::wonders if she catches the reference::

LdyCymoril: give it to me baby!

EricKei: I wonder if we should come up with an official definition of the term

LdyCymoril: YES

EricKei: ack! ::falls outta his chair::

LdyCymoril: What??

EricKei: don't DO that!

LdyCymoril: Do what?

EricKei: SHOUT.... my heart can only take so much...

LdyCymoril: I didn;'t shout!... I raised my delicate voice ever so slightly..

EricKei: delicate my hairy white... *ahem*... where were we?

LdyCymoril: YES

EricKei: ach! before that... oh yes

LdyCymoril: I don't remember

EricKei: wow, i must be really good at this snrging thing... ::snrg's her again::

LdyCymoril: woowoo!

EricKei: ::thinks this is starting to sound like cybering...oh well::

LdyCymoril: this is funny

EricKei: lesseee...snrgsnrgsnrg...

LdyCymoril: define!!

EricKei: hrms, i guess it's gotta be G-rated, or at worst pg13...

LdyCymoril: Why??

EricKei: ::hauls himself up outta the gutter and waves down at cymmie::: good point

LdyCymoril: ::grins::

EricKei: ::jumps down on her::  SNRG!!!!!

LdyCymoril: Gyah!!!!!!!!

EricKei: do i make you snrgy baby?

LdyCymoril: snrg me baby!  one more time!

EricKei: well, that's as good a definition as any other, hahahahasnrghahahaah...it's a vague sexual euphimism with many  unprintable connotations how about that?

EricKei: oops i snrged her again...

EricKei: just what the snrg is going on here?

LdyCymoril: ::sings:: When winter comes in summer, when there's no more forever, that's when I'll stop snrging you

EricKei: i'm feeling snrgeriffic, how about you?

LdyCymoril: That just puts me in the snrging mood!

EricKei: ::britney snrg's voice:: "make my snrgies one more size"...

EricKei: then snrg on over here baby

LdyCymoril: "snrg snrg snrg!"

EricKei: ::pounces and snrgs her again::

LdyCymoril: I'm a genie in a bottle baby, gotta snrg me the right way hunny

EricKei: desert snrg, elleh elleh...

EricKei: Yer so snrgy when your tired lol

LdyCymoril: i'm snrgy all the time

EricKei: i'll say

LdyCymoril: it's KFC

LdyCymoril: does it to me every time

EricKei: kentucky f---ed chicken?

LdyCymoril: kentucky snrged chicken

EricKei: no that would be giving them a compliment

EricKei: do y'all snrg first?

LdyCymoril: constantly

EricKei: yah baby... this is beginning to sound sick...i like it ^_^

LdyCymoril: me too

EricKei: heehee... snrgsnrgsnrg

LdyCymoril: I like big snrgs and I cannot lie!

EricKei: can't snrg this

LdyCymoril: will the real slim snrg please stand up

EricKei: snrgacalifragilisticexpalidocious

LdyCymoril: ::stares in awe::

EricKei: :bows and the snrgs the living daylights outta her::

LdyCymoril: ::lights a cigarette::

LdyCymoril: Snrg! The Fresh Maker!

EricKei: ::puts it out::

EricKei: i ain't done with you yet

EricKei: snrg goes better

LdyCymoril: Like a rock!!

EricKei: like a snrg

LdyCymoril: ROCK

EricKei: can you smell what the snrg is cooking

LdyCymoril: It's shake and snrg! and I helped!

EricKei: huh...? ooohhhh yeeah i remember that commercial

EricKei: come on baby! let's do the snrg!

EricKei: well, i certainly HOPE he doesn't have any girl parts

LdyCymoril: hahahah

EricKei: tho of course he could snrg himself then...

LdyCymoril: All ya need is a little snrg

EricKei: you can snrg me in the morning, you can snrg me in the night, you can snrg me when ya wanna snrg me..

EricKei: he is officially a snrgface

LdyCymoril: YEAH!!!

LdyCymoril: I have become comfortably snrg

EricKei: heehee luv that snrg, er song

EricKei: and another one snrgs the dust

LdyCymoril: All we are is snrg in the wind!!

EricKei: welcome to the hotel snrg-ifornia

LdyCymoril: oooh and this snrg! is like nothing I have ever known!

EricKei: snrg captor sakura

EricKei: esss....caaaa...snrg....ne...

LdyCymoril: el snrg

EricKei: alice in snrgland

LdyCymoril: macasnrga

EricKei: snrg o fthe opera

EricKei: grand snrg auto

LdyCymoril: Care that touches everysnrg, one at a time...CVS!

EricKei: now THAT sounds perverted

LdyCymoril: I know.

EricKei: wait wait... CVS???!!! what do the letters stand for?

LdyCymoril: Customer Value Service

EricKei: no, customer value SNRG!!!!!!

LdyCymoril: YEAH!!!!!!!!!

EricKei: hehhehh

LdyCymoril: Service, SNRG, same thing

EricKei: in soooo many ways lol

EricKei: don't make me snrg you pinky... wait...that doesn't quite sound right...

EricKei: snrgin' snrgin' snrgin' day and night...

LdyCymoril: Old Navy, Old Navy, Old Navy Performance Snrg

LdyCymoril: Once you snrg, you can't stop!

EricKei: the united snrgs of america

EricKei: ren and snrgy

LdyCymoril: You are haunting my reality, yer lies are the only truth that I believe, you are haunting my reality, now
everytime I think about you I snrg

EricKei: pi.... ka.....

LdyCymoril: SNRG!

EricKei: yaaay south park is on... i will kick you in the snrg!

LdyCymoril: Try it! I mightlike it!

EricKei: --- don't tempt me

EricKei: "snrg" seems to cover a lot of things, don't it?

LdyCymoril: Yep!

LdyCymoril: ::beats himupside the snrg::

EricKei: ah ow....

LdyCymoril: ::blows her snrg::

EricKei: i just got snrgslapped O_O

EricKei: snrgadelic baby

EricKei: ~simultaneous snrgin' baby you and meeee~

EricKei: you are truly snrgalicious cymmie

LdyCymoril: no just my friend is really pissing me off

EricKei: which one? the snrgface?


EricKei: then tell him to go snrg himself

LdyCymoril: He's a snrg

EricKei: yeah, just ignore him

LdyCymoril: snrg him!

EricKei: tell him to stick it up his snrg

LdyCymoril: gimme gimme gimme some snrg, whoa-oh!

EricKei: tell him that, if he's that snrgy that he won't leave you alone, he should go in the bathroom, turn out the light, and snrg himself into unconsciousness...

LdyCymoril: ^_^... smile, it;s snrg time!

EricKei: snrgsnrgsnrgy yaaay

LdyCymoril: snrg does a body good

EricKei: it snrgainly does

EricKei: got snrg?

LdyCymoril: up yer snrg

EricKei: has the twit snrged off yet?

EricKei: s....ss....s....SNRG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EricKei: ::has a silly grin on his snrg::

EricKei: that's because you have snrg on the brain

LdyCymoril: snrg is addictive

EricKei: ::does a line of snrg::

LdyCymoril: Oh yeah, gimme some of dat dere snrg!

EricKei: ::passes her some:: *sniff*

LdyCymoril: ::shoots up some snrg::

EricKei: i think we've both had plenty snerg tomight...

LdyCymoril: ::sways:: Whoa....snrg's flying!

EricKei: yaah man~

LdyCymoril: ::dies from a snrg overdose::

EricKei: again?!

EricKei: ::gives her snrg to snrg resusitacion::

EricKei: ::then gives her CPR::

LdyCymoril: ::lives:: I want more snrg!

EricKei: ::still giving CPR::

LdyCymoril: Oh my.

EricKei: ::swings her around::

LdyCymoril: ::smacks into snrgs::

EricKei: ::throws her to the snrgs::

LdyCymoril: ::gets eaten by snrgs::

EricKei: ::goes looking for her:: snrg?

LdyCymoril: Snrg!! ::flails her arms::

EricKei: ::grabs for her arm, but gets her snrg again::

LdyCymoril: ::eyes his snrg dangerously::

EricKei: ::retracts his snrg::

LdyCymoril: ::covers her snrg, looking abashed::

EricKei: since when do you have shame?

LdyCymoril: Since I met the snrg

EricKei: ah... that snrg is a sneaky one

LdyCymoril: The snrg changed me in many ways

EricKei: oh NO!

EricKei: the snrg has taken her over...

LdyCymoril: I AM snrg!

EricKei: ... it's worse than i thought

LdyCymoril: I must spread the snrg to everyone!

EricKei: ::grabs her snrg to try and control it:;

EricKei: ::knows snrgs hate pokemon::

LdyCymoril: Pokemon?? ::snrgs::

EricKei: ::an evee appears: ev..ee

EricKei: ::the evee obliterates the floating snrg::

LdyCymoril: Go Eevee!

EricKei: ::melted now::

LdyCymoril: ::scoops him up and puts him in a snrg::

EricKei: eep...blrpb?

EricKei: mkay we snrg when i cu again u pwomise?

LdyCymoril: promise!

EricKei: kay

EricKei: ::huggles and tweaks her snrg::

EricKei: nitenite boo

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