Automatic Flowers
After Mark succumbs to the tumour. The ER reacts to Mark's death, each coming to terms with it. Angst/Romance. I started writing this BEFORE that episode aired. In progress: Latest chapters posted.


Chia Pets
Mark has a bad morning dealing with teenagers and babies. PG rated.

Alternate Universe Fic with Dave in place of Carter when Sobriki plays County General a visit on St.Valentine's Day. Fic in Progress. Chapters updated: March 11/02. R-rated. Some scenes NC-17.


Duck and Cover
'The Chief' gives Dave something interesting to wear to start his shift at County. PG rated.


Easter Goodies
A Dave angst fic.. Dave's sister is dying of osteosarcoma and the ER 'family' rallies around him. R-rated fic.


Full Monty Python
My first fic. It's Mark's wedding and Doug's in-charge of the Stag AND the Bridal Shower.. It's more of a Mark/Doug fic but Dave makes a notable appearance. :-)


The Good, the Bad and the UglyA fun-fic with Dave, Mark and.. well.. Read it and find out. :-)

Gangrene Cadavers and Pilgrim Lovers
Alternate Universe fic following the Chicago gang on their dreams of becoming internationally reknown rockstars instead of inner-city doctors.

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