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Erla Charles

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Welcome to my...
Non-Toxic Family Center!

Precious family, friends, and visitors:

What a joy to have you over in my cyber-foyer!

If I had my way, everybody would be enjoying the joys of a fun life and the blessings of a healthy life.

I firmly believe that information is empowerment, and that the actions we choose to take today define our destiny and quality of life tomorrow.

Therefore, to receive tips, prevention news, health recipes, and other fun and informational stuff regarding non-toxic lifestyles, simply Subscribe to my Non-Toxic Living newsletter. It's FREE. (ATTENTION!: Do NOT subscribe at this time as the newsletter is currently on hold and is not being published until further notice.)

At this website, the very best place to start is to read our eye-opening Consumer Report: "9 Things You Should Know".

This website is for you who prefer a nontoxic and chemical-free lifestyle.

Take advantage of all the knowledge that is shared freely with you at this website, especially what's in the Consumer Awareness section.

It is my desire to contribute my grain of sand towards helping you live out your full lifespan enjoying the best health possible. I hope to do this by providing information that will educate and empower you.

You only have ONE body to live in. Take care of it!!

Thank you for your visit!

| Home Page | About Me | 9 Things... | Why FDA Fails | Harmful Ingredients |
| News & Articles | Store & Full Catalog | Quick Catalog | What's on SALE |
| Customer Options |

©2002-2003 Erla Charles • All rights reserved
Last updated: July 2003