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Please come back soon


From To Formula
Fahrenheit (F) Celcius (ºF-32)/1,8
Celsius (C) Fahrenheit (ºC*1,8)+32
Fahrenheit Kelvin (ºF+459,67)/1,8
Celsius Kelvin ºC+273,16
Réaumur (r) Kelvin (ºr*1,25)+273,16
Rankine (R) Kelvin ºR/1,8
Kelvin (K) Fahrenheit (ºK*1,8)-459,67
Kelvin Celsius ºK-273,16

I'll try to find a way to make the page do the calculations some day soon

 © Ern Yoka 1999. You may print it but please do not steal it for use on other webpages.