

this site is a wholly egocentric scrapbook of ME AND MY LIFE. in it you can find pictures of me, shitty things that i've written and probably shouldn't have, a five (eventually more) year old playlist of my music, and links to things that i think are interesting or funny.

so basically, if you are not me, or if you do not have any reason to be searching for one of the above things as relevant to me, then this is probably of no use to you.

this seems to be updated appx once every five years, and thusly will probably never be again, with the possible exception of new pictures, and more unlikely possible exception of new writings.

fair warning, i think.


writing. mine. shitty.
writing. not mine. not shitty.
pictures. because im egotistical.
music. no clue what's here anymore. let me know.
funny shit. i think. i dont remember if its actually funny or not.

comment? questions? suggestions? anything to amuse me or yourself?
i_am_error AT yahoo DOT com