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Speak your mind: book reviews by women in their twenties and thirties-- re poetry.

Featured review:
I'm not generally a poetry reader, for one reason or another...maybe it's the memories of the hell I went through during 7th grade poetry class. In any case, this anthology of poetry is one of my favorite -- albeit only -- books of poetry. From ancient Sumatran poetry to fairly modern works, the collection will astound and gratify, with many of the translations done by the editors. My only complaint is the current section could be a little more fleshed out, but I guess they weren't going for a Norton-esque (i.e. 1000 pages) anthology. Check it out...plus it's a nicely bound book on nice and smooth paper. (One of my quirks.)

All of the reviews at eryka.com have the following scale:

So good you just can't stand it.
Almost that good.
Sort of good.
Generally a waste of time.
Destined for the recycler.
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