Matsuo Bashô: Oku no Hosomichi



There was a temple called Ryushakuji in the province of Yamagata. Founded by the great priest Jikaku, this temple was known for the absolute tranquility of its holy compound. Since everybody advised me to see it, I changed my course at Obanazawa and went there, though it meant walking an extra seven miles or so. When I reached it, the late afternoon sun was still lingering over the scene. After arranging to stay with the priests at the foot of the mountain, I climbed to the temple situated near the summit. The whole mountain was made of massive rocks thrown together and covered with age-old pines and oaks. The stony ground itself bore the color of eternity, paved with velvety moss. The doors of the shrines built on the rocks were firmly barred and there was no sound to be heard. As I moved on all fours from rock to rock, bowing reverently at each shrine, I felt the purifying power of this holy environment pervading my whole being.

In the utter silence
Of a temple,
A cicada's voice alone
Penetrates the rocks.


Oku no Hosomichi, cuaderno de viaje, del gran Poeta de Haiku, Matshuo Bashô.



  1. Prologue
  2. Departure
  3. Soka
  4. Muronoyashima
  5. Nikko
  6. Nasu
  7. Kurobane
  8. Unganji
  9. Sesshoseki
  10. Shirakawa
  11. Sukagawa
  12. Asaka
  13. Shinobu
  14. Sato Shoji
  15. Iizaka
  16. Kasajima
  17. Takekuma
  18. Sendai
  19. Tsubo no Ishibumi
  20. Shiogama
  21. Matsushima
  22. Ishinomaki
  23. Hiraizumi
  24. Dewagoe
  25. Obanazawa
  26. Ryushakuji
  27. Oishida
  28. Mogamigawa
  29. Hagurosan
  30. Gassan
  31. Sakata
  32. Kisigata
  33. Echigo
  34. Ichiburi
  35. Kanazawa
  36. Komatsu
  37. Natadera
  38. Daishoji
  39. Maruoka
  40. Fukui
  41. Tsuruga
  42. Ironohama
  43. Ogaki
  44. Postscript

Bosque de Bambú, Camino del Haiku.Camino del Haiku