Working for and for the community


The community of individuals, inside a specific context, participates interactively of the life in common that grants its condition, in agreement the own distinction that does to every individual a to be unique but at the same time integrated to the society for its necessary attainment and execution.


The common action is that that tends common good, fortifying the relations and enabling the effective integration of the man inside the group.


The public function should assure worthy and fair conditions of survival and intellectual growth, being to the service and working for and for the community.


The job that, by the constant effort and perseverante of the representatives of the town, is seen translated to the common welfare consolidates the bases of the wealth of a nation.


Though the town does not deliberate neither governs but through its representatives, that ratifies its powers and these are supported in the sovereignty of the town.


The community supports its achievements and objective in its representatives, constituting an extension of its faculties for the benefit of its town.




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