First days in China: many mountains and beautiful landscape... and tea, a lot of tea.

Market day, traffic jam (Wuliang). The town of Dali was our award for the first kilometres in Yunnan.

The people, the alphabet and the rice.

Streets and market in Lijiang. First contact with tibetan culture.

Tibetan temples of Zhongdian, Xiangcheng and Litang.

Up to the clouds. Acrobat goats. The big Bhuda in Leshan (71m).

Xi'an: I`m not in the street, it's the top of the walls. The Terracota Warriors. Hua Shan, holy mountain (many many many steps).

Impressive reliefs in Luoyang. Pingyao's wall. THE GREAT WALL.

Our arrival to Beijing (Peking): Tiananmen square.

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