Mode2 CD Maker

With this tool you can create a CD/XA Mode2 Form2 ISO Bridge type CD, which is similar to VCD but open to any content (not just MPEG files). This way you can benefit from the greater storage space VCD offers (800 MB in a single 80 min. CD).

The problem is, Windows exposes such files in a special way, that needs the presence of either a special DirectShow filter (such as the XCD reader filter below), or direct application support in order to be able to use these files.


2004/06/02: MarkoZ sent me a new tool called XCDextractor to extract files from a XCD, this time with a built-in CRC check, and an option to repair damaged sectors. Pretty neat! Give it a try. PS: sorry for the long delay in posting this, my ftp server was wiped out.

2003/06/15: Oliver Valencia (cdrtfe author) made a small dat2file gui so I'm adding a link to it, too... now we have three dat2file GUI's, not bad at all ;)

2003/04/06: Added another dat2file GUI (CdXA2Mpg) by ABlack & Speaker, this one automates the extraction and conversion of *.dat files from the CD with no user interaction. Thanks!

2003/03/15: At last here it is, the new Mode2CDMaker 1.5.1, with some neat additions, perhaps the most interesting one the CloneCD image output support (which brings less compatibility problems). Not only that, but there's also a new and updated Mode2CDMaker GUI 1.6 by UbiK, supporting the new features in M2CDM 1.5.1, and adding a nifty size bar much like the Nero one, so you know how much space you are taking on the target CD at any time. Enjoy them!

2003/03/06: Thanks to Karl Lillevold (from Real Networks) the RealOne V2 plugin works again! So go and get it in order to play your RealVideo 9 movies from XCD, and take advantage of the extra space!

Mode2 CD Maker 1.5.1 Win32 buildbinaries + sources
GUI (Graphic User Interface) UbiK's Mode2CDMaker GUI 1.6 / Nah's
Mode2 CD Maker 1.5a Linux buildsources
static linked binaries
dynamic linked (gcc 2.95.3, glibc 2.2.5)
dynamic linked (gcc 3.2, glibc 2.2.5)
Previous Mode2 CD Maker releases 1.5a (src), 1.4.2 (src), 1.4.1 (src),
1.4 (src), 1.3 (src)
XCD DirectShow filter (NSIS installer)
(needed to read RIFF/CDXA content)
(by avih & me) (WIP/alpha!)
dat2file GUI's (Graphic User Interface) mfluder's dat2filegui
CdXA2Mpg 1.0b3
Oliver's d2fgui
Registry patch to associate DAT filesdat_assoc.reg
Driver to read VCDs/Mode2 CDs under Linuxcdfs (for kernels 2.2 & 2.4)
vcdfs-0.1 (for kernel 2.0)
RealPlayer 9 Plugin to read Mode2 CDs containing RealVideo streams (not working with RealOne V2)Mode2Real.dll
(by wonderbread)
RealOne V2 Plugin to read Mode2 CDs containing RealVideo streamsMode2RealV2
(by Karl Lillevold)

Related Links:

XCD project
MCF project
ReferenceDivX (w/extractor tool)
AVIMux GUI (now with direct M2F2 support!)
TaZit! (tool to automate the making of Xvid/Vorbis/OGM/XCD)
cdrtfe (cdrtools front-end with XCD support)

XCD FAQ (by Alex Noe)
Doom9's Mode2 CD Maker Guide
Movie Maniac Mode2 CD Maker Guide (italian)
TaZ's "XviD Ogg XCD" guide (french)

BloodShed Dev-C++ (nice GCC IDE, mode2cdmaker is compiled with this)
MinGW (Win32 port of GCC)

Old news:

2003/02/02: Thanks to mfluder we have got a small dat2file GUI for those not used to command line tools. This surely will ease your life in case you need to extract a Form2 movie from a XCD and restore it to its original state.

On the other side, I also added a link to the current Mode2 CD Maker W.I.P version for you beta testers in case you want to give it a try and enjoy the new features.

2002/12/22: Replaced the default XCD DirectShow Filter package with a NSIS installer sent by FFORTANET. It should be much more compatible now and have less install problems. You can now also remove it through Windows' Add/Remove Programs feature! Reflected also on the readme the new MP4 support thanks to 3ivx D4 (install it to have MP4 support on XCDs!).

2002/12/20: I also uploaded the RIFF/CDXA (XCD) filter test6b sources since seems the latest ones are not working right as they are not finished yet. I leave the new ones as WIP/aplha.

2002/12/19: The XCD DirectShow Filter sources are now online! (thanks to avih) These sources are the latest available ones (date 17-Dec-2002) and have the same functionality as the test6(b) release, with only some WIP on the backup-file area (not working yet). I'll be also uploading these to CVS ASAP.

2002/12/02: Michael Kauffman brings us new Linux builds of Mode2 CD Maker 1.5a, this time with three flavours: a statically linked one compatible with all distributions, and two dynamically linked builds made with Gentoo Linux 1.4 (gcc 3.2) and Gentoo Linux 1.2 (gcc 2.95.3), both linked against glibc 2.2.5. Enjoy them, and of course a bunch of thanks to Michael!

2002/11/12: A bugfix release (v1.5a) which fixes a stupid mistake from my side which caused Mode2 CD Maker 1.5 to crash when no subdirectories were entered (sorry). Get the updated GUI package which includes the new release, too.

2002/11/10: Finally a new Mode2 CD Maker release is out (v1.5), with many improvements: it now supports nested subdirectories (i.e. several directory levels instead of just single directories in root) as well as an unlimited number of files per directory (it was previously limited to about 32). On the other side it adds a new option (-s) to create a single-track image, which takes much better use of the available space and removes the minimum file size limit (it was abt. 300 Kb for Form2 files). I think this one will be very useful for compilations of lots of small Form2 files such as MP3 collections written in Form2 (some modern MP3-CD Players like the Freecom Beatman supports them). Finally, there are many improvements and fixes like international names support for subdirs, too. I hope you'll appreciate this release. Of course, it comes with a new Mode2 CD Maker GUI v1.5 from UbiK supporting all the new features!

2002/10/17: UbiK brings us a new Mode2 CD Maker GUI release (1.4d), with some nice improvements: ability to save folder trees and add "virtual" folders, and now you can rename directories, too. Thanks!

2002/10/07: Added a Mode2 CD Maker Linux build kindly submitted by Michael Kaufman. They were created with gcc 2.95.3 (20010315) under Gentoo Linux 1.2.

2002/09/13: I added a Plugin developed by wonderbread to play RealVideo streams from Mode2 CDs using RealPlayer 9! Thanks to this guy for his extremely good work. And sorry for the delay in publishing it here...

2002/09/08: A new Mode2CDMaker GUI (1.4c) release, this one fixes the generated BAT files containing filenames with international characters. Many thanks to UbiK! Also updated Nah's GUI page.

2002/08/26: New Mode2 CD Maker release (1.4.2), this one has little changes, it now supports international file names and selects the proper character set when creating the ISO image. Then there is a new option (-c) to allow input file names in DOS character set (useful for BAT files and some character sets too such as Russian). Finally ML's code for Wildcard support under MSVC has been added so if you compile it under MSVC you'll get the same functionality as with MinGW.

2002/07/23: New Mode2CDMaker GUI 1.4b from Ubik29. This one supports the new features found in Mode2CDMaker 1.4.x, mainly the subdirectories support for Form2 files, as well as a better control over the directory structure. The drawback is, the working method changes sightly, you have to add the files and then mark the desired ones as Form2, otherwise they will be saved as Form1! Keep this in mind while building your images... In any case the old version is still available for those familiar with the old method.

2002/06/24: A bugfix release, Mode2 CD Maker 1.4.1, which fixes an incorrect track sequence number in CUE file that may appear when you didn't add Form2 files in first place at the command line. Thank so much to Nah for pointing to that bug. And of course he updated his GUI to take care of the new features in Mode2 CD Maker 1.4! (follow link to his homepage)

2002/06/20: Well finally here it is, the new Mode2 CD Maker v1.4. This release features a noticeable speedup when compared to the previous versions (up to 3 times faster) thanks to new buffering. Apart from this, there's wildcards support for input files as well as subdirectories support for Form2 files (they no longer have to stay on the CD root). Last but not least I added an option (-x) suggested by Nah to keep the original Form2 file extension into the filename (the DAT extension will still be appended), and some bugfixes. Go get it!

2002/06/10: A new ubik29's Mode2CDMaker GUI release (1.0) which has fixed the spaces-in-filenames bug from the initial version.

2002/06/09: New Mode2CDMaker GUI 0.9 from ubik29, it's pretty compact and very nice, however it has a small bug that prevents it from using filenames or paths containing spaces in both the input files and the output image. Hopefully this will be solved in the next release. Enjoy it!

2002/06/04: New RIFF/CDXA filter release (test6b), just updated the install scripts to be compatible with Win9x/Me.

2002/06/01: Back guys. Just a little addition: a registry patch to associate DAT files with the default Media Player (either Media Player 6.x, 7 or 8 depending on the OS version).

2002/05/23: I'm leaving and won't be back until May 31 so consider this a "present"... new mode2cdmaker release 1.3 with basic subdirectories support (currently only for Form1 files, i.e. all Form2 files will remain in root, and no nested dirs). Now you can put your pictures, players, drivers etc in sepatarte subdirectories, through the use of a new -d option. This also enables compatibility with the latest XCD specs, where you can put the XCH (header/backup) files in a SECURE subdir. And as a bonus, I also added ASCII character set support, this means that you will get filenames with spaces and/or lowercase letters, provided you add the new -a option. Oh and the old VCD-like filenames were removed once for all.

2002/05/21: Test6 filter released by avih. This one has lots of improvements from the old one, starting with S/VCD compatibility (without the need for special filters such as Elecard) and no conflicts at all (so no need for the old VCD patch). Also, the media type detection is much stronger now.

2002/05/20: Finally the Form1 support is here, now you can burn your favorite player or text files, photos etc along with your movies. The new release (1.2 final) also features better compatibility with existing CD/DVD drives and shows the extimated total CD size so you can figure out what kind of media you'll need to burn it. Oh and it should be noted that you need test6 filter in order to read these CDs.

2002/05/11: Sorry I made a mistake when compiling the release 1.2pre2 build which prevented the long filenames support to work. Today I've updated the main executable with a fixed version, please get the new file.

2002/05/10: Another mode2cdmaker release "1.2pre2", still in "preview" state because I have not added the Form1 stuff yet. However you'll find neat features such as a nice progress & speed counter in both mode2cdmaker and dat2file tools, as well as some bugfixes and long file names support (through the use of a new option, -l). Oh and on the dat2file side now you don't need to specify a destination file name, provided the source is in a different drive of course.

2002/05/04: Well a new mode2cdmaker release, it's "1.2pre" ("preview") because it still lacks one feature I wanted to put in this release, Form1 files support. It's mainly a command line interface change, with new and cool features, that is, selectable volume name (default MODE2CD), extension for Form2 files (default DAT), and output BIN image name. These new features are mostly courtesy of Nic, so a big TANK YOU for him!

2002/04/25: Finally we have a preliminary DS filter for testing purposes. It's still very limited but will be greatly improved in short time.

2002/04/21: I did my tests of writing mixed Form1/Form2 sectors into a single file, with no luck (as expected). The track is written fine, but when reading the file through the filesystem, it gives read errors at the Form1 sectors. This was useful for having "protected headers" into the file itself, but seems we'll have to do this with a separate backup file in Form1 instead, or use a different method.

2002/04/20: someone (ReferenceDivx? RobUx4?) gave me a very good idea yesterday: write the ISO filesystem and the first movie data all in the same track. This way the ISO filesystem would only take about 21 sectors (instead of the minimum 302 sectors for a single ISO track). Also, additional 150 sectors for the second track pregap are also gained. I'll try to implement this as an option in mkvcdfs.

2002/04/18: beta 1.1 has been released, and it features BIN/CUE support! So you can finally burn with CDR-WIN.


2003/03/14 - 1.5.1
mkvcdfs.c:  added CloneCD (CCD/SUB/IMG) image output support (Alex Noe)
mkvcdfs.c:  added filelist input support, as well as parameter file (Alex Noe)
mkvcdfs.c:  cuesheets are only written after the image is created
mkvcdfs.c:  enhanced file buffering

2002/11/12 - 1.5a

mkvcdfs.c:  fixed *stupid* bug that caused Mode2CDMaker to crash when no
            subdirectories were entered (sorry)

2002/11/07 - 1.5

mkvcdfs.c:  added -s option (creates single track image, removes minimum file
            size limit, removes pregaps, better use of available space,
            useful for many small Form2 files such as MP3 collections)
mkvcdfs.c:  new command line options parser, options are more user friendly
mkvcdfs.c:  by default all file names are now kept as ASCII (-l and -a
            options removed), added -isolevel1 and -isolevel2 options
mkvcdfs.c:  better memory management: buffers are now allocated at run-time
mkvcdfs.c:  added 2 empty blocks at the end of ISO track to avoid potential
            reading problems when no Form2 files where added
mkvcdfs.c:  show actual data written to the CD along with estimated CD size
vcdisofs.c: each directory can now contain an unlimited number of files (it
            was previously limited to about 32 per directory)
vcdisofs.c: added nested subdirectories support (now you can maintain the
            full directory structure)
vcdisofs.c: better use of ISO track space (files are being recorded right
            after the ISO FS)
vcdisofs.c: fixed international character set support for subdirs, too

2002/08/26 - 1.4.2

mkvcdfs.c:  added ML's wildcard code (for MSVC)
mkvcdfs.c:  added -c option (assume DOS character set for input file names,
            useful from BAT and also some languages, such as Russian)
vcdisofs.c: properly support international file names on the CD

2002/06/24 - 1.4.1

mkvcdfs.c:  fixed incorrect track numbering in CUE file

2002/06/17 - 1.4

mkvcdfs.c:  big speedup thanks to new r/w buffering (up to 3 times faster)
mkvcdfs.c:  BIN image is now referenced as relative in TOC, CUE files
mkvcdfs.c:  new option: -x (keep form2 file extension in the filename)
mkvcdfs.c:  new file collect routine, to allow subdirs for form2 files
mkvcdfs.c:  default screen output is now stdout (so it can be redirected)
mkvcdfs.c:  fixed bug where input files were not closed
vcdisofs.c: subdirs now work for form2 files, too
vcdisofs.c: fixed max filename length calculation (was greater than allowed)
vcdisofs.c: ISO building is now faster for form1 files (no need to reserve space)

2002/05/23 - 1.3

mkvcdfs.c:  new options added: -d, -a
vcdisofs.c: added subdirectories support (for Form1 files only)
vcdisofs.c: added ASCII character set support
vcdisofs.c: removed default VCD-like filenames for Form2 files

2002/05/20 - 1.2

mkvcdfs.c:  command line parser is now less tolerant to bad syntax
mkvcdfs.c:  ISO FS is now built before copying actual file data
mkvcdfs.c:  show total estimated CD size
mkvcdfs.c:  new XA subheader which is more compatible with DVD players
vcdisofs.c: added Form1 files support (through new option -f)

2002/05/10 - 1.2pre2

mkvcdfs.c:  added progress counter and speed indicator
mkvcdfs.c:  fixed DAT filesize (was 1 sector higher w/multiple of 2324)
mkvcdfs.c:  fixed CUE file not being deleted on failure
mkvcdfs.c:  XA subheader now marks EOF
vcdisofs.c: improved XA compatibility (added XA sig for every file/dir)
vcdisofs.c: added long file names support (ISO-9660 Level 2)
vcdisofs.c: fixed emtpy block in ISO track
dat2file:   added nice counter, too
dat2file:   no need to enter destination file name

2002/05/04 - 1.2pre

mkvcdfs.c:  new command line option parser (Nic)
mkvcdfs.c:  new features (set volume name, M2F2 ext, output image) (Nic)
mkvcdfs.c:  changed default volume name and image base name
mkvcdfs.c:  added simple d-char (ISO-9660) converter
vcdisofs.c: M2F2 file extension is no longer fixed

2002/04/18 - beta 1.1

mkvcdfs.c:  added CUE output support
vcdisofs.c: lowered ISO track size to 302 sectors (~700 Kb)

2002/04/17 - beta 1.0 - first release, based on vcdtools-0.4
mkvcdfs.c:  changed output file method to fopen() (open() worked in text
            mode, perhaps a MinGW bug?)
mkvcdfs.c:  removed 30+45 empty sector padding in M2F2 track
mkvcdfs.c:  now will accept any file (not just MPEG)
mkvcdfs.c:  changed CD/XA track subheader to Form2/Data
mkvcdfs.c:  fixed DAT file length and track file length:
            * DAT file now has right size (missed 1 sector)
            * CD/XA track now has 2 "ghost" sectors at the end, to
              prevent any potential TAO problems
vcdisofs.c: fixed make_path_tables() to not add root files as dirs
vcdisofs.c: DAT files are added to the root directory instead of MPEGAV
vcdisofs.c: removed unneeded VCD stuff

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