ISAPI: Internet Server API

ISAPI extension DLLs are a higher performance alternative to CGI, supported by most NT-based Web servers, including Microsoft's Internet Information Server.

ISAPI filters are available only with Microsoft's IIS.

ISAPI Resources

Mailing lists

ISAPI listserv

To subscribe to the ISAPI mailing list, send mail to with
subscribe ISAPI [firstname lastname]
in the body of your message and follow the directions carefully. firstname and lastname are optional.


The archives for all of the Microsoft Technology Mailing Lists can be found at


The following newsgroups might be of interest:

Microsoft Samples

A number of samples are now available on the Microsoft IIS Samples site.

Stephen Genusa's FAQs and Developer Sites

Stephen Genusa's sites contain a wealth of information, FAQs, tools, components, and samples valuable to any ISAPI or ASP developer.


15 Seconds

15 Seconds is a twice monthly online publication for IIS, ISAPI, and ASP developers.


A Microsoft Whitepaper on NT and IIS Security.

Last updated: Sun Jan 4 14:04:55 PST 1998

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