xisco bernal

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Welcome to my newest design gallery. Here you may find new designs for marketing campaigns and for enhace your corporative image. This work has been made by the latests versions of Macromedia Dreamwever, Flash, and Photopaint and Corel Drawsoftware at the summer of 2003, - just now! -.
There are three options&designs
by Corel Draw.
Option 1 : Text around the object. Option 2 : text at both sides of the object. Option 3 : text in columns around the object.
Option 1 : text around the object. Option 2 : text at both sides of the object. Option 3 : text in columns around the object.
This fussion has been made by PhotoPaint from pictures by D.Hamilton, - I hope he would be hapy...!-.
fussion dessign
This is a Flash Macromedia.