Communication Theory Ongoing Directory

by Marta Graupera Sanz





General References ___________________________________________________


En español: In Spanish


Archivo de artículos sobre comunicación. 

Archive of articles on communication.



Academic Dialogue on Applied Ethics - Habermas's Discourse Ethics

Introduction to this ethics allows to locate the moral standpoint within the communication system of a community of selves.  Explains how Habermas avoids the monologism of Kant's ethics and focuses on equality. 

The International Journal of Communication is an online, multi-media, interdisciplinary academic journal that, while centered in communication, is open and welcoming to contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads that is communication study. The articles are in .pdf format. Editors: Manuel Castells and Larry Gross

CCMS: Communication, Cultural and Media Studies

Mick Underwood compiles communication, cultural, and media studies resources for students. With message forum and chat room, online tutorials, and subject discussion.  


First Look at Communication Theory, A 

Serves as a companion to "A First Look at Communication Theory" by Em Griffin, and the "Instructor's Manual" by Glen McClish and Jacqueline Bacon. Describes related theories.  


(F)ragments  - McGeelogs and other Malapropisms, or a Glossary of Terms

Definitions and short essays, called McGeelogs, on terms of interest in contemporary rhetorical and communication theory. By Calvin McGee


Kairosnews. Open community of members interested in the intersections of rhetoric, technology and pedagogy. Link to the journal.


Loet Leydesdorff- Luhmann, Habermas, and the Theory of Communication  

Loet Leydesdorff gives an overview of the critique of Luhmann's sociology published by Habermas, which argues that individuation and socialization are possible on the basis of linguistic structures. Global Research Network 

Join to an international group of researchers study the effects of media, and communicational and cultural trends following McLuhan's ideas. With documents, seminars, events, and a journal.  


Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Communications Forum 

Gathers the activities of the Forum, such as publications, conferences, and events. Studies the impact of communications, focusing on emerging technologies.  


The Media and Communications Studies Site - Explore Daniel Chandler's extensive dirrectory devoted to the field. With archive of documents sorted by topic.


<meta>discourses – The Interrelated Realm of Communication & Community

Jessica A. Wade offers a review of the social science literature, both theoretical and empirical, on the relation between community and communication.  


<meta>discourses – theory (for) communication

Bob Craig offers papers, slide shows, and references for communication theory and rhetoric.


Philosophy of Education - Truth as a Communicative Virtue in a Postmodern Age: From Dewey to Rorty

Clinton Collin’s 1993 paper discusses the philosophical, social, and political values of truth in the contemporary world.


Rhetoric in the Open Directory Project Ongoing directory to rhetorical theory.


University of Calgary - Doug Brent's Rhetoric and  Communications Studies Page

References for students in Rhetoric, Communications Studies and Information Technology classes.  Includes course handouts.

University of Colorado at Denver – Communication Theory

Martin Ryder offers an “index of names and resources addressing theoretical aspects of Communications from a variety of disciplines within the social sciences.”


University of Iowa - Rhetorical Studies, Theory & Philosophy

Directory to the field of rhetorical theory. Includes background material.


Voice of the Shuttle - Media Studies 

Collection of resources on media studies organized by type of media and topics such as cyberculture, broadcasting, the Internet, and communication theory.  






Applied Theory to Specific Fields or Time Periods  




Argumentation on the World Wide Web

In this hypertext Tom Formaro examines how argumentation in hypertext alters author, reader, and text


Canadian Aesthetics Journal - Intertextuality Revisited: Dialogues and Negotiations in Media Studies

Gunhild Agger's artidle examines the Bakhtinian concepts that revolve around the idea of intertextuality and are used to reveal the relationships between interconnected texts in media studies.  


CCSR - People and the Internet

Simon Rogerson examines the issues of identity, culture, and conversation in cyberspace in order to stablish the ethical principles for the Internet Era.  First published in 1998.


Computers, Literacy, and Being - Sensual Reconfiguration of Communication 

Robert P. Yagelski examines Marshall McLuhan's idea that writing changes human communication from a primarily oral and aural phenomenon to one that is primarily visual.  


Happy Fun Communication Land – A Study Tour of Communication 

Tutorial makes for an overview of the study of communication with emphasis on the study of human communication.  


Literature, Cognition & the Brain - Reuven Tsur, Theory of Cognitive Poetics 

Beth Bradburn reviews Tsur's book that explores analytical insights into poetics applying cognitive science. Offers logical tools to think about emotional responses to poetry.  


MIT Communications Forum _ International Communication Theory in Transition: Paramaters of the New Global Public Sphere

Ingrid Volkmer’s article addresses the growing complexity of communication, the media and the society. Outlines the concept of globalization from sociological, political and philosophical parameters.  


Browse this archive of lectures written for an international virtual symposium on the effects of the Web on reading, writing, and trassmision of knowledge. Delve into public discussions around the papers.  In English, French, and Italian. - The Cultural Metamorphosis of the Internet

Study by Marta Graupera focuses on the communicational significance of online publishing and hypertext possibilities for culture, education, and research. First published in 1999.


University of California, Berkeley - Bailando Information Visualization Projects

Research project devoted to methods of visualizing abstract information more effectively. With tutorials, a course, material on graphs, tilebars, and user interfaces.    


University of Pittsburgh - Hotlinks, Orality and Literacy 

Bernard Hibbitts compiles links to projects, books, book reviews, papers, courses and resources about oral and written communication.  

