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Airfares : Brazil flights news

Brazil: 4,577 miles of beautiful beaches bathed by the Atlantic Ocean
A Gifted country. A natural paradise
  • The world’s most exuberant flora and fauna
  • Immense coastline of natural beaches

Fast Upgrades with Varig brazilian airlines and Friends

Brazil travel info: Cheap airfares with cobranded credit card

Step One
Take advantage of Varig’s offer to purchase
10,000 miles, valid through February 27.
That’s 2,500 more miles than usual. At $95 per
2,500-mile increment, that comes to $380. You must
have a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club or
American Express card with a billing address in Brazil
Step Two
Have a friend do the same.
Therefore, after you reach your limit, you can have
your friend(s) acquire miles in their account to
redeem an upgrade for your flight because awards
(not miles) are transferable.
Step Three
Repeat the process until you have access to the
miles you need. Your spouse, child, friend, or even
the babysitter can do this. Ten thousand miles times
the number of willing associates you have. No short-age
of opportunities!
Step Four
Count the savings! Take Varig’s published
Rio-London round-trip Business Class fare of
$6,259: Using this strategy, you’d accumulate 20,000
miles (10K X’s two purchases) and redeem them to
upgrade a full-fare coach booking (about $1,850 in
this market) to Business Class, saving you a cool
$4,490 or 70%. You can do the same with a domestic
upgrade, also 20,000 miles.
Step Five
Don’t want to fly Varig? Or having difficulty
making a booking? Partnerships = options. The carrier’s
miles can be redeemed for travel on Continental
and KLM.

How to find cheap airfares to Brazil

Brazil information

Report of Brazil travel
The most complete report about Brazil !:
  • Hot fun .
General Brazil info
  • Everyday holiday atmosphere. The Brazilian people are fueled by happiness
    Work is just as important as pleasure
  • No Earthquakes. No Hurricanes
  • Brazilians welcome tourists with open arms and a radiant smile in their faces

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    Brazil travel info