ICJA Environmental Science 2002-2003


Notice to Students

March 5, 2003




-       All homework, projects, and labs assigned since the beginning of the third quarter will be due Monday March 10. Any assignment received after March 10 will not be accepted and will be counted as a 0.

-       Starting the week of March 10 and continuing until the rest of the year, any homework handed in after the assigned due date will not be accepted and will be counted as a 0.

-       Students that are absent on the day an assignment is given are responsible to check the web site for homework assigned the day they were absent and are responsible to hand in the assignment the day it is due. The above expectation applies to their situation.

-       Students that are absent the day an assignment is due will be allowed to hand in their assignment the day they return to class and receive full credit provided they have a written note of excuse.

-       Homework must be your own individual work. Working together outside of class is fine and encouraged, however, identical or copied work will be counted as a 0 for all parties involved.

-       There will be absolutely no exceptions to these expectations. Cases of severe or prolonged illness will be given special consideration.


Class Participation


-       Starting March 10, students will be daily assessed a class participation grade. You will have an opportunity to earn up to 5 points. Points will be determined by the following outline of assessment:

o     5 pts       Outstanding class participation

o     4 pts       Acceptable class participation

o     3 pts       Below Average class participation

o     2 pts       Unacceptable class participation

o     1 pt                 Disruptive class participation

o     0 pts       Behavioral Issue

-       Categories are characterized by:

Outstanding (5 pts)

Student comes to class prepared, actively participates in class discussion of their own initiative, takes notes, doesnŐt speak out of turn (raises hand before speaking**), brings text book and other appropriate materials to class and follows along in text book.


Acceptable (4 pts)

Student participates in discussion when called upon, takes notes, doesnŐt speak out of turn, brings text book and other appropriate materials to class.


Below (3 pts)

Student does not participate in discussion even when called upon, talks out of turn, doesnŐt have appropriate class materials


Unacceptable (2 pts)

Student makes disrespectful or inappropriate comments, speaks out of turn, lays head on desk (for more than a couple seconds), doesnŐt face forward, refuses to sit in assigned seat, reads other material in class


Disruptive (1 pt)

Student talks excessively* to neighbors, makes disruptive sounds ? such as drumming or moving of desks across floor, leaves desk for other reason than to sign out to use rest room, needs to be asked more than once to comply with proper class room etiquette.


Behavior Issue (0 pts)

Student needs to be sent to office or be put outside of room because of behavioral disturbances


*   Excessive talk is any talk that is more than a brief comment

** A student need not raise their hand if there is an acceptable discussion already established between two students or   

     between student and teacher