Security Creed

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TGT Security Page
-Note This page allows you to view the Rules and Regulations for TGT. These Rules and Regulations must be followed at all times while on TGT soil. If these Rules and Regulations are Broken then the punishment decided will be carried out immediately.. 
Security Creed will be available Shortly:
TGT Security Procedure.
The Security Division of Trans-Galactic Transportation was founded for the purpose of protecting the said CMG's assets, including, but not limited to: personnel, Board Members, ships, buildings, vehicles, customers, CMG credit accounts, items, data cards, and other assets; as well as providing disciplinary measures to CMG personnel including, but not limited to: fines collection, confinement, and execution.
This extensive mission is to be completed in the following manner:
A. TGT Security (hereafter known as 'TGTsec') will keep security personnel at HQ, for the purpose of ground defense and robbery deterrence. Starfighters will be kept on the planet that HQ is located on, for the purpose of deterring piracy, ship theft, and attacks against our HQ.
B. TGT Sec will provide bodyguards only on special instances to any Board Member that requests them. All requests must go through the Chief of Security (Hereafter known as ‘CSec’), who has the right to veto any request. All requests will be considered primarily on the basis of available personnel.
C. TGT Sec will provide escort services to all transport contracts upon consideration of additional payment. The cost of services to be determined by the President or Vice President on an individual basis, with advice from the CSec. All requests will be considered primarily on the basis of available personnel.
D. In the event of conflict between requests by customers and requests by Board Members, all conflicts are to be judged by the CSec and the President on a case by case basis.
E. All customers are to be provided full protection while at TGT facilities. Bounties on customers are to be disregarded by security personnel, unless ordered otherwise by the President. Bounty hunting by outsiders on TGT property is forbidden. For special permission, all bounty hunters must request permission of the President. A fee of 20% of the bounty price will be charged for permission.
F. TGT Sec is not a mercenary organization. Security personnel may not be hired to perform illegal acts by other parties. Any act of piracy by security personnel is forbidden.
G. Any act of discipline for a TGT member is to be communicated to the CSec by the President or Vice President. These actions will take place publicly; to demonstrate that TGT stands for Honesty and Justice in all it’s dealings.
H. Outside of these statutes, the CSec has full freedom with all security personnel, equipment, ships, vehicles, and credits.
I. These statutes may be changed at any time by the President, with a 48-hour time till implementation. The President has final say in any matter.
Supplied by ESF_Darth_Vader