Cerulean canters up to you..."You sure you want to read this?? It's very mushy and melodramatic....Oh well....I tried..." *Cerulean canters away*

Cerulean was adopted here

This is what I imagine the forest view to be....looking out from the forest clearing...across the lake...a castle...

During my travels into this world known as Alamak, I have used many guises. Among them were Leane, Esora, Serenla, ScarletUnicorn, AmberRose and usually, EsoraLauna. I have met people who I've been lucky to call friends... These are people who always have a welcoming smile, an enthusiastic greeting, and friendly words to share with me. It is to these people (you, my dear friends) that this page is dedicated...A dedication to friends: old, new and future....

Throughout my stay to Alamak, I have met and befriended many a soul, lost and otherwise; wolves, knights, mages, sorcerors, enchantresses, fairies, elves, nymphs, lords and ladies of darkness and light, energy particles, chemical compounds, every form of weather, dragons, cats, dogs, lizards, mice.....*sigh* Alas! The list, even this vague, is unending....let us just say that I have befriended many mortals and immortals...

To name each and every individual would lead to insult and gross injustice as my all too human, and thus, fallible memory would surely leave out many friends that I have known throughout the years I have spent in this place I have come to know as my second home...

My friends...

Though your names may blur on the scrolls of my mind's archives, know that the warmth of your friendship and love will ever burn brightly in my heart...

I thank thee, my dear friends...I thank thee for the many amusing and merry hours...I thank thee for the good times....I thank thee for the support during times of sadness and pain...I thank thee for sharing a part of thy lives with me...

Love burns eternal...even in darkness, ever in light...As does friendship...Entwined and inseparable, forever and ever...

~Esora Launa~

OK! Finally up.... an incomplete list of people I met in 'mak!!!

Back to the tree

This background was created from the beautiful artwork of Francesca Benvenuti and was provided by Windy