Ontario Secondary School Students' Association
The Guestbook
Well, here it is: Eastern South's Guestbook. Leave us a message and tell us whatever you want. Y'know, speak your mind. Lemme know how you like the page, and if you think there is anything that needs to be improved, added, taken off, whatever. I'll try and update the page as much as possible, and keep some new action happening, to keep things fun, but we'll see how all that goes. Oh, and the reason there are so many categories for you guys to write stuff in, is 'cause the space in each one is limited, and I found that there wasn't enough room to write everything I wanted. So there. AND, WE'RE HAVING SOME PROBLEMS, 'CAUSE WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF SPACE IN THE GUESTBOOK, SO IF YOUR ENTRY GETS DELETED OR WHATEVER, I AM SOOO SORRY. Okay, have a blast, and I'll try and respond to all the messages. Peace.
Take me HOOOME!