(Well, maybe not so much "looking" as hoping I somehow stumble upon it in the dark while searching for my glasses)
Poetry, long walks, candlelit dinners, intelligent talk, no losers or winners, moonlit gardens, crackling fires, incense wafting from pagan pyres, dew-fresh herbs, wild heartbeat, soft laughter, old souls meet, passionate kiss, loving embrace, intimate moments, face to face, deep'ning friendship, unshakable love, by earth, fire, water, and air above.
- 46 y.o GWPM
- 5'10", 240 lbs.
- Located in Columbus,
  Ohio, USA (for now)
- Educated and self-
- Pagan/Wiccan
- 25-39 y.o. GWM (give or
   take a few years)
- 5'6" to 5'10" (give or
   take a few in.) and in
  "relatively" decent
- Mature, open-minded, 
   and intelligent
I'm a complex man, and very much hope to  find another complex man with whom to share my life. I'm a gay pagan engineer.  I follow a spiritual path that emphasizes personal responsibility and a caring respect for the environment, and that doesn't demand or assume that everyone else must convert to its viewpoint. I'm a gay man and proud of who I am. I appear to be too conservative for the gay world, too corporate for the pagan world, and too weird (Queer AND pagan?! Oy vey!) for the corporate world. (sigh)

My interests are varied: gardening, herbs, reading (history, adventure, sci-fi, fantasy), writing (poetry and essays, currently working on a biography), art, history, politics, old homes, nature, film (sci-fi, fantasy, historical, gay), community service. I've done a lot of volunteer work over the years. Produced lesbigay public affairs program on community radio in the latter half of the 80s.  Was on the state certifying board for organic farms in the early 90s.  Served on the BoD of a queer youth services group. I co-founded a queer men's pagan worship group, co-facilitate an annual queer men's spiritual retreat, and spend a lot of my spare time involved in spiritual studies.  I collect books and art, love teas and microbrewed beers (and mead!), and love to laugh. Like camping, hiking, biking, X-country skiing, yoga,  rollerskating, and canoing. Used to be quite active, and am working on that aspect of my life again.

I'm a slightly versatile top, and am comfortable with that. While physically I'm a "bear," I pretty much have nothing to do with that subculture. You're more apt to find me at a pagan gathering than at a bear run. I've dabbled a bit in leather and BDSM, and I've concluded that those things are best when used at most as condiments rather than as the main course.  *G*   I should mention that I have a strong "daddy" streak in me, which can be irritating to some folks. I try to keep it in check, but having a loving boy/son would probably bring out the best in me.

For those who pay attention to such things, I'm a triple Pisces (Sun, Moon, Ascendent) on the cusp of Aries...Fire-Water. I have two tattoos (spiritually-related), and will likely get one or two more. I have no piercings (it does nothing for me). Other info is for the asking. Who knows? If its not too personal a question, I'll probably answer it.
What am I looking for in a mate?  How about a fiercely gentle soul?  Would that be a Zen koan, I wonder? I want a man who is content to lay his head in my lap while watching old movies at night. I want a man who isn't afraid of dirtying his hands in the warm earth to make things grow. I want a man who delights in reading poetry while picnicing. I want a man to make love to during a thunderstorm. I want a man to dance with around a bonfire to the beat of tribal drums. I want a man who is mature in outlook, yet child-like in spirit; one who loves life; one to whom I can entrust the keys to my castle, my heart, and my soul.  I draw the line at my car keys, however. (LOL)

So much for the poetic. As for the practical, I would like to find someone around my age or younger, in relatively decent shape, with a good job or in school learning a skill to achieve one, and D&D free (use of the green Goddess and the gifts of Dionysos are acceptable *in moderation*).  I'm not into the (stereo)typical gay scenes.  No married men. No hook-ups. Plain looks but a good conversationalist with intelligence scores higher than a beauty with nothing upstairs. "Boys" looking for a sugar daddy should look elsewhere.  And the size of your willy isn't as important as your ability to hit the toilet with it in the middle of the night.

Basically I'm looking for a partner -- someone who is able to make his own way in this world, and who has a good head on his shoulders and a good heart in his chest and who wants to put them to use in forging a family. Spirituality is an important part of my life, and hopefully would be of a potential mate. I am a 3rd degree High Priest in the Minoan Brotherhood, a branch of Traditional Witchcraft geared mainly towards gay and bi men. Though he need not follow my spiritual path, I would expect a mate to respect it the same as I would respect his choice. I do a lot of volunteer work, and would like to find someone who recognizes the importance of giving back to the community. My life comprises both knowledge and love. Anyone who can't move comfortably in both of those camps doesn't have enough in common with me to form the basis of a relationship. If friendship, communication, honesty, and commitment makes any sense to you, then please drop me a note.

Let the weapons rust
Let the powers crumble
Open your fists
Into embraces.
Open your armslength
Into loving circles
Be champions of hug
Be warriors of kiss
Prove in beatitude
A new breed of man
Prove that comradeship
Is the crown of the Gods
Cherish one another
And thrive

from ShamanPsalm by James Broughton
If you like to camp and are interested in alternative, earth-centered spirituality, then check out www.betweentheworlds.org.  Eventually, I would like to help build a pagan intentional community.  Want to make that journey with me?    Then email me!