Friday May 11, 2007 - Last day of classes for Seniors. This is the deadline for all Senior debts, including library books and fees. No senior will receive a diploma, transcript or recommendation unless all fees are paid


Monday May 14, Tuesday May 15, Wednesday May 16 2007 - Comprehensive final exams are scheduled for the seniors. You are to report to the exam room at the scheduled time for the specific exam. You are not required to be in the building until your initial exam is scheduled. You are   permitted to leave the building when your exams are completed.  As of this time no practices are scheduled – this could change if there is an apparent lack of co-operation by the senior class


Thursday May 17 2007 - Seniors are to report to their homeroom at the regularly scheduled time in proper attire for an attendance check. After prayers and announcements, seniors are to report to the gymnatorium for practice. Practices for May Crowning and Awards will take place; together with practice for Baccalaureate and Graduation.


Friday May 18, 2007 - Seniors are to report to their homeroom at the regularly scheduled time in proper attire for an attendance check. After prayers and announcements, seniors are to report to the gymnatorium for practice. Practices for May Crowning and Awards will take place; together with practice for Baccalaureate and Graduation. At approximately 10:45, you will be invited to the cafeteria to partake in the Senior Brunch that will be provided by the Parents Association of Lourdes. After the brunch, you will be directed to the gymnatorium to continue practice for the appropriate ceremonies. Singing practice together with practice of the appropriate rubrics will take place until all concerned are satisfied with your performance. Remember, the time of your dismissal is entirely dependent upon your co-operation and performance


Monday May 21, Tuesday May 22, Wednesday May 23, Thursday May 24 2007 Seniors are to report to their homeroom at the regularly scheduled time in proper attire for an attendance check. After prayers and announcements, seniors are to report to the gymnatorium for practice. Practices for May Crowning and Awards will take place; together with practice for Baccalaureate and Graduation. Singing practice together with practice of the appropriate rubrics will take place until all concerned are satisfied with your performance. Remember, the time of your dismissal is entirely dependent upon your co-operation and performance


Friday May 25, 2007 - SENIOR CLASS PICNIC - All seniors are to report to their homerooms at the regularly scheduled time for an attendance check. YOU ARE TO REMAIN IN HOMEROOM UNTIL YOU ARE DIRECTED TO THE APPROPRIATE BUS FOR DEPARTURE to Tuscarora State Park. Buses will leave the parking lot at approximately 9:00 A.M. Buses will leave Tuscarora at approximately 5:00 P.M. With this in mind, it is suggested that you assemble in the parking lot no later than 4:45 P.M. 

                                                                                NOTA BENE

Those not going on the picnic are not to excuse themselves from school attendance, since this is counted as a

regularly scheduled school day.


Monday May 28, 2007 – Memorial Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL


Tuesday May 29, 2007 Seniors are to report to their homeroom at the regularly scheduled time in proper attire for an attendance check. After prayers and announcements, seniors are to report to the gymnatorium for practice. Practices for May Crowning and Awards will take place; together with practice for Baccalaureate and Graduation. Singing practice together with practice of the appropriate rubrics will take place until all concerned are satisfied with your performance. Remember, the time of your dismissal is entirely dependent upon your co-operation and performance


Wednesday May 30, 20076 - MAY CROWNING - SENIOR AWARDS

Seniors are to report to their homeroom at the regularly scheduled time and in the proper attire for an attendance check. After prayers and announcements, seniors are to report to the locker rooms to attire for the occasion. The May Crowning will take place at 9:00 A.M. When the ceremony is over, you will go directly to your homeroom to disrobe. After disrobing, you will be given a lunch break. Practice will resume until such time when you are directed to your homeroom to attire for the Awards Assembly which will begin approximately at 1:00 P.M. When the assembly is completed, you will be permitted to leave school.


Wednesday May 30, 2007 - BACCALAUREATE MASS

Seniors are to report to the school, no later than 6:15 P.M. to attire for the occasion. Line formation will take place and will be completed no later than 6:45 P.M., with the ceremony beginning at approximately 7:00 P.M.


Thursday May 31, 2007 - GRADUATION - Students are to report to their homeroom no later than 6:00 P.M. to attire for the occasion. Line formation will take place no later than 6:30 P.M. in an orderly and quiet manner. The ceremony will begin at 7:00 P.M. promptly. At the conclusion of the ceremony, all are to report immediately to their homeroom, to disrobe. You will receive your diploma at this time. NOTA BENE. This schedule can easily be altered to accommodate a practice session in the morning if co-operation is not exhibited by any and all students.







For examinations and practice, the dress code will be as follows: men are to wear a dress pair of slacks, dress shoes, socks, and a shirt with a collar. Women are to wear a dress, skirt, or a dress pair of slacks with an appropriate blouse, together with the shoes they plan on wearing for the formal ceremonies (a change of shoes can be utilized by the women after they have been sized). NO SNEAKERS, JEANS OR T-SHIRTS WILL BE TOLERATED.

Practice will begin when all are dressed according to the specified code (not a moment sooner).


For formal occasions, men are to wear WHITE shirts, SOLID DARK slacks, SOLID DARK tie, and SOLID DARK shoes. Women are to wear white wrist-length gloves, white, low to mid-heeled pumps (no clogs, slides, sandals or open heeled shoes), white hose, white slip and a knee-length, pastel-colored dress   


All jewelry is to be conservative. No ankle jewelry is permitted


All tattoos are to be covered regardless of where they are


On exam days, report directly to your first exam, not to homeroom. Students who have no first exam do not need to report until the second exam


No practice will begin until all are accounted for and dressed per instructions. The later we begin, the later we finish.


No person is exempt from any practice. Students who absent themselves will be considered as truant and will be dealt with accordingly.


All caps are to be worn straight with the brim of the cap being FLAT.


For all occasions, walk erect, with some poise; especially going to and from the stage.


Your tassel should be worn 3 inches from the front of the right-hand side of the cap.


After all ceremonies, it is advisable to take your cap and gown home, so that it is not lost, taken by mistake or misplaced.


It is suggested that you remove the cap and gown from the box prior to the event for purposes of checking sizes and to press the gown.


After receiving your diploma cover, bow to the audience to be recognized and permit your parents a photo opportunity. THERE WILL BE NO "peace signs", "clenched fists", "holding up of the diploma", " curtsey" etc.


You will receive your diploma at the main office immediately following the graduation ceremonies. You will have 20 minutes, after the ceremony has ended, to pick up your diploma; after that period of time, your diploma may be picked up the following day.


No male will walk in any ceremony, until facial hair and haircut are acceptable to Mr. McKay, Mr. Startzel and

Mr. Lubeskie.


No senior will participate in any graduation ceremony unless he/she has satisfied the retreat requirement as established by the Diocese of Harrisburg.


Inform parents and guests to REFRAIN FROM applauding or cheering during the presentation of diplomas as this demeans the importance of the ceremony together with the person receiving the diploma.


Seats for the elderly or sick parents or grandparents can be reserved by informing Mr. Lubeskie prior to the graduation ceremony


Any award not distributed on the stage during graduation ceremonies must be picked up in the main office immediately after the ceremony. IT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE, IN WRITING, ALL AWARDS AND GIFTS RECEIVED.