1.                  Choose one of the personalities from the accompanying list – sign up in room 207

a.       Prepare a typed paper that includes:

                                                               i.      A biographical sketch

                                                             ii.      A summary of the impact that the individual had upon society during the Progessive Era

b.      An oral presentation in class of your research




John Muir


Gifford Pinchot,


:J. P. Morgan


Eugene Debs

Woodrow Wilson


John L Lewis


Susan B. Anthony


Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Florence Kelly


Louis Brandeis


Louis Brandeis


Robert LaFollette

Frances Willard


Carry Nation


William Howard Taft


W.E.B. Dubois

Carry Chapman Catt


Upton Sinclair


John Dewey


Ida Tarbell

Lincoln Steffens


Joseph Cannon