VOCABULARY:  Flexible Response,Hot Line, La Brigada, Bay of Pigs, Cuban MissileCrisis,  Quarantine, Limited Test Ban Treaty, Camelot New Frontier, Peace Corps, Alliance For Progress, Telstar,  Warren Comission, Legislative Mandate, War on Poverty, Great Society, Medicare, Medicade,  Reapportionment, Integration, Miranda Rights, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas,   Baker v. Carr,  Miranda v. Arizona,  Gideon v. Wainwright,  Escobedo v. Illinois, Gerrymandering





PERSONALITIES:  Fidel Castro, Nikita Krushchev, Yuri Gagarin, Alan Sheppard, John Glenn,

Neil Armstrong, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, Bary Goldwater,  Ralph Nader, Lyndon Johnson


LEGISLATION:  Civil Rights Act of 1964,  Economic Opportunities Act, Head Start, Job Corps,

      Immigration Act of 1965




1.         Discuss the rationale for the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba.  What was Kennedy’s reaction? What was the Krushchev response? What, based upon hindsight, was the lasting impact on these two leaders?

2.         Discuss and exemplify 5 component pieces of legislation which came to be known as The Great Society.

3.         Discuss at least three Court decisions that are considered as part of the legacy of the Warren Court; together with their impact upon society as we know it today.

4.         What is the rationale for “Balancing The Ticket”? Cite three ways in which a ticket may be balanced. Relate this to the Kennedy/Johnson ticket.

5.         Illustrate what Kennedy meant when he said; “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”

6.         Discuss why the Kennedy years in the White House have been characterized as Camelot.

7.         Why was LBJ so much more successful in getting legislation passed than JFK?

8.         What was the intent of Kennedy when he advocated a “Flexible Response” as a foreign policy?