Amerasian,, Solid South, Viet Cong, Watershed, Vietminh, Rolling Thunder, Search and Destroy, Agent Orange, Pacification, Tet Offensive, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Dien Bien Phu, Polarization, Domino Theory, 17Parrallel, Green Berets, Indochina, Ho Chi Minh Trail, Guerrilla War, Bol Weevils, Solid South, Hawks, Doves,  Saigon, Hanoi, Mylai Massacre, Kent State, Jackson State, Polarization, Rice Bowl of Asia, Defoliant, Kymer Roge, War Powers Act, Viet Nam Syndrome, “Teach In’s”, Pentagon Papers, Peace With Honor, Credibility Gap




S.D.S., S.E.A.T.O., C.O.’S, V.I.S.T.A., N.L.F.. IKE, JFK, POW, MIA, ROTC




Ho Chi Minh, Ngo De Deim, Robert McNamarra, Lieut. Richard Calley, Tom Hayden, Sirhan Sirhan, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, George Wallace, Eugene McCarthy, Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, General William Westmoreland, General Curtis LeMay, Richard  Nixon,  Henry Kissinger




1.    Discuss the election of 1968 from the primaries to the national conventions, through the general election with

 regard to the candidates, their platforms, and the final result.

 2.    Discuss why the election of 1968 is referred to as a watershed election.

 3.    Discuss why the Americans, like the French before them ended up losing a war in Indochina despite military superiority.

4.    Discuss the major misconceptions held by the U.S. policy-makers with regard to Viet Nam which eventually led to a failed foreign policy.

5.    What particular events led to a reversal of public opinion in the U.S. from support to opposition as it pertained to the war.

 6.    Discuss and exemplify the polarization that existed in American society during the Viet Nam era.

 7.    Exemplify in as much detail as possible the following statement: "The TET Offensive marked the turning point in the war.

8.    Discuss the significance of the Gulf of TONKIN Resolution as it pertained to Johnson's ability to wage Executive War.

 9.    Define the Domino Theory and proceed to discuss how it influenced the formulation of foreign policy under the Eisenhower and subsequent administrations as it pertained to Vietnam.

10.   Discuss the ebb and flow of U. S. involvement in Viet Nam from Eisenhower to Kennedy, to Johnson, and ending with Nixon.

11.   Discuss the evolution of the Student Movement from its beginning as an attempt to change campus life, to its integration with the anti-war movement. Discuss its major successes and failures.

12.      Define the strategies of Rolling Thunder and Pacification, then discuss why they failed to achieve their intended objectives.

13.      List and discuss both the specific and general components of what has been referred to as the Viet Nam Legacy.