1.  Differentiate between Par, Book and Market Values of stock. Discuss the concepts of overvaluation and

     undervaluation as they pertain to your decision to purchase stock.

2.  Discuss the underlying circumstances which led to the crash of the Stock Market.

3.  List and discuss the various causes which led to the Great Depression.

4.  Discuss how people used movies and the radio to ESCAPE from the reality of the depression era.

5.  Discuss and exemplify how the depression contributed to the upheaval in the American family.

6.  Discuss the Hooverian attempts at easing the ill effects of the Depression. Upon what premises were his attempts at

     cure based upon? Did they succeed? Why, or why not?

7.  Discuss the various problems faced by the farmers during the depression .Analyze their responses to their situation

     What      was the lasting impact upon rural and urban America?

8.  Discuss and exemplify the following statement: The radio served as the social focus of the     Depression Family.

9.  Discuss how the depression uniquely affected the okies, tenant farmers and Mexican Americans.




1.  Some critics of the 1st New Deal criticized that the government did too much while some said it did too little in too

     long of a time. List the various elements of society who would align themselves with theses perspective viewpoints and

     tell me why they took such a position.

2.  Discuss the rationale for F.D.R.'s attempt at restructuring the Supreme Court. Was he successful or not? Why or why

     not? Document your answer.

3.  Define the 3 R's of the New Deal. Exemplify the programs which were associated with each of these targets during the

     first 100 days.

4.  Discuss the rationale for the C.C.C. Was it successful? Why, or why not? Document your answer.

5.  Discuss how women, African Americans, and Native Americans were affected by New Deal programs and attitudes.

6.  Discuss the following statement: "The New Deal proved to be a turning point in American History" Discuss the new

     role that government began to take in ensuring the welfare of its citizens.




1.  Discuss the various conditions which were instituted by the Neutrality Acts. What was the reasoning behind the

     passage of this type legislation in the U.S.

2.  Explain why the U.S. adopted a policy of Neutrality in the face of escalating world tensions.

3.  Compare and contrast the views of American Isolationists and interventionists. Discuss how this shaped the

     U.S. response to events in Europe and Asia.

4.  Define Non-Belligerency. What policies did F.D.R. initiate in pursuance of this policy as it pertained to the allies?

5.  Discuss the rationale for the rise of Fascist regimes in Germany, Italy and Japan.

6.  What was the significance of the German/Soviet Non-aggression Pact from each country's perspective? Why was it

     violated by Germany?

7.  Discuss the events that led up to the Munich Conference. What ill-fated policy emerged from this conference?

     What significance did this policy have for the allies?




1.  List the Emergency War Powers of the President. Discuss and exemplify how they were utilized by F.D.R

     during W.W. II.

2.  Discuss and exemplify the lasting impact upon the economy that resulted from the depression and World War II


3.  Discuss the rationale for the migrations that occurred prior to and during World War II. What were the

     unintended consequences of these migrations to the communities and peoples affected?

4.  Discuss and exemplify the dual impact that the selling of Liberty Bonds had during World War II

5.  Discuss the agenda advocated by both F.D.R. and William Randolph before the march on

     Washington. Detail the components of the resulting compromise.

6.  Discuss and exemplify the various components involved with Mobilization both political and economic; both

     mandatory and voluntary.

7.  What was the initial American strategy in the Pacific? What factors led to a change in this strategy? What was

     the new Strategy? Was it successful in what it attempted to accomplish?

8.  Discuss the agreements made at Yalta. How did rank and file Americans perceive these agreements Why?

     What significant event did these agreements presage?

9.  Discuss the various options available to Truman in bringing the war with Japan to a conclusion. What were

     the merits and faults of each Proposal?

10.     Explain the motives behind Japanese expansion and why Americans were opposed to it.

11.     Explain the overall military strategy of the Allies as adopted at the Casablanca Conference.




1.    List and discuss the underpinnings of the cold war through the perceptions (real or imaginary) that existed

       between the U.S. and the USSR about each other.

2.    Discuss and correlate the Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, and Eisenhower Doctrine as to their intent or

        rational, where targeted, together with an analysis as to their effectiveness at achieving what they

       were intended to accomplish.

3.    Discuss the events leading up to during and at the conclusion of each of the following crises or hot spots

       Berlin, Cuba, Iran. Egypt, Korea, and China. (CHOOSE ONE)

4.    Define and correlate the policies of Brinkmanship, and Massive Retaliation. Discuss the inherent dangers of

       such a policy from the U.S. perspective.

5.    List and discuss both the positive and the negative outcomes of that period of time referred to as the Cold

       War. (1945-1989)

6.    Define containment. Exemplify U.S. attempts at the utilization of this policy both in Europe and Asia.

7.    Put into perspective the Truman\MacArthur confrontation as it dealt with both military and constitutional


8.    Why were the CIA and N.S.C. created - How did they function during the cold war (what did they do); and

       What lasting effect did their creation have upon the concept of Checks and Balances?

9.    Discuss and correlate the dual interests the U.S. had in the third world nations with the perceptions that

       these nations had towards the U.S.

10.   Define Bi-Polarity, discuss and exemplify how this affected Third World Nations.

11.   Discuss the concept of "Policeman of the World" as it pertains to the U.S. both during and after the Cold War

12.   Discuss the renewed significance of the UN as the vanguard of Collective Security in the absence of the

        Cold war.

 13.   How did the Soviet development of ICBMs Sputnik and the placement of missiles in Cuba affect American

        society from the White House on down to the homes of the average American citizens. Exemplify the

        reactions that took place in America.

 14.   Describe and illustrate the anti-communist hysteria that permeated the U.S. during the cold war as

        evidenced by one of the following incidents: The Alger Hiss Trial and the H.U.A.C, The trial of Ethel and

        Julius Rosenberg, Joe Mc Carthy and the hearings of the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations,

        Of The Hollywood 10.

 15.   Discuss the Eisenhower legacy - Defend of refute the notion that IKE was a “Do nothing president”

 16.   Discuss the impact of the electronic media on the election of 1960 and its lasting legacy upon American

        presidential politics.

 17.   Define “Balancing the Ticket”. Cite different ways that it can be achieved. How did IKE attempt to do this?

          Was he successful.

  18.   Discuss the trial of the Hollywood 10 as to why they were being questioned together with the various options

  they weighed before they responded before the HUAC.  What was their eventual fate which resulted from the    senate hearings? What was the lasting impact upon the media?



1.           Discuss the rationale for the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba.  What was Kennedy’s reaction? What was the

          Krushchev  response? What, based upon hindsight, was the lasting impact on these two leaders?

2.           Discuss and exemplify 5 component pieces of legislation which came to be known as The Great Society.

3.           Discuss at least three Court decisions that are considered as part of the legacy of the Warren Court; together with

          their impact     upon society as we know it today.

4.           What is the rationale for “Balancing The Ticket”? Cite three ways in which a ticket may be balanced. Relate this to   the Kennedy/Johnson ticket.

5.           Illustrate what Kennedy meant when he said; “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for

          your country”

6.           Discuss why the Kennedy years in the White House have been characterized as Camelot.

7.           Why was LBJ so much more successful in getting legislation passed than JFK?

8.           What was the intent of Kennedy when he advocated a “Flexible Response” as a foreign policy?




1.  Discuss the election of 1968 from the primaries to the national conventions, through the general election with regard to the candidates, their platforms, and the final result.

2.  Discuss why the election of 1968 is referred to as a watershed election.

3.  Discuss why the Americans, like the French before them ended up losing a war in Indochina despite military superiority.

4.  Discuss the major misconceptions held by the U.S. policy-makers with regard to Viet Nam which eventually led to a failed  foreign policy.

5.  What particular events led to a reversal of public opinion in the U.S. from support to opposition as it pertained to the


6.  Discuss and exemplify the polarization that existed in American society during the Viet Nam era.

7.  Exemplify in as much detail as possible the following statement: “The Tet Offensive marked the turning point of the

     Viet Nam War”.

8.  Discuss the significance of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution as it pertained to Johnson’s ability to wage Executive War.

9.  Define the Domino Theory and proceed to discuss how it influenced the formulation of foreign policy under the Eisenhower and subsequent administrations, as it pertained to Vietnam.

10.     Discuss the ebb and flow of U. S. involvement in Viet Nam from Eisenhower to Kennedy, to Johnson, and

     ending with Nixon.

11.     Discuss the evolution of the Student Movement from its beginning as an attempt to change campus life, to its

     integration with the anti-war movement. Discuss its major successes and failures.

12.     Define the strategies of Rolling Thunder ,Pacification, and Vietnamization, then discuss why they failed to achieve their      intended objectives.

13.     Discuss at least three causes which led to a failed foreign policy initiative in Viet Nam.




1.  Discuss and exemplify the polarization that existed in American society during the height of the Vietnam War.

2.  Put the Iran Hostage crisis in perspective relative to past and present U.S. policies relative to the Middle East.

3.  Incorporate the terms Realpolitik, Balance of Power, and Détente with the foreign policy of the Nixon administration in the wake of the Vietnam war.

4.  Discuss and exemplify how Nixon utilized the “carrot and stick” approach in trying to get the North Vietnamese to the

     negotiating table.

5.  Discuss the events surrounding what has come to be known as Watergate with regard to why it all came about, what it led to and what were it’s lasting implications upon the BALANCE OF POWER within our federal system.

6.  Define Imperial Presidency. Relate this to the Nixon presidency and to the election of Jimmy Carter

7.  Discuss the Nixon agenda labeled as New Conservatism and New Federalism, illustrating how they proved to be a

     significant departure from the Johnsonian presidency.

8.  List and discuss the major components and the major players of the Camp David Accords emphasizing their significance

9.  Define Stagflation. Discuss how both Nixon and Carter attempted to tackle this economic malaise.

10.     List the characteristics of a conservative. Incorporate these characteristics with the Nixonian agenda referred to as

     New Conservatism.


Chapter 25


1.       Discuss the significance of SDI, in bringing about an end to the cold war and an end to communism as a dominant

      political philosophy in the world

2.       What is deregulation? Discuss how it might have led to the S & L crisis

3.       What caused the downfall of communism in Eastern Europe and subsequently the Soviet Union

4.       Discuss the relationship that exists between Affirmative Action programs, Quotas, and Reverse


5.       Discuss the underpinnings of the Iran-Contra Scandal 1.e. its causes and outcomes as they pertained to the

            Reagan Administration.

6.       Discuss the political and economic implications of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait from the perspective of the

            Middle East, the US, and the UN.

7.       Put “Operation Desert Storm: into perspective relative to the War Powers Act and the President’s ability to

            conduct Executive War.





Epicurianism, Conspicuous Consumption, Hedonism, Standard of Living. Disposable Personal Income, Discretionary Income, Paternalism, Escapism, Expatriates, Materialism, Harlem Renaissance, Creationism, Censorship, Quotas, Literacy Test, 3rd Estate, Zoot Suiter, Bootlegger, Hyphenated American, Culture Shock

Business Cycle, Recession, Depression, Over-speculation, Margin, Par, Book and Market Values of Stock, Overvalued, undervalued, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Trickle Down Theory, Ripple Effect, Soil Bank, Penny Auctions, Okies, Tenant Farmers, Sharecroppers, Deportation, Repatriation, Hoovervilles, Sweatshop, Emergency Relief Act, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Bonus March, Escapism, Forced Sale, Foreclosure, Pump Priming

Boondoggle, Bureaucracy, Demagogue, Subsidy, Moratorium, Fireside Chats, Wagner Act, Revenue Act, Court Packing Bill, New Deal, Dole, Pump Priming, Blue Eagle, Glass Steagall Act, Truth in Securities Act, Great Communicator, Discrimination, Native American, Keynesian Economic Theory, Anti-Semitism, Bipartisan Politics, Emergency Banking Act, Poll Tax, Tokenism, Margin

Final Solution, Dumbarton Oaks, Yalta, Brenton Woods, Casablanca Conference, Munich Conference, Island Hopping, Kamikazes, Enola Gay, Manhattan Project, Embargo, Atlantic Charter, Lend Lease, Destroyers for Bases Good Neighbor Policy, Genocide, Demagogue, Axis, N.A.Z.I., Fascist, Luftwaffa, Appeasement, Non-Belligerency, Nye Commission, S.S.S., China Incident, Totalitarianism, Blitz, Blitzkrieg, Maginot Line, Siegfried Line.

Nisei, Chicano. Victory Garden, Zootsuiter, Latchkey, Infrastructure, Deficit Spending, GNP, C.P.I., U.A.W., O.P.A., Racism, Executive Order 9066

Fortress America, Yalta, Potsdam, Isolationism, Policeman of The World, Eisenhower Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Warsaw Pact, Operation Mongoose, Containment, Bi-polarity, Third World Nation, Nationalization, Bravo, Fallout, Nuclear Winter, Limited War, Collective Security, Security Council Operation Ajax, Sputnik, Conventional War, Brinkmanship, Non-Aligned Nation, Mutual Defense Pact, Cold War, Truman Doctrine, Massive Retaliation, Military-Industrial Complex

Dixiecrats, Poll Tax, Hollywood 10, Mc Carthyism, Demagogue, Blacklisting, Vigilantism, Fair Deal,

Loyalty Boards, Mc Carran Act, Taft Hartley Act, Do Nothing Congress, Closed Shop, Open Shop, Union Shop, Cooling Off  Period, Right To Work Laws, Space Race, Censure, Loyalty Oath, Loose Cannon, Consensus Decision Making, Checkers Speech, Electronic Media, Strike, Lockout

Amerasian, Peace Corps, Solid South, Viet Cong, Watershed, Vietminh, Rolling Thunder, Search and Destroy, Agent Orange, Pacification, Tet Offensive, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Dien Bien Phu, Polarization, Domino Theory

Wall Street Riots, Conservative Backlash, Silent Majority, Southern Strategy, Pentagon Papers, Détente, Balance of Power, Realpolitik, Watergate, Bunker Mentality, Saturday Night Massacre, U.S. v. Nixon, War Powers Act, Freedom of Information Act, Impeachment, Inner Circle, Peoples Republic of China, Plumbers, Enemies List, New Federalism, Revenue Sharing, Stagflation, Camp David Accords, Linkage, Impoundment, Yon Kippur War, Imperial Presidency, Stagflation, Southern Strategy, Reverse Discrimination, Helsinki Accords, Revenue Sharing, Wage and Price Controls, Pardon, Executive Privilege, Affirmative Action, University of California v. Bakke, SDS, SALT, CREEP

Reagonomics,  SDI (star Wars), Moral Majority, Entitlement programs, reverse discrimination, conservative coalition, Deficit Spending,  Supplyside Economics (Trickle Down Theory), Deregulation, Affirmative Action, Ecotopia, Sunbelt, Rustbelt, Megalopolis, Confederation, Sandinistas, Contras, Tiananmen Square, Iran-Contra Scandal, Desert Storm, Roe v. Wade, Glasnost, Peristroika, Political Empowerment, Teflon President, SOLIDARITY, Challanger, Tax and Spend