1.    Define the Law of Proportionality and give examples of how management might suffer from Diminishing                          Returns resultant from poor decision-making.

2.    Discuss and exemplify the factors of production together with their corresponding incomes and how they lead to the accumulation of wealth.

        3.    Define and exemplify the concept of Opportunity-Cost.

        4.    List the several classical economic systems and then describe how the decision-making process is handled                        within each.

5.    Define the Law of Supply and the Law of Demand together with how their interaction affect price in a market economy.

        6.    Discuss and exemplify the effects that price has upon a market economy.

        7.    List and exemplify at least four factors which affect demand.

        8.    Discuss at least three functions of price in a market economy. Give examples of each.

               9.   Discuss elastic and inelastic demand giving at least 2 examples of each.

10.      Discuss the three stages of production, then incorporate the concept of marginal analysis as utilized by an entrepreneur.

11.   Explain the basic economic questions that have to be answered by all organized societies. How are these questions answered in a market, controlled and traditional economies?

12.   Discuss the allocating mechanisms (who gets what) that exists in a traditional, command, market, and      mixed economies as it pertain to ice cream cones. Integrate the concepts of efficiency and equality into your commentary.

13.   Discuss the Economic Problem. Discuss how interdependence at all levels can help solve the problem, using as many examples as you consider as necessary.

14.      Discuss the three ways in which an individual can become involved in corporate financing; citing the advantages and disadvantages

15.      Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the corporation as a business enterprise as compared to a proprietorship, and a partnership.

       16.   Define Specialization.  Discuss and exemplify the three types of specialization.

17.      Compare and contrast the six major types of markets as to their affect on supply and consequently their affect on price. Give an example of each type of market.

18.      Define each of the types of inflation. Give a present-day example of a product or service which has increased in price for each of the theories.

       19.   Discuss two advantages and 2 disadvantages of using a gold standard to back  paper money.

       20.   List and discuss several non-financial intermediaries which transfer savings into investment.

       21.   Discuss and exemplify the various factors which lead to inflation.

22.      Define Fiscal Policy. Exemplify at least two policies which might be utilized during a period of deflation and provide the rationale for said policies.

23.   Define Consumer Price Index. What is its purpose? Correlate the concepts of base year and market basket with the calibration of the Consumer Price Index.

24.   Discuss and exemplify the various types of unemployment found within our economy at any given time.

       25.   Discuss the circular flow of income in as much detail as possible. A diagram may be utilized.

       26.   Define GDP and GNP then note their differences.

27.      Discuss the various phases of the Business Cycle exemplifying various characteristics  of each individual phase.

28.      Define Recession and Depression noting their differences. Cite various attempts that government has instituted to prevent depressions. Analyze the consequences of these actions.

       29.   List, discuss and exemplify the opportunity/cost decisions of at least 5 socio-economic goals of a society.

       30.   Discuss how a financial system works to transfer savings to investment.

       31.   List the several classical economic systems and then describe how the decision-making process is handled                        within each; then list advantages and disadvantages of each.

       32.   Define multinational; then discuss the advantages and disadvantages that are experienced by a host

       33.   Explain the basic economic questions that have to be answered by all organized societies

               How are these questions answered in a market, controlled and traditional economies?

       34..  Discuss the four major components of Capitalism.

       35.   Discuss the concept of production possibilities with regard to resource utilization..

       36.   List and discuss the four economic functions that are carried on in all economic system.

       37.   Define co-operative. discuss the various types; and how they benefit their participants.

       38.   Define conglomerate and multinational; then discuss the rational for their creation.

       39.   Define merger. Differentiate between a vertical and a horizontal merger.; then discuss the various advantages

               that can be realized by a merger.

40        Define real flow, money flow, and  circular flow within an economic system showing their interrelationship. A flow chart can be use to illustrate.

       41.   Discuss and exemplify the advantages (5) of price as an allocating mechanism.

       42.   What happens when the debt is monetized? Explain the inherent danger to the economy

43.      Define and discuss Externalities as market failures. Exemplify both positive and negative externalities.

       44.   Define market failure. List and exemplify 5 instances when market failures occur.

       45.   Discuss in detail how a bank creates money based upon fractional reserves.

46.      If the price of tobacco rises, what is apt to happen to the demand for Pipes? Why? What type of relationship exists between pipe tobacco and pipes? What will happen to the price of cigars? Why? What type of relationship exists between pipes and cigars?

47.      List and discuss the various factors that contribute to an unequal distribution of income within our society.

48.      Discuss in detail the priority order of what the fed would do with monetary policy to combat inflation.

              50.  Discuss the various goals that one might pursue in investing together with the type of investments

               which would be appropriate for each goal.

51.    List and discuss the various causes of Business Cycles.

52.    List and discuss at least 5 causes of the Great Depression.

53.    Define recession and depression. Discuss those factors that cause an economic downturn to evolve from a recession to a depression.

54.    Define GDP then discuss some things not included in GDP and why they are not included. Finally differentiate GDP from GNP.

55.    Define price ceiling and price floor – give examples of each – What is their intent? What are the consequences or impact upon a free market relative to supply.

56.    List and discuss the 5 characteristics of a market under perfect competition.

57.    List and discuss at least 5 regulatory commissions that have been established at the federal level together with their impact upon the American Free Enterprise system.

58.    List and discuss the various types of monopolies that exist within our present-day economic system.

59.    List and discuss the various pieces of federal legislation intended to preclude a restraint of trade (competition) within the American Free Enterprise system.






monetary policy




monetizing the debt

rediscount rate

base year

factor markets

money wages

Regulation "q"

book value


monopolistic competition

Regulation 'z"

business cycle




call option



Roth IRA

capital expenditures

fiat money

mutual fund


capital goods

fiscal policy



caveat emptor

frictional unemployment




galloping inflation

normal price







GDP price deflator

opportunity cost





Standard and Poors

commodity money

gold standard

Output Expenditure Model

standard money

complimentary product

holding company

outside lag

standard of living






inelastic demand

par value

substitution effect


inside lag




interlocking directorate

policy lag

sweat equity



poverty threshold


deficiency payments

jingling money


technological unemployment


junk bonds

predatory pricing


diminishing marginal utility

legal tender

price ceiling

token money

discretionary income

Lorenz Curve

price floor

traditional IRA

dollar cost averaging


price maker

transfer payments


marginal analysis

prime rate



marginal cost

producer price index


durable goods

market basket

production possibilities

wage price spiral

economies of scale

market value

profit maximization


Efficient market hypothesis




elastic demand


put option






equilibrium price


real wages