Enough Already...

We've got it. You want everyone's children to pray to your god. Fine, if that's your opinion. But it will never happen, not with a Supreme Court that has half of a brain among the nine Justices.

Perhaps I missed something. Didn't Jesus talk about this? You know, how you're not supposed to pray on street corners or loudly in church like a hypocrite, but you're supposed to go home, shut the closet door and pray there in the dark? Is the literal and philosophical lesson lost on everyone?

There would be a good case, and I would be with the Christians 100%, if the issue were different. If the schools were monitoring thoughts and telling children that they couldn't pray to any god inside their own head, then I would be outraged. I would protest, and write letters, and vote against candidates that supported the usurpation of the most basic and important right. But that's not the case.

Proponents of government-sanctioned prayer say that their right to free expression of religion is being taken away. Interesting. I suppose if a child stood up and announced that all conservatives were evil, and went into a ten minute diatribe about the failure of conservatism, then that would simply be the child's right to free speech, right? Of course not, that would be a disruption. What if the school had a "moment of noise" each day allowing each child to espouse the benefits of fascism or socialism? As long as no one had to participate, then that would be okay, right?

The simple fact is, Christian prayer does not require special accommodation. It is remarkably efficient, quiet, and private. Even the Catholic version which contains some physical rituals is not disruptive. Muslim prayer would require special accommodation, and I would not object to the school being forced to provide space for this necessary daily ritual, so no other children are bothered or forced to see it. (Since most Islamic families in this country have home schooling or private schools at their Mosque, this issue really hasn't come up.)

Let's be fair. There is prayer in school, and will always be prayer in school. The only restriction is that no school can organize it, and no school official can lead it. What's wrong with that?

I've seen one of my favorite conservative columnists remark that the Supreme Court sees nothing wrong with the existence of Congressional chaplains or opening their proceedings with "God bless this Court", but they don't want any religious references around the impressionable children. It's only okay "around responsible adults who couldn't possibly swallow that religious hocus-pocus."

Actually, that's true. Children shouldn't be indoctrinated with the religion or particular denomination of their teachers, which their parents may indeed consider to be "hocus-pocus". This is why parents have the right to remove their child from "Sex Education" classes--some parents just don't want their fourth-grader being taught how to put a condom on a banana. Other parents don't want their children being told that their particular old-man-in-the-sky is make-believe. (By the way, almost all lawsuits are brought against schools by Catholics, Mormons, and/or Jehovah's Witnesses.) The Court and Congress, by contrast, have exclusive control over their own procedures according to the Constitution. I wouldn't be in favor of it personally, but I don't dispute their authority to do so.

To be honest, I am tired of hearing about it. Such matters have nothing to do with making schools better or protecting rights. I honestly believe that the proponents of this argument want to plant Christianity in every school to indoctrinate the children of others. I honestly believe that is their motivation.

The issue is decided. It cannot be. Let it go. That said, I never pass up the opportunity to expand someone's horizons. If you seriously believe school prayer is a good idea, I suggest you read a story that is the best argument I have ever heard against it.

Read the Story.

Note: This link has gone dead, so I have decided to post the story here. I only asked the author if he had any problem with my linking to his story, but I doubt he would have any objection to this given that his medium is gone. If I ever find out who wrote it, I will gladly attach his name to this.

School Prayer

Principal Joy swung open the door to his office. Katie and her Father were already seated. He strode briskly over to Mr. James and extended his hand. "Mr. James", he said, "so good to meet you at last." Steve James smiled wanly. "Likewise", he said.

Principal Joy seated himself in his leather chair. "I must tell you, Mr. James", he began, "how happy we are to have Katie here at Madison Elementary." He beamed at the little girl, who squirmed under his gaze. "She is one of our best students in all of the fifth grade." Mr. James just smiled. The tension in his face was quite visible.

"I don't want to appear rude, Sir", said Principal Joy, "but we have just five minutes before the morning bell. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Steve shifted uneasily in the wooden chair. "Focus!", he said to himself. Clearing his throat he began. "It has come to our attention, Sir, that the school has recently adopted a policy of general prayer at morning assembly."

Principal Joy leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled. He had been expecting this visit. "As you may be aware, Mr. James, the Supreme Court recently overturned decades of religious oppression, and allowed for voluntary, student led prayer at publicly funded facilities."

Steve nodded slightly. "Yes Sir, I was aware of that. However, I thought that given the...", he paused, picking his way carefully through the verbal minefield, "uh, heterogeneous nature of the faiths represented at this school, that..." he trailed off, trying not to meet the Principal's unfaltering gaze.

Principal Joy's smile remained steady. "What do you mean, Sir?" he asked, knowing full well what the answer would be.

Steve shifted again, a sheen of sweat broke his forehead. "It's just that...we...that is, our family...do not share your faith." He gazed hopefully at the Principal.

There was a tense pause. "I see", said the Principal at last. "Mr. James", he continued, "as you are obviously aware, your particular worldview is not, uh, strongly represented in this community." Mr. James nodded weakly. "Now, your own choice of philosophy is, of course, your constitutional right, but you must remember that the majority of the inhabitants of this town belong to the same tradition." Steve nodded again. "Now, I ask you Mr. James, do you think it fair that we deny the majority of our students their right to religious expression, simply because you do not share their views?"

Steve marshaled his thoughts. "It's just that...it makes Katie feel uncomfortable..."

There was yet another pause as Principal Joy appeared to consider this. "I'm not sure I see why that should be, Mr. James. After all, I'm sure that God is pleased with any sincere prayer offered to Him, regardless of the faith of the adherent."

Without thinking, Steve blurted out "But we don't believe in your God!"

To his credit, Principal Joy's smile did not slip an inch. The only sign of his mounting annoyance was a tightening of the muscles around his jaws. "I really am sorry, Sir. Really I am. But you must remember that almost all our community does, indeed, believe in the One God." He softened. "However, I understand your dilemma. I will bring it up at the next board meeting, and perhaps we could make arrangements for Katie to sit out the morning prayer."

Miserably, Steve thought "Why not just tattoo 'unbeliever' on her forehead while you are at it." Aloud, he said "Thank you, Sir."

The Principal smiled wider. "Good. I'm glad that's settled. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to be at the morning assembly. Katie, you need to run along, too."

"Yes, Sir" said Katie. She stood up an leaned over her Father. "Don't worry, Daddy", she whispered. She pointed to her heart. "It's in here." Steve nodded and planted a kiss on his daughter's forehead.

Katie walked briskly down the brushed concrete hallway. Hurrying around the corner, she entered the main hall, and found a spot near the back. The morning prayer was about to begin. The leader this morning was Bill Johnson, again. Although the prayer leader was chosen by student vote every week, it somehow always seem to be Bill, the most popular boy in school.

Confidently, he strode up to the microphone. "Shall we begin?" he asked rhetorically.

There was a general susurration as the entire assembly got to their knees, and made a quarter turn clockwise. This was an old school building, and the hall was facing the wrong direction.

As she knelt, head close to the floor, Katie reached surreptitiously into the breast pocket of her red school jacket. She grasped the battered green Gideon's New Testament firmly in her hand as the prayer began.

"There is no God but Allah", intoned Bill, "and Mohammed is His Prophet."
