The history of aromatherapy

* Method which roots lying in the antiquity. It traces back more than 600 years. Since ancient Egyptians, Greek, Persians, romance and probably Chinese used to burn scented flowers and herbs and enjoy aromatic bath, massage and skin care for healing and cosmetic purpose.



* Aromatherapy is the inhalation and application of volatile essential oils from aromatic plants to restore or enhance health, beauty and well-being. The basic intention of Aromatherapy is to bring together the scientific achievements of man with his intuitive understanding for the treatment of illnesses with the most effective and useful natural essential oils. Conforming to the laws of nature, the principle of Aromatherapy is to strengthen the self-healing processes by preventative methods and indirect stimulation of the immune system. Their field of activity is quite wide, ranging from deep and penetrating therapeutic actions to the extreme subtlety of unique fragrance. Simply put, essential oils can be used to enhance health as well as the quality of life. Aromatherapy is an ancient yet timely and stunningly modern approach to total well-being that is in tune with nature


Properties of aromatherapy.

* Leave the body rather quickly(faster reaction)

* Leave no toxins in the body.

* The remaining of essential oils in the body is excreted in a foam of waste material (urine and faeces) and perspiration (sweating).e.g.: sandalwood-urine, garlic-perspiration.

* Take 6hours for the oils to leave the body.



Aromatherapy provides health and body care on a completely natural basis, and the subtle qualities of the oils lend themselves best to a gradual experience.



Therapeutic General properties of properties.

* Alterative-Ability to clean and purify blood.

* Emetic-induces vomiting

* Laxative-promotes bowel involvement.



Definition of essential oil.

*  Essential oils are the highly concentrated volatile extract of flowers herbs, grasses, shrubs and trees. These tiny droplets are present in particular glands, hairs or specific structures of the plant and contain some (but not all) of the active principles of the plant.Non-oily in texture, these highly concentrated substances are obtained by steam distillation, peel pressure, and solvent extraction methods. Only the utmost quality of essential oils should be used in aromatherapy.

How Do Essential Oils Work?

* Essential oils work in harmony with the body to normalize and balance. Essential oils are not only less toxic than synthetic antibiotics but also support life (eubiotic) by working with the body's own natural healing abilities (thru which the only true healing occurs). Certain oils, such as Roman chamomile, have cytophylactic (cell regeneration), antiseptic, and wound healing effects as well as anti-fungal and anti-inflammative properties making them the ultimate active principles for holistic natural skin-care.

What Are The Effects?
Oils can directly or indirectly affect the body's physiological systems. For instance, a couple of drops of peppermint taken orally can aid digestion and inhalations of mucolytic oils can relieve respiratory symptoms. Used topically for their antiseptic and soothing effects, essential oils can successfully treat minor skin conditions. In addition, because of the effect of relaxation on the brain and the subsequent sedating or stimulating of the nervous system, essential oils can also indirectly raise and lower blood pressure and possibly aid in normalization of hormonal secretion.

Because of olfaction's direct connection to the brain, sending electrical messages directly into the limbic system, essential oils can have effects on emotions and mental states. Perception of odors can have a major impact on memory, learning, emotions, thinking and feeling. As therapeutic agents essential oils work similarly to tranquilizers but in a subtle organic way. Most scents uplift spirits and calm the nervous system. For example, lavender is calming and sedative; basil, rosemary and peppermint are uplifting and stimulating; and jasmine and ylang-ylang are exciting or euphoric.

How Are Essential Oils Used?

*  Direct inhalation of the oils can have psycho- logical effects through olfactory links with the limbic system that can then stimulate or sedate body systems or organs. Inhalation is most useful for respiratory symptoms.


*   In addition, physiological effects are possible because this is the fastest route into the bloodstream As well; full-body massage is quite effective, providing relaxation as well as a physiological action through the nervous system.


*  Safety data is mandatory knowledge for anyone using essential oils on the skin, as many are irritating or sensitizing as well as photo-toxic.


* Aromatherapy provides health and body care on a completely natural basis, and the subtle qualities of the oils lend themselves best to a gradual experience. Money-wise, aromatherapy can cut your health care and cosmetic bills.


Examples of essential oils




                     lavender1                                    chamomile

                     Lavender                                         chamomile



                    rosemary                                     thymen                     

                     rosemary                                          thyme


                    peppermint                                    sandalwood

                   peppermint                                    sandalwood



                   jasmine                         bergamot

                           jasmine                                                   bergamot




Essential oil is so powerful and concentrated. They should never be applied to the skin in their undiluted form. Therefore, carrier oil is use to dilute it.


What is carrier oil?

-Base oils or vegetables oils used to dilute essential oils, CO2s and absolutes before applying to the skin.


Example of carrier oil

* Almond, sweet

* Apricot kernet

* Avocado

* Borage

* Cocoa butter

* Evening primrose

* Grape seed

* Hazelnut

* Jujuba

* Kukui


However, there are some essential oils which are hazardous. There are:

* Ajowan

* Almond, bitter

* Arnica

* Birch, sweet

* Beldo leaf

* Broom, spinach

* Calamus

* Camphor

* Deer tongue

* Melilotus



Methods of applying essential oil.


1.  By massage.

* Done with a partner or self massage.

* Creating your own massage oil-just dilute 10-20 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil.

* It’s ready to use.




     Benefit of aromatherapy massage:

* Relief stress and tension.

* Feeling of deep relaxation.

* Stimulated immune system.

* A calm and soothed mind.

* Improved blood and lymph circulation.

* Increased energy levels.

* A sense of well being

* Improves skin texture and looks younger.


2. by diffusion.

-    Diffusion is the process of dispersing essential oils so that their aroma fills a room or an area with the natural fragrance. From the simple to the elaborate, many different methods exist for diffusing oils into a room.


a)  Lamp rings


             lamps                      lamps 2

Lamp rings are a terra-cotta ring that sets directly onto a light bulb. It has a grooved lip that goes all the way around it. This lip holds essential oil. The heat from a light bulb heats the essential oil in the Lamp Ring and the oil is then gently diffused into the room.


Advantages: Lamp Rings are usually very inexpensive.


Disadvantages: If any essential oil gets onto the light bulb, the light bulb could break. The heat may alter or destroy certain constituents of the oils and thus the therapeutic benefit may not be as optimal as using cold-air diffusion methods


b)  Clay Pot Diffusers

* It can be found in various small shapes such as pyramids. A clay pot diffuser contains an opening for adding essential oils. Usually a cork is the method by which the opening is closed. The oils permeate through the pot and then diffuse out into the room. The intensity of the aroma depends on how much essential oil is added to the clay pot. 


Advantages: Clay pot diffusers are very inexpensive, easy to use, and do not require electricity or batteries.

Disadvantages: The aroma is strongest shortly after adding essential oil to the clay pot and then dissipates as time passes. As such, it’s hard to keep the same level of aroma in the room


c)  Candle Diffusers  




-A candle diffuser is a diffuser that utilizes a tea light or other candle to gently heat the essential oil to promote diffusion into a room. A candle diffuser is usually ceramic or metal. The diffuser has an opening or space for a candle and a little bowl or tray for storing a tiny quantity of essential oil. Candle diffusers come in many shapes and colors from the modest functional piece to the piece that acts both as a work of art and as a candle diffuser.

Advantages: Candle diffusers can be inexpensive, depending on the style and design. Candle diffusers do not require electricity or batteries.

Disadvantages: One needs to be as careful with using a candle diffuser as with using candles in general. Also, one must be sure to keep replacement candles on hand. The aroma generally diffused by a candle diffuser is very light and it does not usually diffuse an entire room. The heat may alter or destroy certain constituents of the oils and thus the therapeutic benefit may not be as optimal as using cold-air diffusion methods


d)   Fan Diffusers



* Fan diffusers come in a variety of sizes, shapes and styles. A fan diffuser uses a fan to blow the essential oils into the air. To use a fan diffuser, essential oils are usually placed onto a disposable absorbent pad or into a tray. The pad or tray is placed into the unit and then powered on. The fan then blows air across this pad or tray and carries the aroma throughout the room.


* Advantages: Fan diffusers are available in a wide variety of brands and styles. Depending on the brand and model, fan diffusers can fragrance a large area. Fan diffusers are generally easy to use. Some fan diffusers are powered by both electricity and batteries making them quite portable.


* Disadvantages: Some fan diffusers depending on the brand and model, require the purchase of replacement absorbent pads. Some fan diffusers are noisy.


e)  Electric Heat Diffusers 

       electricDiffusers              ROOM-MODEL-Diffuser                HOUSE-MODEL-DIFFUSER-256

Similar to a fan diffuser, heat diffusers use heat and a fan to gently heat the oil and disperse the aroma into a room.

* Advantages: Electric heat diffusers may fragrance larger areas, depending on the brand and style. They can also help to more efficiently disperse the aromas of thicker oils such as Sandalwood and Patchouli.


* Disadvantages: Heat may alter or destroy certain constituents of the oils and thus the therapeutic benefit may not be as optimal as using cold-air diffusion methods.


f)   Nebulizers



A nebulizer is a device that takes essential oils and breaks them into separate molecules before dispersing the smaller molecules into the room. It is said that these smaller molecules can be more readily absorbed by the lungs and thus create greater therapeutic value than by use of other diffusion methods. A nebulizer is a small (perhaps 8" x 4" x 6") device that consists of two main parts: the plastic base that contains the motor and a very unusual, clear blown-glass looking device that holds and "nebulizes" the oils. Instead of the use of the unusual glass piece, some nebulizers use a special bottle that looks like Boston round bottle...


* Advantages: It is said that nebulizers can supply greater therapeutic benefit than the use of other diffusers because they break the oils down into smaller molecules.


* Disadvantages: The glass piece is breakable and expensive to replace. Compared to other methods, cleaning the glass between different oils is time consuming. Depending on the style nebulizer, thick oils such as Sandalwood and Patchouli usually cannot be used as they can clog certain style nebulizers.


Method of extraction.



a.  Water distillation

      -boiling the plant material in water and capturing the resultant  

   Steam, considering it into water and essential oil then into two.


b.  Water steam Distillation

          -placing leaf material on a grill above hot water utilizing the steam from this to extract the essential oils.




Oils for emotional well-being

* Anger

- Bergamot, jasmine, neroli, orange, patchouli, petitgrain, roman chamomile, rose, vetiver, ylang ylang


* Anxiety

Bergamot, cedar wood, clarysage, frankincense, geranium, lavender, mandarin, patchouli, roman chamomile, rose, sandalwood, vetiver.



* Confidence

   -bay laurel, bergamot, cypress, grape fruit, jasmine, orange, rosemary.


* Depression

Bergamot, clarysage, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, helichrysum, jasmine, lavender, lemon, mandarin, neroli, orange, roman chamomile, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang



* Fatigue, exhaustion and burnout.

-basil, bergamot, black pepper, clary sage, cypress, frankincense, ginger, grapefruit, helichrysum, jasmine, lemon, patchouli, peppermint, rosemary, sandalwood, vetiver.


* Fear.

Bergamot, cedar wood, clarysage, frankincense, grapefruit, jasmine, lemon, neroli, orange, roman chamomile, sandalwood, vetiver.



* Grief

-cypress, frankincense, hellichrysum, neroli, rose, sandalwood, vetiver


* Happiness and peace

Bergamot, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, lemon, neroli, orange, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang



* Insecurity

-bergamot, cedarwood, frankincense, jasmine, sandalwood, vetiver.


* Irritability

-lavender, mandarin, neroli, roman chamomile, sandalwood


* Loneliness

-bergamot, clary sage, frankincense, helichrysum, roman chamomile, rose



* Memory and concentration

-basil, black pepper, cypress, hyssop, lemon, peppermint, rosemary


* Panic and panic attacks

-frankincense, helichrysum, lavender, neroli, rose



* Stress

-benzoin, bergamot, clary sage, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, mandarin, neroli, patchouli, roman chamomile, rose, sandalwood, vetiver, ylangylang