January 17, 2001 (Wednesday)

We did a great job last night in the office - we've completed the whole process to send total 50 cartons of red-packet to customers. You can't imagine that we just received those 50 cartons red-packet on Monday morning. We used only 2 days to complete the whole process. It's magic!! Thanks for the great help from Peter and Wo. You both make me work more easier and smoother. I remember last year, I did the whole process by my own..... um.... so poor and so lonely..... worked hard and hard till midnight..... Littlears feels much better this year! (^_^)

I feel quite happy and relax today, it may due to the great pressure on sending red-packet to customer has been solved. Today, I could spare my working hours to do those outstanding task. My "To-Do" list became shorter now. Hope I could complete all outstanding task before the Chinese New Year holiday, then I could have a happy holiday with unnecessary concerns..... hehe..... I hope so.

We went to Super Jupiter in Tsimshatsui in lunch hour today. Wow! Littlears got 2 new precious Hello Kitty doll. Remember to click the doll icon at the top of this page, then you could share my happiness..... they are so cute and precious.... really! Ah! from now on, once you see the "DOLL" icon at the top, that means Littlears has new item. Just click on it, then you could see the latest Hello Kitty news on my own Paradise!

Just have dinner with Wo in the Pizza Hut near to my home. Oh! Littlears is really full now..... hehe.... I ate too much!


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