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Is JESUS "Michael The Archangel"?

What do the Scriptures reveal about 'MICHAEL' ?
SCRIPTURE (in 5 verses) only reveals 12 Facts about Michael the Archangel.

Anything & everything else is SPECULATION, SUPPOSITION & CONJECTURE !!!

According to the HEBREW Scriptures, MICHAEL :
1 is "ONE OF (echad) the foremost (rishown) princes (sar)". Dan. 10:13
2 "came to help" another angel. Dan. 10:13
3 is "the prince (sar) of you people". Dan. 10:21
4 is "the great (gadowl) prince (sar)". Dan. 12:1
5 "during that time... will stand up (amad)".. Dan. 12:1
6 "is standing (amad) in behalf of the sons of your people". Dan. 12:1
According to the GREEK Scriptures, MICHAEL :
7 is an "archangel". Jude 9
8 "had a difference with the Devil & was disputing about Moses' body". Jude 9
9 "did not dare to bring a judgment against him in abusive terms". Jude 9
10 "said: 'May Jehovah rebuke you.'" Jude 9
11 was there when "war broke out in heaven". Rev. 12:7
12 "& his angels battled with the dragon... & its angels" & won. Rev. 12:7
There's not one Scripture fact to support the notion that Michael is Jesus.


ECHAD (Strong's #259) -- found 950x -- for example:
Gen. 3:22 Here the man has become like ONE OF US
Gen. 22:2 offer him up as a burnt offering on ONE OF the mountains
Gen. 42:19 let ONE OF your (11) brothers be kept bound in your house of custody, but let the rest of you go
2Kings 17:27 Have ONE OF the priests go there
Psalm 82:7 like any ONE OF the princes (sar) you will fall
Dan. 10:13 MICHAEL, ONE OF the foremost princes (sar)

ECHAD equals the numeral ONE.
It does not mean THE ONLY ONE.

According to Scripture, "Michael" is - JUST - ONE OF the foremost princes.


RISHOWN (Strong's #7223) -- found 180x -- for example:
Gen. 25:25 Then the FIRST came out... so they called his name Esau
Gen. 33:2 he put the maidservants & their children FOREMOST & Leah

& her children after them & Rachel & Joseph to the rear of them

Dan. 10:4 on the twenty-fourth day of the FIRST month
Dan. 10:12 Do not be afraid, O Daniel, for from the FIRST day
Dan. 10:13 MICHAEL, ONE OF the FOREMOST princes

RISHOWN primarily means FIRST in time.
It does not necessarily mean more significant.

According to Scripture, "Michael" is - JUST - ONE OF the FOREMOST princes.


GADOWL (Strong's #1419) -- found 529x -- for example:
Gen. 1:16 God proceeded to make the two GREAT luminaries
Gen. 21:8 Abraham then prepared a BIG feast on the day
Esther 8:15 As for Mordecai, he went forth... with a GREAT crown of gold
Dan. 10:1 there was a GREAT military service
Dan. 10:4 I myself happened to be on the bank of the GREAT river
Dan. 10:7 there was GREAT trembling
Dan. 12:1 MICHAEL, will stand up, the GREAT prince

GADOWL means GREAT in size or power.
It does not mean THE GREATEST.

According to Scripture, "Michael" is - JUST - ONE OF the first GREAT princes.


SAR (Strong's #8269) -- found 414x -- for example:
Gen. 12:15 the PRINCES of Pharaoh also got to see her
Deut. 1:15 So I took the heads of your tribes, men wise & experienced, & put them as heads over you,

CHIEFS of thousands & CHIEFS of hundreds & CHIEFS of fifties & CHIEFS of tens

Dan. 10:13 the PRINCE of the royal realm of Persia
Dan. 10:13 MICHAEL, one of the foremost PRINCES
Dan. 10:21 MICHAEL, the PRINCE of you people
Dan. 12:1 MICHAEL will stand up, the great PRINCE

SAR means a HEAD person of any rank or class.
It does not necessarily mean THE HEAD.

According to Scripture, "Michael" is - JUST - ONE OF the first, great HEAD angels.


AMAD (Strong's #5975) -- found 189x (in the same form) -- for example:
Gen. 43:15 they rose & went their way down to Egypt & got to STAND before Joseph
Lev. 9:5 the whole assembly came near & STOOD before Jehovah
1Kings 1:28 (Bathsheba) came in... & STOOD before the king
Esther 8:4 Esther rose & STOOD before the king
Dan. 1:5 at the end of these they might STAND before the king
Dan. 1:19 (Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael & Azariah) continued to STAND before the king
Dan. 2:2 (priests, conjurers, sorcerers, Chaldeans) proceeded to come in & to STAND before the king
Dan. 12:1 Michael will STAND up, the great prince who is STANDING in behalf of the sons of you people

AMAD means to STAND in a formal manner & WAIT.
It does not mean to take up power & reign as king.
(If it did, the people in the above examples would have their heads cut off
-- by the reigning king they were STANDING in front of !!!)

According to (time-appropriate) Scripture,
"Michael" will STAND & is STANDING -- waiting -- not begin reigning.

What is the WT's view about 'MICHAEL' ?

Aid to Bible Understanding (p.1152) & INSIGHT (p.393) state that JESUS is MICHAEL The ARCHANGEL.
  • Scriptural evidence INDICATES that the name Michael applied to God's Son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ & also after his return. (para. 2)
  • "... Lord Jesus Christ... SUGGESTING that he is, in fact, himself the archangel." (para. 2)
  • "There are also other CORRESPONDENCIES establishing that Michael is actually the Son of God." (para. 3)
  • "... Jesus.... He also HAD the personal name Michael." (para. 5)
  • "His RESUMING his heavenly name Michael...." (para. 5)

What is the BASIS for the WT's view ?

(Remember: This is a TEST of a 'view' - not an attack on the WT.)

Trying to turn the LORD JESUS CHRIST (before whom EVERY knee shall bow - Phil. 2:10,11; Heb. 1:6)
into Michael the Archangel
(before whom NO ONE should bow - Rev. 22:8,9)
has significant implications.

The WT's case is extremely weak & based on SUPPOSITION & CONJECTURE !

Is it lack of Scriptural evidence, or poor research / documentation, or deliberate twisting ?

Review the 12 facts above & the following 26 Conjectures & decide for yourself.

{CONJECTURE #1: "he is PRESUMED TO BE the angel that led Israel through the wilderness." - Aid p.77 -- Angel}
{CONJECTURE #2: "The prefix arch, meaning 'chief' or 'principal,' WOULD SEEM TO IMPLY that there is only one archangel, the chief or head of the angelic host;" - Aid p.114 -- Archangel}
{CONJECTURE #3: "The angel who guided Israel through the wilderness & who voice the Israelites were strictly to obey because 'Jehovah's name was within him,' MAY THEREFORE HAVE BEEN God's Son, the Word." - Aid p.918 -- Jesus Christ}
{CONJECTURE #4 & 5: "It is REASONABLE TO THINK he used the Word as his angelic mouthpiece.... Since the angel that guided the Israelites through the wilderness had 'Jehovah's name within him,' he MAY HAVE BEEN God's Son, the Word." - Aid p.1669 -- Word, The}
Why is the WT's view based on so much CONJECTURE ?


The WT article on "Michael" contains 5 paragraphs (labeled by me as A, B, C, D & E).

All major points & many phrases are, in fact, CONJECTURES.

Aid (p.1152) & INSIGHT (p.393) -- Michael (Mi'cha-el) [Who is like God?]


The only holy angel other than Gabriel named in the Bible, & the only one called "archangel." (Jude 9) The first occurrence of the name is in the tenth chapter of Daniel, where Michael is described as "one of the foremost princes" that came to the aid of a lesser angel who was opposed by the "prince of the royal realm of Persia." Michael was called "the prince of [Daniel's] people," "the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of [Daniel's] people." (Dan. 10:13, 20, 21; 12:1) THIS POINTS TO Michael as the angel who led the Israelites through the wilderness. (Ex. 23:20, 21, 23; 32:34; 33:2) LENDING SUPPORT TO THIS CONCLUSION is the fact that "Michael the archangel had a difference with the Devil & was disputing about Moses' body." -- Jude 9.

{CONJECTURE #6: "This points to Michael" is the main point in this paragraph & is labeled "PRESUMPTION" by page 77 in the same book which reads: "he is PRESUMED TO BE the angel that led Israel through the wilderness." (Aid p.77 -- Angel)}

{CONJECTURE #7: "Lending support" is a conjecture, to support a conjecture labeled "presumption" (see #6 above).}



Scriptural evidence indicates that the name Michael applied to God's Son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ & also after his return. Michael is the only one said to be the "archangel," meaning "chief angel" or "principal angel." The term occurs in the Bible only in the singular. THIS SEEMS TO IMPLY that there is but one whom God has designated chief or head of the angelic host. At 1 Thessalonians 4:16 the voice of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is described as being that of an archangel, SUGGESTING that he is, IN FACT, himself the archangel. This text depicts him as descending from heaven with a "commanding call." IT IS ONLY LOGICAL, therefore, that the voice expressing this commanding call be described by a word that would not diminish or detract from the great authority that Christ Jesus now has as King of kings & Lord of lords. (Matt. 28:18; Rev. 17:14) IF the designation "archangel" applied, not to Jesus Christ, but to other angels, then the reference to an "archangel's voice" would not be appropriate. IN THAT CASE it would be describing a voice of lesser authority than that of the Son of God.

{CONJECTURE #8: "the name Michael applied to God's Son BEFORE he left heaven to become Jesus Christ". Where is the chapter & verse evidence?}

{CONJECTURE #9: "the name Michael applied to God's Son... also AFTER his return". Where is the chapter & verse evidence?}

{CONJECTURE #10: "This seems to imply there is BUT ONE" is contradicted by Scripture. Daniel 10:13 clearly states that Michael is just "ONE OF the foremost princes".}

{CONJECTURE #11: "SUGGESTING that he is, IN FACT, himself the archangel." Regardless of who says it, the words "suggesting... in fact" are incompatible. A police uniform may suggest that the person wearing it is a police officer, but in fact, the person may be a FRAUD!}

{CONJECTURE #12: "IT IS ONLY LOGICAL, therefore, is more conjecture.}

{CONJECTURE #13: "IF the designation "archangel" applied, not to Jesus Christ, but to other angels, then the reference to an "archangel's voice" would not be appropriate. The Kingdom Interlinear at 1Thess. 4:16 literally reads: "Because very (one) THE LORD in command, IN VOICE of ARCHANGEL & IN TRUMPET of GOD, HE will come down...."

  • If JESUS is the ARCHANGEL, then He is the TRUMPET.
  • KINGS don't ANNOUNCE or TRUMPET themselves. Those duties are assigned to others !!!}

{CONJECTURE #14: "IN THAT CASE it would be describing a voice of lesser authority than that of the Son of God. See #13 above.}



There are also OTHER CORRESPONDENCIES establishing that Michael is actually the Son of God. Daniel, after making the first reference to Michael (10:13), recorded a long-range prophecy reaching down to "the time of the end" (11:40), & then stated: "And during that time Michael will stand up" (12:1), THAT IS, will take up power or begin to reign as king. (Compare Daniel 8:22, 23; 11:2, 3, 7, 20, 21.) THIS IMPLIES that a period of being seated preceded his standing up as king. IN AGREEMENT THEREWITH Hebrews 10:12, 13 says regarding Christ Jesus: "This man offered one sacrifice for sins perpetually & sat down at the right hand of God, from then on awaiting until his enemies should be placed as a stool for his feet." Michael's standing up was to lead to a "time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time." -- Dan. 12:1.

{CONJECTURE #15: "There are also OTHER correspondencies" is the extremely desperate conjecture that because Jesus SAT DOWN (Heb. 10:12), HE IS Michael who STOOD UP (Dan. 12:1).}

{CONJECTURE #16: "THAT IS will take up power or begin to reign as king" is a giant leap of conjecture that because Michael STOOD UP, that means he stood up "as KING".}

{CONJECTURE #17: "This implies that a period of being seated preceded his standing up" is obviously true. BUT it is DOUBLE-BARREL CONJECTURE to conclude that because Michael stood up:

  • he stood up "AS KING"
  • that implies he is Jesus the KING of kings. Two giant leaps of conjecture.}

{CONJECTURE #18: "In agreement therewith" is conjecture, offered to support conjecture.}



The book of Revelation (12:7, 10, 12) MENTIONS Michael in connection with the establishment of God's kingdom & LINKS this event with trouble for the earth: "And war broke out in heaven: Michael & his angels battled with the dragon, & the dragon & its angels battled. And I heard a loud voice in heaven say: 'Now have come to pass the salvation & the power & the kingdom of our God & the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, . . . On this account be glad, you heaven's & you who reside in them! Woe for the earth & for the sea.' " Jesus Christ is later depicted as leading the heavenly armies in war against the nations of the earth. (Rev. 19:11-16) THIS WOULD MEAN a period of distress for them, WHICH WOULD LOGICALLY BE included in the "time of distress" to follow Michael's standing up. (Dan. 12:1) Since the Son of God is to fight the nations, IT IS ONLY REASONABLE that he was the one who with his angels earlier battled against the superhuman dragon, Satan the Devil, & his angels.

{CONJECTURE #19, 20, 21, 22: "mentions... & links... this would mean... which would logically be... it is only reasonable that" is conjecture, after conjecture, after conjecture, after conjecture.}



In his prehuman existence Jesus was called "the Word." (John 1:1) He also had the personal name Michael. By retaining the name Jesus after his resurrection (Acts 9:5), the "Word" shows that he is identical with the Son of God on earth. His resuming his heavenly name Michael & his title (or, name) "The Word of God" (Rev. 19:13) TIES HIM IN with his prehuman existence. The very name Michael, asking as it does, "Who is like God?", POINTS TO the fact that Jehovah God is without like or equal & that Michael his archangel is his great Champion or Vindicator.

{CONJECTURE #23, 24 & 25: "He also HAD the personal name Michael... his RESUMING his heavenly name Michael... TIES HIM IN with his prehuman existence" is conjecture & blatant circular reasoning.}

{CONJECTURE #26: "POINTS TO" implies that the meaning of Michael's name links him to Jesus. This is just more conjecture.}



Q - How do you know this fossil is millions of years old?

A - Because the rock strata is millions of years old.

Q - How do you know the rock strata is millions of years old?

A - Because the fossils found in it are millions of years old.

Q - How do you know Jesus was CALLED 'Michael' in his prehuman existence?

A - Because he RESUMED that name in his posthuman existence.

Q - How do you know Jesus RESUMED the name 'Michael' in his posthuman existence?

A - Because he was CALLED 'Michael' in his prehuman existence.


Q - Do the Scriptures ever say Jesus was CALLED 'Michael' in his prehuman existence?

A - NO!

Q - Do the Scriptures ever say Jesus RESUMED the name 'Michael' in his posthuman existence.

A - NO!


Q - Does the WT's teaching on 'Michael' pass the TEST of AGREEMENT with the Scriptures ?

A - NO! 26 documented instances of SUPPOSITION & CONJECTURE = a failure to pass the test !

This is very troublesome in view of the following quotes from the FOREWORD of Aid To Bible Understanding.
"The principal authority on which ALL THE ARTICLES are based is THE BIBLE ITSELF. It is in this respect that this work differs from other publications of a similar kind."
  • The article on 'Michael' is, in fact, based on supposition & conjecture.
"With very few exceptions, the SUBJECT contained are words & expressions FOUND IN THE BIBLE."
  • But those words & expressions are linked by supposition & conjecture.
"CARE was EXERCISED to evaluate properly the VIEWS ADVANCED & the CONCLUSIONS DRAWN by secular researchers & other scholars, in this way DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN mere THEORY & clear FACT."
  • Care wasn't exercised to distinguish between mere theory & clear fact re: 'Michael'.
"The editors of this volume thus were not influenced solely by what is simply the presently 'popular view' among lexicographers, archaeologists, & religious commentators, especially since such popular views OFTEN FAIL to HARMONIZE with the BIBLE ACCOUNT."
  • The article on 'Michael' fails to harmonize with the Bible account.
"We believe the reader will find the information presented to be both FACTUAL & thought-provoking."
  • Thought-provoking - yes.
  • Factual - (in reference to the article on 'Michael') no.
"In our CONCERN for RELIABILITY we have also been CAREFUL to SIFT OUT what is often presented as archaeological evidence supporting the Bible but which HAS ONLY a SUPERFICIAL APPEARANCE of support & in REALITY presents NO SOLID CLAIM to any relationship WITH the BIBLE."
  • Trying to make Jesus into 'Michael' does not have Scriptural support.
"By such a balanced approach to matters we have endeavored to 'keep holding the pattern of healthful words,' STAYING TRUE to the BIBLE FACTS while taking into account other sources of information. (2 Tim. 1:13)"
  • None of the 12 Bible Facts suggests JESUS is 'Michael'.
  • The Bible Record itself wasn't applied to the article on 'Michael'.

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