Co-creation & Preservation

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and relax. Mw imagine that there are two very specific energies in you at all times. One is the urge to co-create something new and the other is the urge to preserve something that is precious to you. Allow yourself to sit with both of those energies. Just see that they are both at work in your life right now.
Let’s travel down the road that the preservational energies live on. Allow yourself to just casually  glance around and see all the things that these energies long to preserve. Things that your mental body thinks need to be preserved. Things that your emotional body feels needs to be preserved. Things that your physical body senses need to be preserved.
Let yourself be in your preservational energy. Just be there with it and feel what it feels, think what it thinks, see what it sees. We are just exploring now. You are not going to be locked into any of this, you are just hanging out with it, just looking at it, just being with it. You are on a fact finding mission.

Take a deep breath. Relax your focus and at your own speed return to normal consciousness and open your eyes. Can I use your watch? Find a partner and after you find a partner you are going to sit and spend two minutes apiece, telling each other all the things that you experienced while exploring your preservational energies. What did you see that that energy wanted to preserve mentally, emotionally and physically? You are each going to get two minutes apiece to talk. If you run out after a minute, keep doing it because it brings the information up to conscious level which you don’t usually do. This is an exercise to bring things to consciousness. Are you all ready? Begin.

PARTICIPANTS: (Having discussions)

ALARIUS: OK, stop there please. We want to hear about it now. Only, when you tell us about it, try a little experiment. We heard several of you talking and what we asked you to do was to tell each other what the preservational energy in you wished to preserve. When we heard you talk (in most cases) it was, ‘I want to preserve this’. Which is different than, ‘the preservational energies in me want to preserve this’. Do you see the difference? In the latter there is psychological distance between you and the preservational urge. You are not identifying it as yourself wanting. You are seeing it as a preservational urge wanting.
Allow yourself thai distance and share with us again what you got out of the experience. What you saw those preservational energies and urges in you wanting to maintain or preserve. Who wants to go first?

PARTICIPANT: The preservational energies in me would like to maintain familiarity. The preservational energies think that it is important to maintain a reputation and reliability to others. Not only to others but in relationships Another urge is to know my way around The familiarity looks safe to me, knowing where things are.

ALARIUS: To know where the grocery store is. Maybe not survival. The  reason that we are using the words ‘preservational urge’ is w~ are looking0-9-9-9 to allow and support anew inner relationship. We could have said ‘survival; urge’. But we didn’t. We said the desire to preserve something that precious to you. Survival maybe one of those things. Survival has become such an overused metaphysical term that we want to find a new way describe urges that are natural to your wholeness. Survival urges are n considered to be almost bad things about you. We don’t want to have U have any flavor of these being bad things about you. These are just natural urges in your wholeness. They are good things. It is good to have the in to preserve something, don’t you think?
Well, let’s start from a place where we are more likely to be able to Ic our wholeness. Currently, you are less likely to like about yourself that you have the urge to survive, and that you have all your dysfunctional pictures of reality. They become new ways of saying bad and wrong. We have to find another way to say the same thing, that can transcend your immediate tendency to label things about yourself as bad and wrong. Your wholeness is beautiful and exquisite. In terms of simple efficiency, it is just more efficient to love your wholeness, because that is all you get. You don’t really get anything other than what you have, what your experiences allow you. There are urges in you that wish to preserve some things. You get that as well as the urge to co­create something. If you have anything left to say, let’s continue with it from the viewpoint that the preservational urges are something that is right about you.

PARTICIPANT: Another preservatwnal urge I have is to continue making a certain amount of money. That urge is directing me to stay and do what I have been doing. Those are the main ones.

ALARIUS: So now we know a little more about your wholeness and so do you. Thank you. And you? [indicating the next participant]

PARTICIPANT: The preservational urges within me right now are all focused on physical things-- starting with my body and then my car and my home, all the stuff that I have. My brother found out that l was planning on driving into Mexico alone and it just brought out all kinds of fear issues. Probably preservational urges came up. That is a big thing for me right now.

ALARIUS: Very good. Thank you. Has this been helpful for you to see more of your wholeness? Can you see these things now without making them wrong about yourself?

PARTICIPANT: It is part of who lam.

ALARIUS: It is part of the wholeness of your life experience at this time. In simple efficiency, it is worthy of your love. If you love something you are more likely to openly explore it and find out what it has to offer you than if you don’t love it. What is going on inside of you now? Have you spent some time trying to correct yourself?

PARTICIPANT: Yes, the self-image of being fearless is a big one for me. All of a sudden lam not feeling it. I have been rejecting it.

ALARIUS: Isn’t that wonderful? You are allowing more of your wholeness now. It is OK to be afraid. You will not be denied the co-creation of Heaven on Earth because you are afraid. It is a part of the wholeness of your experience of being in the third dimension. In the reality that you have lived in, in the pictures of reality of the beings that you have lived around, there is cause for fear. Because of those versions of the way that life is, fear is logical. It makes sense because if there is danger and harm, fear is your friend. It tells you when to duck. It tells you when to leave. It tells you when to avoid. But if you live in a reality where there is no harm, punishment, or danger, you can live without fear.

PARTICIPANT: As long as I choose to live in this three-dimensional world, there is going to be cause or reason. Is that what you are saying?

ALARIUS: There are other beings like these here (Zavi and Ziva) who live in the third dimension without any real cause for fear, because there is no enemy or danger or harm in their reality. There is no punishment in their version of the way that life is. Every being on this planet has a different version of the way that life is. Most of the beings on this planet have an enemy in their version of the way that life is. Most beings’ pictures of reality include harm and punishment. Therefore, for those beings, not to have fear would not be good. But you may be here to rewrite history. You may be here to generate a new version of the way that life is.

Everything that exists
within the world of form
has the urge to co-create
something higher
and to simultaneously
preserve something.
It Is natural.
It is organic.
It Is energetic.
It Is part of
the dynamic flow
of energies
In the Universe.

Once it is manifested, it will no longer be logical to be fearful. Then fear may not be apart of the wholeness of your experience at that time.

PARTICIPANT: But, I need to know it in order to let it go.

ALARIUS: We don’t know that for sure, do we?

PARTICIPANT: We don’t know anything for sure at this point.

ALARIUS: So we are entering a dimension of uncertainty now. We are looking at your preservational urges and we are loving the wholeness of who you are, and the wholeness of your experience at this time. Recognizing thai all could change, but this is what it is now. Yo are who you are. You have experienced what you have experienced. From our viewpoint it is a worthy of love. There is nothing about youths is not worthy of love. Nothing about your experiences that is not worthy of love. Fortunately you do not have to like things to love then Fortunately, loving things does not make then written in stone and blood. It does not set them i cement. Loving things often allows for them t transform into something else. So you are be in transformed by the fact that you are in the presence of someone who loves your wholeness even if you cannot do that yourself yet. Being in the presence of one who does makes you very aware of where you don’t. You can either love that or not. But even that is part of the wholeness of your experience.
Is this helpful for any of you? You have you preservational urges. They are OK. You have your insecurities and fears. They are OK. They are current companions on your joumey. So how about your preservational urges? [indicating the next participant]

PARTICIPANT: I had trouble getting in touch with specifics, except for my kids. The preservational0 urge would like to keep the relationship. Beyond that there is a big chunk of fear sitting there. I did not see anything, hear anything. I was thinking of things as you were talking and it came to me that the fear is that I am going to leave this urge behind

ALARIUS: The urge to preserve?


ALARIUS: So your preservational urge has an urge to preserve itself.


ALARIUS: It will be preserved. It will continue with you, but it may have something else that it wants to preserve. These beings (Zavi and Ziva) have preservational urges. At all costs they will do whatever it takes to preserve their relationship with their own Divinity. Everything that exists within the world of form has the urge to co-create something higher and to preserve something. It is natural. It is organic. It is energetic. It is part of the dynamic flow of energies in the Universe. If there was no urge to preserve, there could not be any constancy inform. If there was no urge to evolve to higher possibilities co-creatively, there would be no change.
Have you noticed that if things remain the same long enough, you want them to change? Have you noticed that if things change too much, you want them to stay the same for a while? Welcome to the ebb and flow of energy and consciousness. Sometimes the preservational urge becomes dominant, other times the co­creative, evolutionary urge becomes dominant. They switch back and forth. It is a movement in consciousness. The only thing that has been going on with you guys that we can see is that when you go into your preservational urges you make yourself wrong. Sometimes when you go into your co-creative urges, you make yourself wrong.

ZIVA: Well, there always seems to be an automatic assumption made that if you go into the co-creative urges, that means you are going to lose something that is precious to you. Where might that assumption come from?

ALARIUS: Preservational urges. We don’t have dinosaurs anymore, but then, they were never too precious to you, right? How about you, were they really precious to you? But it seems so funny that what was the dominant life form of one age that was evolved out of becomes the most precious commodity of another dominant species that is about to end. Fossil fuels, dinosaurs. Have you noticed how precious the dinosaurs are to the current species? They use them to run their machines.

ZIVA: It is funny because even the big rage with kids right now is dinosaurs.

ALARIUS: These are clues that you are inhabiting dinosaur bodies; that you are in a dinosaur civilization. You see beings that are doing a lot of stuff right now to do things to save the planet, don’t you? What do you think their chances are? Are they going to be able to pull it off? Is the evolutionary urge greater now than the preservational urges? Both urges are very strong right now. The end result of that is that some people are going to ride the wave of the co­creative, evolutionary urge and have a heck of a wonderful time co-creating Heaven on Earth, and the others are going to have their fingernails ripped out as they are trying to hold on to the current decaying civilization that they are trying to preserve. Because the wave is sweeping everybody. If you are making preservation the most important thing, it will be a very terrible time for you.

ZIVA: Because the assumption by the people who are into the preservationist urge right now is that everything that is precious to them will be taken away, with nothing to replace it.

ALARIUS: We see the something that is going to replace it as something that is even more beautiful. They, however, do not.

PARTICIPANT: No, they think their kids are going to grow up in a wasteland.

ALARIUS: They think their kids are not going to grow up. They think it is the end of life as we know it. Life as you guys know it, isn’t that great. I don’t know why you would want to preserve it. It just isn’t that great. But the preservational urge is there. It needs to be acknowledged and loved. It needs to be allowed and then maybe gently redirected. If you try to override it, it will undermine you and screw you up.
It is saying, “Evolve on your own time. I have some work to do here and that is to preserve this stuff. And you are messing with what I think is important. So I will mess with what you think is important.” The next thing you know, you have a little war going on inside yourself between the evolutionary, co-creative urges and the preservational urges. You are getting torn apart inside because both urges are so strong. That is why we think it is very useful and a simple efficiency move to love your wholeness. That way, no war inside. Everybody

 Those preservatlonal urges
will switch their allegiance
to whatever they see
Is the best way to care
and provide for you.
I In a moment, they will
switch their allegiance,
always based upon
what you relate to
as the way that life Is.

is getting along. Everybody can figure out how to work together. OK, so you want to preserve this. Let’s see how we can include that in our evolutionary vision. Certain types of relationships you want. Well, it is not cool to say that you have to have a relationship with this person. But would you like to have that quality of relationship with people like that in your evolutionary co-created vision? OK, then maybe the Universe will rearrange itself to accommodate you. It might be your kids. If not, it will be somebody that is just as neat as your kids. Somebody you love just as much and have just as much fun with. And your preservational urge will be satisfied because it did not lose anything. That quality of relationship is precious to you. At a real basic level, who they are probably isn’t, but because that is the only place where you have had that quality of relationship, your preservational urge says, “Hey, I ain’t letting’ go of these people because I can’t have this with anyone else. This is where it is”. Not taking into consideration that there are billions of people on this planet that the Universe could rearrange itself to accommodate you having in your life, including your kids. But we have to enter a larger, evolutionary, more co­reative way that it is to find that out. So that leaves you where you have to take a risk, a leap of Faith.
See, when you go back to your homes, in many situations the preservational energies are stronger there than they are here for you. So while you are here you are more open to the co­creative urge. When you go back home though, you may think, ‘That was kind of dream-like. I don’t know if that was real. What’s real is all these things I need to preserve.
The two of you have been on a road trip, right. So your life has probably been less preservational lately. The more you are around and things that are familiar to you, the more the preservational urge begins to dominate your energy fields, your thoughts, feelings, and body. Then, in away, that begins to feel like a regressive experience and then you have to go back out and break away from those preservational urges again. Pretty soon you get bored with that. You say, “Forget this! I did this six times already. Maybe I will just go someplace where the preservational urges won’t settle back in so quickly or easily.” That is why people end up leaving their families and friends and homes and all of that because finally the co-creative urge is stronger than the preservational urge. Or they get tired of having to work their way out of their preservational urges and eventually they just don’t go back. They go forward.
Isn’t preservational energy just wonderful? Can’t you just soak in it for a while? There is something in me that really cares about me. There is something in me that really, really cares about  what I care about. There is something in me that really wants everything to be right for me the preservational urges. It really, really, really wants things to be right for you. based on your current version of the way that life is. It is doing its best to care for you and to help things be right for you.
In your current reality, the job that you have is the only way to get money anymore. If that is the way that life is, and that is the only way that life is going to be, then you need to stay there. And your preservational urges will do the best they can to help you stay there. If there is another possible version of the way that life is, all the resources can be there, and you don’t have to be at that job. Those preservational urges will switch their allegiance to whatever they see is the best way to care and provide for you. In a moment, they will switch their allegiance, always based what you relate to as the way that it is. That “where they will do the best they can to preserve chose things that will allow you to maintain your existence in the higher possible ways that it can see.
Imagine a person who loves intensity and drama in their life. In their current version of life there is no way to get those things in a positive way. The preservational urges will make sure they have horrible stuff happening in their life in order to preserve their longing and need for intensity and drama. If that same person were to live in a reality where all of that intensity and drama could be fulfilled in positive and loving ways, the preservational urges could switch allegiance instantly.
So the preservational urges are a natural part of who you are and are doing their best based upon your version of the way that life is. Every one of you in this room have a different version of the way that life is. And have had different versions than the one you have now and will have different versions than the one you have now, which means that your current version of the way that life is obviously is not the way that life is. It is just your current version of your need to have aversion of the way chat life is. Which will never be the way that life is, but the Universe will rearrange itself to accommodate it as if that is the way that life is. Did you follow all of that? So you always have some current version of the way that life is, which is not the way that life is, and that is the way that life is.

PARTICIPANT: The preservation urge can’t figure that out, though.

ALARIUS: Your preservational urge only operates within the context of the version of the way that life is that you are currently engaged in. That is its limitation. It cannot go outside of that. Your evolutionary, co-creative urges can go beyond your current version of the way that life is, otherwise you would not evolve into higher versions of the way that life is. So your co-creative, evolutionary urge here means that you are now doing the best you can to get a new version of the way that life is. Your preservational urge will then find (within the context of the new version of the way that life is) ways to care for you and provide for you.
So how does one generate a version of the way that life is? How did you get the one you have now? [Atari us begins to sing] “Tell me a story, tell me a story, tell me a story before I go to bed. Tell me about the birds and bees, tell me how the chickens sneeze. Tell me a story before I go to bed.”

PARTICIPANT: All of our stories about our experiences contribute to our picture.

ALARIUS: And everybody’s story that you have heard, that you agreed with, becomes a part of your version of the way that life is. ‘This world’s a dangerous place, you should carry a gun! They’ll steal your car, steal your life, man. You’ve got to carry a gun and be careful! I tell you, it’s bad down there, don’t take any more money than you have to.” If you sit there and nod your head, then it becomes part of your version of the way that life is. If you agree with someone else’s picture of reality it becomes an element of yours.
Now think of all the millions of pictures of reality that you have agreed with. You watch them on TV, you hear them in love songs on the radio, you talk with other people. They tell you the way that it is and you say, “yep, that is the way that it is.” And you have a composite of millions of little bits of information that you’ve acknowledged and agreed with, accepted and allowed as the way that it is. Almost every bit of your current version of the way that it is, was evoked by something outside of you. So you have this magnificent, mosaic, composite something that is your version of the way that life is. That, too, is a part of your wholeness now. It is a part of the wholeness of your experience. It is made up of a lot of different stories. Have not you heard a lot of different stories? Didn’t mom tell you stories about the way that life is, and dad tell you stories about the way that life is? And didn’t your friends tell you stories about the way that life is? And whatever religious figures in your life, did they tell you stories about the way that life is? And teachers, didn’t they tell you stories about the way that life is? Political leaders will tell you stories about the way that life is.

PARTICIPANT: The news comes on every night and tells you the way that life is.  **

Synergy Dimensions