Compressed  Time
When you begin to engage with spirit in any particular endeavor of manifestation, there is a particular configuration of energy set up from the other dimensions to fulfill that manifestation. Within that configuration of energy there is a firing sequence of actions to take that eventually lead to the actual manifestation. The firing sequence is a series of actions that follow each other in a specific order.
When there are two or more people. each person has to perceive e which action is their next action. If one person hasn’t taken their next action, the other person has to wait until they do because nothing can be done out of sequence. One may be psychic enough to see something coming up and try to do it out of sequence from personal will rather than because its actually next. This is an inefficient thing to do because it will just have to be done over when its sequentially next.
If one person misses their “mark” in a sequence. whatever is beyond that can’t be done until the previous action is taken by the person who is designated by Spirit to take it. One of the things that’s important to know’ is that within a configurational firing sequence. there are windows of opportunity for each action to be taken. If something is next and someone holds off for whatever reason, and doesn’t do xvhat their spirit directs them to do for a couple of days, or weeks, or months, the window of opportunity is usually missed. If that happens. the entire configuration has to be scrapped. The whole operation has to be started over. A new configuration of energy’ needs to be built from the other dimensions and the process has to be started again. When anyone misses their window of opportunity, nothing can be done by anyone else beyond that. Everything has to be done precisely by the person and in the order designated by Spirit within the sequence.
In our reality base, everyone follow’s their spirit without hesitation because it is the most clean, efficient way to get anything done. That is why our civilization is so efficient. That’s why manifestation is so quick and easy, because there’s no personal will involved— there’s just doing the next thing as directed by Spirit. Basing one’s actions on personal will takes one into expanded time where everything is harder and takes longer.
Compressed time is experienced in relationship to expanded time. Personal will, a third- and fourth-diimensional distortion, creates a sense of expansion in the time spectrum. From a fifth-dimensional perspective that looks like expanded time. Following Spirit and consistently doing what is next in the firing sequence in a configuration creates a sense of compression in the time spectrum. From a third- and fourth-dimensional perspective it appears that time has been compressed. It looks like a tremendous amount happens in a very short period of time.
Compressed time and expanded time are just different perceptual relationships to the phenomenon of time which is an illusion that is allowed by veils. You might say compressed time is the perception in which one stays in the flow’ of moving, hitting the mark within the configuration, always staving with spirit, acting on what spirit directs, and in the process, veils lift. In compressed time, maybe a hundred veils are lifted within a period of a week, The same process may take six months in expanded time. Therefore, those in compressed time and those in expanded time can only come together now’ and then. They are operating in two completely different perceptual reality/time bases. The great disparity in their perceptions of time creates very little opportunity for them to even cross paths.
Compressed time is becoming more available on the planet. It’s the next step in the planet’s evolution to more  into a fifth-dimensional perspective where compressed time is natural. ~-*