Now is the time for the gathering of Great Spirits upon this plane. There is a freedom that you seek and that is the freedom to fully express that which you know as your Divinity. Within the context of the deeper meanings of your existence, there is an exploration of the Pathway of Devotion. On the Pathway of Devotion, there is the exploration of the opportunity to make others more comfortable on their journey back to the Source. And on this devotional path, there is a great humbleness knowing that everything is One, everything is and everyone is you and you are everyone. What you do for another, you do for yourself in a larger context. And the experience of giving generously from your own spirit and receiving generously expands in your consciousness. And the humility comes from witnessing the Universe in interaction, the Universe in relationship with itself, always responding with total and complete unconditional love. Always saying “Yes, yes,
yes.” Loving your Beloved Spirit so much that you are completely devoted to it. Whatever it directs you to do your saying, yes, yes, yes.” And finding that your spirit, in its great generosity, its great expression of the Divine Plan, and its great expression of Divine Love, wants nothing more than to serve others on their way back to the Source. And there are so many possible ways to serve. As you walk down the street, you serve with the very emanation of your being. You serve with a glance, a nod, speaking “Hello” to someone. Every act becomes an act of service and devotion. But it is service and devotion from the Divine Universe to the Divine Universe. There is nothing personal in it and yet it is the most nourishing, unconditionally loving, true expression of Divinity that one could ever imagine. In true reality, true love is the natural expression of the generosity, the gratitude, and the humility of the Pathway of Devotion.