Alarius:  So today we would like to share some insights with you about Evolutionary Synergy,
do you know what Synergy is, we'll give our definition I'm sure there are other definitions, our definition of Synergy is what happens when you put all of us together in this room you take each one of us as individual beings and what each one of us could  do a individual beings and add it all up and it equals a circle abut 6" in diameter for example, now the fact that were all here working together allows a synergetic impact which means now all those elements combined can do something equivalent of a 200" diameter circle.  So its an expedition combination of energies which allows a far greater impact and many more possibilities to explore than if one were to just function by themselves.  So the wave of the future is beings being drawn in the big story together to function in energetic synergy's, nobody has to do it by themselves any longer  in fact, beings who are trying to do it by themselves are missing the boat, in relationship to the benefits of evolutionary synergy. So there is right now what we would call a single consciousness or a synergetic entity,  that has been generated as a result of all of us coming together here, you could see its like this huge Buddha like being sitting over the whole room, and if a single consciousness is generated out of all of our elements coming together, its big story,  now once we set up a model we have to use it, so in the big story there is a single entity here, we are one, through synergy, can you feel the synergetic entity, can you feel the oneness of our togetherness, that is a wonderful thing to experience. Now while we are in this synergy were all like cells in a body, hands and feet and eyes and arms and legs, were all pieces of the whole, we are a sovereign as we were before we entered the synergy, but now, everyone of you has the option of unconsciously sharing what you know  and all of your talents and abilities with everyone else in the synergy.
There's all kinds of things that I know that while your in a synergetic interaction with me that are fully available to you to know, and to explore and to experience, and there are all kinds of thing that you know that are totally available to me to experience and explore while we are in this synergetic interaction.
As long as you are in this particular synergy, the synergetic entity is with all of you and all of you are in it, you are now elements of the synergetic entity.
Now there are two different types of synergetic entities, and there are two different types of synergetic experiences. There's the devolutionary, and the evolutionary synergy. have you ever been in relationship with other people  where the synergy diminishes everything that everybody is, and diminishes everything that everybody can do exponentially, you will find in that synergy that you can normally do you can't do anymore, thing that you could normally think of won't occur to you anymore, and you'll start feeling small and insignificant, unimportant and judge yourself and tare yourself apart in this synergy.
And there's evolutionary synergy's which expand rather than contract, that that exponentially expands  what is possible for you, are you all starting to think about your relationships now.
You can have two people who are in evolutionary synergy and one person in that evolutionary synergy which shouldn't be there at that time, who isn't following their spirit being there, and suddenly it becomes a devolutionary synergy, one being can bring the whole synergy into devolutionary rather than evolutionary. Now can you think of experiences where that's happened.
To Participant - Can you share them?
Participant: Oh sure, my ex-husband came to an event without following his spirit, and um Alarius asked him to leave the room, .....the energy in the room worry about this.. he asked him to leave the room, and the oppression was totally lifted, and then Alarius called him back into the room, and the oppression was back, and then Alarius asked him to leave. Not only that about 9-10 people said they were coming to the event didn't come, psychically tuned in to that that would be going on
Alarius:  Yes
Polaria: We are not saying that there is something about this being that was bad, he came, because he thought it was a good idea rather than that his spirit directed him to be there.
Alarius: Do you ever wonder why we ask you to apply to come to these events, so that we can save ourselves those kinds of experiences, so that we don' have to send you home when when you get here, we can head you off at the pass, we don't have to have a bummer of an event for everybody because one person didn't come, or one person came who wasn't right.
Most families are devolutionary, most groups are devolutionary, most teams are devolutionary, not all but most. Most organizations are devolutionary
Polaria: Or at least have devolutionary elements.
Alarius: Government is completely devolutionary, see in a synergy everybody follows their spirit, in an evolutionary synergy, so what is the benefit of being in an evolutionary synergy, nobody connected yesterday that there wasn't one person here that they didn't like, in a big story evolutionary synergy, every single element in that synergy when it goes into expression nourishes all other elements, we all delight in each others essences, were all in a spatial relationship rather than a time based relationship whatever that other person has to share, is stimulating and nourishing for them and it is stimulating and nourishing for that person be in an environment  that says, do it so more, - can you imagine.
Polaria:  In a different time or a different place, with different elements of the same synergy, it could be a completely different experience, you and you and you could meet each other outside here 3 weeks from now and wonder what you wanted to be together for.
Alarius: If your idealism decides  that you had a certain experience here in this synergy, and that a couple of you can get together outside the synergy and have the same experience, you won't.
Polaria:  It will only come back together if the spirits have a contribution to make to each other in that particular time and in that particular place, if its coming out like idealism, them forget it.
Alarius: If the big story that these people are together for some period of time and their spirits are aligned with that, and they come together - its an evolutionary synergy. Take the same beings a day later because their minds think they should, and its going to be devolutionary, its going to be shit, and their going t be shocked and disillusioned, if they think that once they have experienced that with someone they will always experience that.
Polaria: And they will probably wonder what's wrong with them, often through out the baby with the bath water.
Alarius: And that's because they have no understanding of what synergy is, a relationship can be evolutionary one part of the time and devolutionary another part of the time.
Polaria: When you try to control a devolutionary synergy, and try to turn it back into an evolutionary one, there is a name for that type of behavior, its called the universal hopeful stupid pattern, were sure you've all suffered from it at one time or another.
Alarius + Polaria: Your hopeful in thinking that you can make it be what it was, and stupid also. We call it the universal hopeful stupid pattern. I just know that if I just do this one thing, or this one thing foe this one person our  relationship can get back to what it was- or it can be what I see its possibilities are-  or its got so much potential, if I just stay with it just a little while longer. Once you've recognized that your involved with hopeful - stupid you might just do the next thing that your spirit says to do, not only that hopeful-stupid doesn't work, it will usually cost you. Not only doesn't help - not only doesn't serve - doesn't elevate you or the other person, because its a devolutionary synergy, its gunna cost you, your going to loose money, your going to loose time and your going to loose energy, you will exponentially deteriorate, regress, it will always be a regressive experience. Have you ever been in an devolutionary where people are very good at manipulating themselves, who have tremendous transformational experiences and they don't  have a transformational experience your going to leave them behind, and all of a sudden they have these   transformations, and then when it finally boils down to the fact that you were going to leave them behind anyway, they revert to where they were when you first met them  because everyone of those transformations that were made were manipulated.  It was to keep being with you it was not a real part of there own evolution, it was because they were afraid if they didn't you'd leave them - wow- you can tell when you come out of a hopeful stupid pattern - you come out battered.
What you mean that I have no control over my relationships- right-
To Participants: you 2 are in a relationship right, your coming together is evolutionary, when you do thing for her- that you think you should - instantly its devolutionary - and when you do things for him because you were thought to do those thing for a men- instantly devolutionary- when you follow your spirits in everything you do - Watch these two- they never relate to each other  from there social programming, out of what one should do for the one that they are in a relationship with, they will spontaneously do what there spirit wants them to do. Sometimes they have to inconvenience each other, sometimes on will ask the other one to do something and the go -Oh no- and go on with whatever their doing, its not about conveniencing each other, so that way they stay in an evolutionary synergy, they only follow there spirits in there coming together and interacting with each other.
Polaria: Being an element in a synergy does not mean that you sacrifice your sovereignty.
Alarius: Or following your spirit, evolutionary synergy's are only there when you are following your spirit- have you noticed how the energy's gone up and down sometimes in this event, its gone dead for those who are not following spirit or repressing, and then when you start moving with the flow, its right back up there. That's why we encourage yo to put your pieces on the table, because we want to find out what's going one with you, we know were never going to know  what is going on in side of you, none of our business anyway, we just want to keep the energy up, moving, were suckers for evolutionary energy.
Hopeful - stupid pattern.
Polaria: it runs rampant on this planet, it energies out of ideas about being loving, is supposed to look like.
Alarius: My favorite that we run into in the hopeful - stupid pattern is people who are upset at you for not loving them unconditionally, because you haven't met the conditions under which they know there being loved unconditionally, we do love you unconditionally but you have conditions on weather you can tell  weather we are loving you unconditionally - so see you later - it would be totally hopefully stupid of us to work with you on that level.
Your ground crew can go into a devolutionary synergy, because there's a synergy between your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies - and your spirit - and that synergy goes evolutionary - devolutionary - we prefer to go evolutionary and Thai's why we put spirit in charge to get everything - parts of the ground crew aligned for it......spirit. Living in the big story, you automatically are always in evolutionary synergy. When your walking around here in the 3rd. dimension you find yourself in devolutionary synergy's, you could just walk away, you don't have to participate, the best thing to do is go OOPS cut your losses and get out of there. Imagine that if everybody on this planet quit playing in devolutionary synergy's, where everybody just started following there spirit and all the synergy's on the planet went evolutionary, do you think there might be some options of some dramatic changes on a planetary basis, well its gotta start somewhere.
Polaria: That's what planetary transition teams are best at. Aligning all the pictures of reality of their ground crew with their spirit, there is an evolutionary synergy in their own wholeness their own beings, and then gathering with others and pretty some its evolutionary.
Alarius: You'll have these pulsing little blobs going, wob wob wob,
Polaria: spirals that begin moving, spiraling so fast that it begins to sweep, other elements up, into them
Alarius: See we have such a powerful evolutionary synergy in this -  place in this house - that its very hard for you to do anything but be a part of it, do somewhere else, and don't follow your spirit, kiss it good-bye. See some of you are doing the best you can to follow your spirit, right , in your small stories but you didn't do any big story following your spirit that may have required you to be in another city. So the area that your in - you'll be in devolutionary synergy, cause your not supposed to be there, and your still maintaining these relationships, your following your spirit everywhere except in these relationships, and your spirit didn't want you in those relationships, all of a sudden those relationships turn to shit, "these are people I can't let go" and then they become people you can't stand to be around, so then you let go of them. Where as if you just followed your spirit you might be friends, maybe you could see each other some other time, but now you hate their guts, because as it goes into a devolutionary synergy your spirit, if your spirit wants you to move  into a whole other way of life, and you stay in the one your in your whole way of life will become a devolutionary synergy, it'll cost ya, but if you went when spirit said to go, you would go with maxim economic support. If you hang in there trying to be smart economically to save some money to make the move with, you might just have to move with the cloths on your back. Any of you ever experienced that. If you don't mind suffering, loss, regressing stay in a devolutionary synergy, fast progression is from evolutionary synergy to evolutionary synergy, when we say follow your spirit without hesitation its another way of say sing always be in an evolutionary synergy, keep moving up, progressing, expanding, keep moving with your spirit. Every time you say no to your spirit you instantly so into a devolutionary synergy, sometimes its just between your ground crew and your spirit,
Polaria: Now you can stay in an evolutionary synergy with your spirit even when your spirit guides you to interact with a devolutionary synergy for a period of time, if your there because your spirit said to be there -no problem- you stay in the spiral.
Alarius: But if you stay there 10min. after your spirit tells you, your going to regress fast, you've got to listen, you've go to attend to your spirit a lot, it requires a lot of paying attention.
This is a delightful evolutionary synergy, what are evolutionary synergy's for, manifestation, nourishment, expression, how many places on this planet have you felt so loved, have you felt so honored, not many places. Imagine going from evolutionary synergy like this to another evolutionary synergy to another, to another pretty son you would start to think this was normal and you would be shocked if you experienced anything else, unfortunately most of you think that this is unusual and your shocked that your experiencing it, your amazed that your getting along with everybody, everybody that came here followed their spirit that's the first way it started to happen, the second thing that started to happen was that everything was kept in the big story, we don't care who you are in the little story, but who you are in the big story and who we are in the big story has an exquisite relationship, and this entity that is a result of our coming together the sharing of all the elements that are here, its incredible, do you know that the year, the whole emphasis of the year for this planet, is Master of  evolutionary synergy's, this year we plan on having 4 specific events, with this as its focus, to support beings in mastering how this works, and functioning.
Unfortunately groups - they have an agenda and they have agreements things we perceive as devolutionary there are mental bodies that haven't yet relayed the absurdity of there position, they have what they want the group to fulfill for them, most people in groups have self interest, what can I get from this group, what can I get this group to do, an evolutionary synergy  is leaderless, I have been a focal point for communication and expression, I am not a leader I only speak of what the synergetic enmity directs me to speak of, and who decides what the synergetic entity wants spoken, all the elements make it up.
When we separate from the Source we individualize and separate, as much as we can, on our way back to the source we maintain our sovereignty and we begin to practice the best ways of functioning as one unit, even though separate elements in that one unit an evolutionary synergy is a single consciousness that is now directing us all,  and we are still maintaining out sovereignty were still following our spirit its just that our spirits have decided based on higher direction from higher spirit and the divine plan to participate as this time in this place in this way with these other spirits, were not attached to this synergy when the synergy is disbanded when we leave here we may come together in other grouping, in other synergy's but only if spirit says, it will only be good if spirit says to be together it will   be evolutionary if spirit says to be together we'll always be delighted to be together if spirit says to be together.
Participant:  Can you have an synergy within a synergy.
Alarius & Polaria: You can have   many synergy's in an overall synergy - sure - you can have little devolutionary pockets in an evolutionary synergy,  we always go over and try to gear them up into evolutionary synergy's  and through em out, we have actually had to ask people to leave and for some people it was the most powerful thing that ever happened to them.
All the work we have done so far is to prepare you, no one in the small story has any control over their relationships, who your going to be with  - how long your going to be with them - what your going to do with them - and what is going to happen as a result is completely out of your control. These two beings can barely stand to be away from each other longer than a 1/2 hr. or so, why do you think that that is so  - are they dependent - or is the highest evolutionary synergy for them on this planet here, love of evolutionary synergy and the intensity in which they live in it and which they crave it and with which there spirits draw them into it over and over again because they are the basis of an extremely powerful evolutionary synergy which everything that we learn from their from their evolutionary synergy we included in the interaction with Zarah, now we have a tri evolutionary synergy that is working better than anything we've seen these 3 beings all follow their spirits all function from sovereignty and yet their synergy is so powerful that they are drawn over and over again together to whatever their spirits draw them to do within the context of this evolutionary synergy and completely supports Extraterrestrial Earth Mission Visionary Interdimensional Masters and that consciousness and it allows us a focal point and a way to operate in working with you beings and many other beings that were going to work through and the fact that there's this very powerful highly functional evolutionary synergy based here makes it all work very beautifully.
You can run on this energy you've experienced here for 3days you'll be running high with this synergy energy 3days after you leave here if then you are not following your own spirit and developing evolutionary synergy's of your own or becoming aware of them, you'll regress because you'll be probably in devolutionary synergy and then you can beat yourself up or whatever you do in the small story about why you regressed back into the small story.
Polaria: Or sometimes some beings get real gung ho and decide to through out all these relationships when relay if they listen closely to their spirit they'd find that it is just that the new requirement of inpecability is being called for, in turfs of when and how long they interact with different beings.
Alarius: Its not the beings themselves its weather your following your spirit in you interaction with them, or weather their following their spirit in their interacting with you, if you drawn together be your spirits it will be evolutionary, its not the person that decides if its evolutionary or devolutionary