It has been brought to our attention that many beings are using the Extraterrestrial Earth Mission / Visionary Inter Dimensional Masters technologies as centerpieces for their own events.
Others are gathering with friends to discuss and experiment with the models and technologies of consciousness presented in Earth Mission’s many books and tapes.
There seems to be some confusion, not only for those who are holding these events but also for those who are attending them.
In order to address this and to bring about some clarity, Spirit has directed us to share the following:

1) No one is officially appointed or trained by us to present the Extraterrestrial Earth Mission/VIM materials. No one is working in tandem with us. Anyone who is doing this is doing it on their own. There are no representatives of Extraterrestrial Earth Mission or Visionary Inter Dimensional Masters other than ZaviRah’, Ziva’rah. and Zirah. They are the only third-dimensional instruments through which the councils involved channel information and recognize as their earthly emissaries.

2) Anyone who presents these materials will~ filtering them through their own pictures of reality,
thereby including their own third- and fourth-dimen­sional distortions in their presentations and interpretations. This puts individuals who attend their events in the position of relying on their own inner knowing in relationship to the materials and the presentation. We think this is wonderful!

3) Since we do not authorize or train anyone to present these materials, we also do not spend any time or energy in trying to police how they are interpreted.

4) We request that beings honor the sovereignty of Extraterrestrial Earth Mission/VIM by being honest and direct in acknowledging it as the source of the emergence of these articulations and technologies.

5) All Extraterrestrial Earth Mission materials are available to be used in this way as are some of the Visionary Inter Dimensional Masters materials. The VIM products available to be used in this way include to date: The Ecstasy of Loving Your Wholeness, Evolutionary Synergy, Transfiguration, The Quickening, and Manifesting Your Divinity (brand new!).

6) The Solar Technologies are not available to be presented by others. They
are implemented from the other dimensions by special teams with Divine Authorization and are not to be tampered with. If someone does not have Divine Authorization to facilitate their implementation or to receive it themselves, the technologies simply will not work. They will only benefit those who have been divinely designated to receive them. Your spirit will make it very clear to you if it is your next step. They include to date: Seeing Through The Eyes of Divinity -An Initiation Into The Solar Ring, Ascension - The Solar Invocations, and Genesis - The Solar Vision Technique. This would also include any new Solar Technology products from here on out until further notice.

7) It is currently possible for individuals who are drawn by their spirits to distribute our materials, if you are interested in further information about this, please contact us at:
Address No longer applies

We understand the need to have other people to interact with who are exploring similar models and technologies of consciousness. Therefore, we encourage such experimentation, as long as it supports beings in following their spirits and manifesting their own spirits version of Heaven on Earth.
If our technologies are presented as “right ways” or used ritualistically, rather than as directed by Spirit, their effectiveness will diminish.
Follow your spirit without hesitation and honor the sovereignty of other people’s realities. Explore your own soul to find your true divine reality. Live it.
That’s what we’ve done and continue to do. If anything we have shared in terms of articulated models and technologies of consciousness is useful in your journey, then we recommend that you engage with them fully. If your spirit draws you to share these materials with others, then by all means do so. We simply ask that you honor the sovereignty of our reality and our preferences in this area.

Blessings on your journey,
ZaviRah ‘and ZivaRah