ZRENDAR: I know that unless one masters  limitation they cannot master Divine Expression. What about the beings who are not conscious of what they are doing? Are they mastering limitation?

ALARJIUS: They are not mastering limitation. They are experiencing limitation and they are suffering as a result of it. Beings who are most functional know their limitations and work within them. Every moment is a different moment. Each moment has different possibilities, different opportunities, and different limitations. A master intuitively analyzes the moment, recognizes the limitations of what is available and what’s possible in that moment and then acts within the highest possibilities of those limitations.
Often we think we are presenting something that other people will see the same way that we see it. We try an articulation and we have no idea where people are going to take it. The “Big Story/Small Story” thing has many beings not mastering their third and fourth dimensional realities because they think that’s the small story. We had no idea they were going to take it there. Okay, we’ll try again. Let’s come in the back door on suffering. And now let’s tell them that it’s actually a good thing to master the small story only now we won’t say the small story. We’ll say you are a multi-dimensional entity. Bring your holiness to every dimension. Let’s try that and see what they do with it.
Let’s get into their suffering with them. Let’s get right down into the third dimension and crawl around with them on their hands and knees and say, “Look, this is not what we meant by the small story.” Beings who have come for private sessions with us will say “big story/small story.” We know that they are judging their limitations and calling all of them the small story. They are attempting to deny and override their limitations. We know the reason they do all that is because they are suffering. We are at peace with human suffering. We sit with them while they get to know their suffering better.
Know thyself This is a part of your wholeness. You don’t have to try to resolve your suffering.
People think that as they become more divine, they should become less limited by third dimensional things.They are denying their suffering because of a particular relationship to limitation.
We have been asked, “Since suffering is so terrible, why are you bothering to look at it?” Because it can run your life! It is important to recognize it as a very realistic third dimensional limitation. If it is not acknowledged, it is possible tat your actions will be based on your relationship to pain. You become more functional by acknowledging these limitations and working within them. So, if functioning is important, then knowing limitations and working within limitations increases functionality.
Every time you try to get away from your suffering about limitation, it increases your limitations and your suffering. You haven't said, “These are my limitations. I need to work within these limitations to become more functional. I know that future moments can have less limitations and that Spirit can lead me into ever expanding capacity and capability.” At that point, it would be supportive to say, “Spirit I need your guidance in the now. I need to master limitation. I need to have a relationship with it where I am at peace with the real limitations of my current reality.”
This current civilization is intensely limited and a new more Divine civilization is emerging. Our job is to master functionality in the midst of that. Not in a third dimensional way, or a fourth dimensional way, but in a fifth dimensional way. What is the purpose of boogie-busting, the Superconscious technique and toning? They are highly advanced technologies of consciousness to assist you in becoming functional in the face of fourth dimensional limitations.
We have shared technologies with you so that the limitations of other people’s projections and disembodied spirits and your own pictures a reality won’t keep you from being functional ii the face of undermining elements. It’s important for you to acknowledge the limitations o your third dimensional experience and won within those limitations, so that you can
functional there also. And these fifth dimensional perspectives can help you do that.

Limitation is a part of third dimensional reality. As a result of the enormous amount of veiling that it takes to create
the illusion that this is all that you are, you hay to be cut off, literally, in a certain way from your experience of infinity, from your experience of being connected with All That B Ouch, that hurts. Then you wonder, “Am being punished? Have I been abandoned? That brings out all the distortions and all the faces of human suffering come forth. In order to be in this kind of form with this degree of  limitation, that “Ouch” has to be there. The you have to add as an element, the denial your own Divinity. You have to literally deny you own Divinity to become more third dimensional based. Then at a certain point we have to encourage you to get in touch with your fifth dimensional reality which in certain ways may initially increase you suffering.
When you contact your fifth dimensional set you think you may have finally found the thing that will rid you of this pain. “If can just master fifth dimensional reality, pain and suffering will Email be over.” We are saying, “No, the suffering is ow when the attachment to form is over. The suffering is over when the distortions are gone. The suffering is over when the veils lift. You are not in control any of that. Nothing you do, say, think or feel is determining factor in whether that suffering is there or not.” There’s no magic that will make it go awa’ You are playing at that level of limitation. The highest relationship you can have with it is to be at peace with it. The lowest relationship you can have with is to try to resolve it. If you don’t sit with your suffering and get to know it, you don’t know what’s tn and not true about it. You haven’t gotten to the be tom of it, and you haven’t shattered the illusion of You can begin to see your suffering as just element in the forces at play rather than determining factor When you do this, you can know the different( between direction from your Spirit and directs from your suffering. Mastery of Limitation lays foundation for spiritual liberation. ***