A New Civilization A New Species
ALARIUS: In the reality base that we are in, everyone values surrender. It seems illogical, inefficient, and messy to do anything else. We wonder why beings wouldn't surrender and yet we know they are interacting with a planet where most of the beings do not value surrender. So there is a distinctly different set of values, but then we are distinctly different civilizations and a distinctly different species.
Since the very beginning we hake shared things which are, if you will, mystical perceptions of another civilization and another species that is emerging and manifesting in this dimension. We assumed there was some common ground between our civilizations. Its difficult to know where the common ground is and isn’t when we dialogue between civilizations in terms of concepts that we are sharing because our civilizations are so different. We say, “follow your spirit without hesitation” and then we find that a xv hole bunch of beings are wanting to follow their spirits without hesitation and not doing it very well. They re wanting to do it because they think it’s a new rule for successful living in the male dominant perspective civilization. We talk about Heaven on Earth and they think. “Oh, that means cutting everything I want in the male dominant perspective civilization and finally being successful there. Of course, it will be in my own kind of spiritual way, but, you know, I’ll have a nice car, I’ll have a nice house. I’ll be successful. I’ll be happy.” And we’re scratching our heads saying. “Hmm.”
We don’t even have a concept of success. We don’t have a concept of personal will or ‘I want and it would never occur to us that anyone would interpret what we said in those terms. That was a place where we assumed common ground where there was none. We have been saying the same things over and over again since the beginning of Earth Mission, always expressed from a more full)’ integrated divine inner landscape in these ground crew s (mental, emotional, and physical bodies) but also always said from the basis of commonality. Obviously the beings that are hearing what we are saying   do not have a common base because they are interpreting what you are saying to imply things of a completely different meaning than we intend. And those interpretations imply something that makes sense in the male dominant perspective civilization which would have never occurred to us’
We come from two totally different civilizations. cultures. and species and are attempting to communicate what it’s like to live in our civilization. You heard vs hat we were saying and interpreted it in a very that made sense in the reality base that you were currently standing in. But of course there was nothing else you could have done. There is no way for you to know where we have common ground enough for you to have the slightest idea of what it’s like for us. But we keep building whatever we can see as rainbow bridges back and forth saying, “take a look.” We keep updating our articulations.
We operate completely without personal desire. Zavi arid Zixa, although they are very dynamic divine presence. have extremely humbled and surrendered personalities (which is why they are such dynamic and powerful spiritual presences). But their humility and surrender is so great and their lack of anything that would even look like personal desire is so great that a lot of what the)’ have to go through is dealing with what their soul and their spirit manifests around them. Often it is beyond anything they would have even thought’ to desire. Now’, there are other people who are se seeing what’s manifested around them saying, want that.” They don’t get it, because they do I know’ anything about the dynamics of how if happens. They're just looking and interpret: from their reality base. thinking Zavi and Ziva successful. And what they’re actually looking are two people who have no concept of success Zav’i and Ziva do not value personal desire personal will. It is like an odd distortional tic that has no apparent value and is left over from another civilization and species and just doesn’t real make much sense in the reality base of their civilization. It is certainly not valued by anyone a seems curious when it is observed in the mt dominant perspective civilization. We have never thought that wanting was wrong or right or at thing, just that it seemed inefficient and messy. Often when we share with people this thing ab personal will, because they’re listening from reality base that values judgments. morality, ideas of right and wrong. good and bad, should a shouldn’t, they take what we say and. again, something with it that we didn't expect.
From our perspective, if personal will come up in you. it comes up. It’s a genetic throwback something. It’s not worth)’ of your time or attention, and it’s no big deal. It might be an indication of a place that needs to be surrendered more  to spirit. Maybe that. And maybe its  just a habit speech. But most certainly. in any situation.  irrelevant, unimportant, and isn’t going to make a difference one way or another.
If you’re actively engaged with manifesting your divinity, you’re engaged at a level wherepersonal will isn’t of any value. If it comes up it may cause temporary distortional diversions where you’re spending time tilting at windmills, fighting imaginary dragons, trying to keep the wolf away from door, or trying to keep your head above water, but that’ s all an illusion. At a certain point you realize that you’re doing something that’s irrelevant and doesn’t matter. You clearly have that awareness and realize that personal will isn't going to change anything.
There is what your spirit brought you here to do and then there is what you want. You may or may not get what you wanting this reality, but what your spirit brought you here to do will be fulfilled.
Many of the people who have interacted with us have gone away mumbling to themselves because they keep looking to us for validation of their core issues. And we keep saying, “From our perspective, they aren’t relevant, they don’t matter, they’re not important, they’re a waste of time, they’re inefficient, they’re messy, we can barely comprehend the concept. To us, “core issues” are simply elements of your divine design that indicate some things right about you. Its only the distortions of the male dominant perspective civilization that have led you to the conclusion that they are something that is wrong with you and are what keeps you from getting or having what you want.”
We are in radically different civilizations radically different reality bases that are impinging on each other, impacting each other, affecting each other. We’re an initial wave of impact of another civilization. If in a configuration the next thing in a sequence is for us to interact, we do. The more we have a sense of the reality base of the male dominant perspective civilization and how it punishes and rewards, how it manipulates and controls, the more we can begin to grasp to some small degree what it might develop in a being. And from that we might have some basis of understanding of why it would seem so important to your ground crews to figure out what they need to fix about themselves and the right way to do things. But from our reality base its odd. It’s also just as odd in your true reality as it is in ours.
We are the first major direct wave of impact on the existing civilizations of this planet that openly says, “We are of another species, we are of another civilization, and we are attempting to communicate with you. We are your future. We are attempting to communicate with you.”
All of the different walk-ins that have been a part of Earth Mission and Visionary InterDimensional Masters have brought different ways of attempting to communicate through different special essences. On this journey, representing perspectives of organically evolving inner landscapes, we’ve attempted to express how each spiritual essence would attempt to communicate across the civilization gap. The only reason that we interact with you is because you are the ones for us to interact with. We do what we do because it is ours to do. We do it because its the next thing for us on the way back to the Source. Rarely have people understood what that’s about. Because we have been speaking consistently from the viewpoint of people who have no personal will to people who can barely comprehend why anyone would do something unless it was from personal will. Many of the people on this planet only do what they want and they won’t do what they don’t want.
It’s the death of one civilization and the emergence of another one and it’s happening in your own personality. It’s a value shift. Its a perspective shift. One civilization begins to dominate and the other one begins to fade. And all that’s happened with Zavi and Ziva is that that shift has been going on long enough that the wholeness of the mind, body, emotions and spiritual body have crossed the line. The male dominant perspective civilization is no longer real or right or true for any aspects of their ground crews.
So the disparity is greater. After Zavi and Ziva came in. something was revealed that seemed very strange to their ground crews at first. That was that with Earth Mission the emphasis was staying close enough to the people that those walk-ins were working with that they would still have levels of credibility and comprehension between each other. They seemed enough like them and enough different, but were just far enough ahead of them that others would feel like they could make the leap to where they were. Visionary InterDimensional Masters has a different emphasis. We’re taking Zavi and Ziva as far as we can take them, as fast as we can take them and people will get out of it what they get out of it. No longer are we keeping them close to where everyone else is. So we’re just going for it flat out. We’re manifesting it. We’re manifesting the inner landscapes. We’re manifesting the articulations from the viewpoint of one who is wholly standing in a fifth-dimensional reality.
For Zavi and Ziva, loving, blessing, and exalting —that’s real. Finding it curious why people do things — that's real. They’ve just gone into hyperspace, because they realize that even if only a few lived this reality base in the third dimension, if only one lived it, it didn’t matter. But somebody had to be living it as fully as possible and as rapidly as possible. At that point, in terms of our work, it became less important what happened with other beings. Interestingly enough, what started happening for other beings at that time is they started shooting for the stars and hitting the moon, when they used to be shooting for the moon and hitting the top of the mountain. We have said from the beginning, we have no idea what we are doing here, it is an experiment. We do not comprehend this civilization or its motives. Just like this civilization does not comprehend ours. We are just doing what is Next for us on our journey back to the Source.*