The One Probability

Living in the One Probability ultimately culminates in the co-creation of each individual spirit’s version of Heaven On Earth. Here are some thoughts from Alarius presented in an Earth Mission event held by

Have you ever considered the possibility that this, which is known as a third-dimensional reality, is simply something that is being dreamt by someone who is somewhere else other than in this third-dimensional reality? Consider for a moment that this is a dream reality. If this is a dream reality, that changes things a bit. When you are having a dream and you are in the dream, is it not incredible how everything seems so real? Everything smells real, tastes real, sounds real, feels real. If it is a scary dream, you feel like there is a real threat to your existence. But when you wake up and you say, “it was only a dream,” what happens? There is a radical shift in your positioning in consciousness in relationship to the events that took place in the dream.
You don’t relate to those events in the same way any longer.
In the simple realization that it was a dream, you have established for your consciousness that it is not reality. Some of you may have done a little traveling around in philosophical and metaphysical circles and now you say, “well, it’s just another type of reality.” Whatever you decide is reality moves into the foreground of your consciousness as a focal point. While you are dreaming, you decided that what you are experiencing there is reality. Your bedroom, your bed and your body in the bed are non-existent probabilities for you at that time. Are you aware of this? That means that you, in third-dimensional reality, in the bed, in the body, area shadow reality that is so shadowy and so far from consciousness, that you can’t even tell that it exists until you wake up. And then what happens to the dream? It begins to shift and go far back into the shadows of your consciousness until you can’t even tell that it’s reality.
That means, for you, there are always, no matter where you are focused, realities that are shadow probabilities. But it would be difficult for you to be conscious of them because you have not decided that they are real. You have not decided to allow your mental body to be so fascinated with them that they move into a vivid positioning in your consciousness.
There is a way in which you could have an experience of this reality here as a vague, shadow, dream reality, and you could experience yourself standing in a spaceship. Your mental bodies only know what you have decided is reality. And generally, only explore what you have defined as reality. So when we speak of your true reality as being beyond the dream and of this as only a dream reality, your mental bodies think, "Well, maybe."
Consider the possibility that this is only one of a multitude of probabilities within the third dimension that you exist in. Consider the possibility that within the third dimension itself, every desire for every type of lifestyle, every type of exploration, and every type of experience that you have ever longed for, ever wanted and ever hoped for, is being lived by you in a shadow probability. That means there is not just one third-dimensional reality.
Have you ever wanted to be rich? You are. Have you ever wanted to be ecstatically, happily married? You are. Anything, any dream that you have ever had, you are living. And if it has not been fulfilled yet in the probability that you are exploring here, it may not ever be explored in this probability because it’s already being explored in another one. And you know those times when you are by yourself and you say to yourself, “I would really love to be happily married with a little white picket fence and children,”? Do you know what is happening in those moments when you long for that? There is bleed-through between the probabilities. You are energetically experiencing a taste, a sense, a smell, something of what it is like in the probability where you are living that.
Your essence is the same in all those probabilities — your beingness is the same and you would look much the same in each one. In some you might be slimmer, in some you might have a little different characteristics, but basically, physically, the same.
all of these probable you's are inter-connected, The self that is with us today is the  one that is going to co-create Heaven on Earth, which will instantaneously benefit all of the other you’s in all of the other probabilities in the third dimension.
Anything that happens to who you are in one of the probabilities, happens to who you are in all of the probabilities. It does not happen in all of the probabilities, but it happens to all of the probabilities. You look into these probabilities from a particular position and you will see certain things. You look into them from an-other position and you will see certain other things.

So let’s try something else. If we all tuned into this person here to see what was the most powerful next step for her in her life, or even to see what’s going on with her now, and every person in this room came up with something different, do you realize that every person could be accurate? So when you listen to “outside authorities” it always ends up being a matter of deciding whose story rings true for the you that is here.
While you are here with us you are in a place where you can be conscious of many other probabilities. This is because — in this probability — you have mental bodies that are mystically inclined. Mystically inclined mental bodies get a lot of bleed-through from other probabilities. Non-mystically inclined mental bodies don’t.
We are a channeled entity. That means that in another dimension, we are in a probability that channels through an entity in this dimension. This entity — that we are channeling through — exists in a certain probability in this dimension. But we do not channel through other probable selves of this entity in other probabilities. Because the other probabilities for a walk-in are the probabilities of the original inhabitant. When you are an extraterrestrial walk-in, you do not have multiple probabilities in the third dimension. You have only one. Incoming into the body in this way they choose not to have other options in order to not have distractions. For example, for Savizar, there are probabilities that exist in the third dimension for the original inhabitant of his body. They are still going on, but they are not going on for Savizar. And Savizar has only one probability to explore. That is to be an extraterrestrial master who is here to co-create Heaven on Earth. He just simply does not have any other options. The reason that some other walk-ins get messed up is because they sense and feel the probabilities of the original inhabitants and think they should be exploring them.
As the mystically inclined probability, we are hoping to support you in getting to the place where you have no choice but to explore only one probability and to fully focus the wholeness of your beingness and your consciousness into that one probability. So that you are not pulled into, “Hey, my life is not complete unless I have that Jaguar, or unless I have that three-piece suit, or unless I have that wonderful mate.”
You already have all these things in those other probabilities. You can reach the place in your consciousness where you can clearly  say, “These things no longer hold any attraction to me. l am satisfied that they are complete and fulfilled in other probabilities. I am going to devote my entire  existence, in this probability, to becoming a single-pointed fiery force of Divine Light. In this probabiity l will follow my Spirit without hesitation.”
Other entities on other dimensions are not going to channel through you very much or very often if you do not have that fiery, one-pointed focus and dedication and devotion. Because what are you going to do with all the creative force that they bring to you? Get married, have babies, buy a car, take a vacation.
As irterdimensional masters in human bodies, you have other probabilities that you can explore on other dimensions, but you may decide there is only one probability that you wish to explore. It keeps life simple that way. One of the reasons Savizar and Silarra’s life is so simple is because they just don’t have any other options; no other probabilities; nowhere else to go; nothing else to do. That is what is difficult for some other walk-ins, because they do not have any other type of probability, other than a life totally devoted to service to the planet. If they engage with anything else, their awareness becomes fuzzy and their lives confusing and unfulfilling. You do not have to be a walk-in to live the One Probability. You can be a wake-up. Walk-ins and wake-ups are cxactly the same, they come into a body a different way.Here's life as a wakeup. They go along thinking, “I’m just a human, Pm just a human, I’m just a human” — and suddenly inn flash of revelation... “Wow! I’m an E.T. Master, too! Whew!” That’s a wake-up.
When you come here to Sedona for a live-in group event, the walls of this building, the energetic structures around it, Savizai and Silarra and everything that is said through them and about the One Probability. It is all so if cry and focused anc devoted to the One Probability.., there is only One Probability  here. There is only One Probability here! There is only One Probability here! There is no other probability here! There is only One Probability here! Anc that is the one in which we are interdimensional masters and we are here to co-create Heaven on Earth. There is only One Probability here!
Why do you think you come? Because you want to live where there is only One Probability. Why do you think it is hard for you to leave when the event is over? Because you want to live where there is only One Probability. What you are to do with your lives is to liv your lives in such a way that there is only On Probability wherever you are. There are ultimate possibilities within any probability. But there is only One Probability in this place an that is the probability in which Heaven o Earth will be manifested and the raw material to be used are the consciousness of these beings (Savizar and Silarra). They exist for only one purpose — to contribute to that end. Ever breath they take, every thought they think, every vibration that comes forth from their beingness has only one purpose and that is to support the co-creation of Heaven on Earth. And we like that. You enjoy being around that. It takes one to know one. And the more you wake u~ the more your mental body will say, “There only One Probability for me!”

We are not here to make anyone else see the probability that we are living. W/are here only to live the probability we have to live. We are not here to convince anyone else that it’s true. We are not here to prove ourselves to anyone. We are not here to please anyone. We are not here to make their emotional bodies relate to us in a certain way. We are here to co-create Heaven on Earth and that takes every ounce of our attention. That takes everything that we are single-pointed and completely devoted to the One Probability. We can’t afford to have our energies dissipated by exploring probabilities that are not real or true for us.
If you are a wake-up, it is the same as if you are a walk-in. Once you wakeup, your life is different. Everything that you hoped and dreamed for before you woke up doesn’t count. Because after you wakeup, you have only One Probability and you can’t go back to sleep. If ~you have never awakened, you can explore some of those probabilities without the extreme pain and suffering that will be there for you if you explore them after you wake up. After you awaken they will not be your true reality any longer. You will have reached the point where you have only one true reality and that is to co-create Heaven on Earth.
When you decide to explore the One Probability, all you are doing is focusing and devoting your energies to the One Probability. Within that One Probability are infinite possibilities to be explored. And in that kind of fiery, one-pointed focus, everything that happens allows you an experience of fulfillment and ecstasy. It is wonderful. For Savizar and Silarra, all the other probabilities that were being explored by the original inhabitants pale by comparison to the reality they live. It is so rich, so beautiful, so wonderful. It requires so much of them every moment of their day. But as they stretch to meet what is required of them, they have an even greater capacity for love, a greater capacity for ecstasy, and a greater capacity for Divine Expression. Because they keep stretching — more and more. They continuously say, “Yes, we can do more. We can bring more in. Yes, shatter that picture of reality. Bring us a larger one. Yes, shatter that one, too”.that seems to happen is that with the focus of the One Probability, that One Probability becomes inclusive of all the others the parts that are in alignment with Spirit—but when you are scattered between this probability and that one, and that one, and that one, then each one is exclusive of the other one. You end up scattered all over the place and you do not have enough spiritual force generated in one place to manifest something new. You can only do re-runs. There are many benefits to living the One Probability, enormous benefits.
The technologies, the energies, and the in-formation that we channel are available to beings who live in that One Probability. See, we share with others the technologies of how to break patterns and how to do all this kind of stuff. But if they go out and dissipate their energies into multiple probabilities, do you know what will happen? They’ll forget to use them. They won’t remember to use them because they’re only used in the One Probability.
They’re powerful. They’re effective. They’re useful in this One Probability, but in some of those other probabilities they don’t even exist So, if you’re out exploring other probabilities where these technologies don’t even exist, then you can’t access and use them.
You are essentially what would be thought of as the higher self of the other probabilities. You are the light-bearer of your lineage. You are the light-bearer of all the possibilities. You are the one who is going to co­create Heaven on Earth.
Those of us who have come here to specifically fulfill the One Probability come to this planet and become part of the indigenous life forms. Then we do the best we can at living the way that the life forms live here, and during that phase we usually go unconscious about who we are and why we are here. And then, at a certain point, other aspects of the team come in and say, “Wake up, the time is now,” and begin to share technologies. We begin to wake up, and as we do, we find that we can only live in the One Probability and that One Probability is about transitioning an entire planet from one way of life into another. And in that moment, the recognition comes as to why we never fit in that other world and why we never had a chance of fitting in that other world.
You know what it is to be human. It’s time to re-engage what it is to be an interdimen­sional master in a human body. You have been in many different types of bodies doing this work, on many different types of planets. You are extraordinary beings. If you explore the One Probability, you will discover how extraordinary you truly are. *

Generosity & Gratitude