ALARIUS: Zavi and Ziva find us using their minds to think all the time because we don't have third- dimensional minds of our own.
Where we're from, we have multi- dimensional minds, we don’t have these kinds of minds. So to come up with ways of articulating and presenting things that will work for this dimension, we have to use their minds. We have to explore things in
their minds.
 Your spirit will have to explore things using your mind. If you’re fortunate, you will realize it is your spirit doing it. A lot of you find yourselves thinking very heavily and exploring a lot of possibilities in your mind and become concerned that you’re thinking too much. You become concerned that your mind and thinking process might interfere with your ability to follow your spirit, so you turn it off. That’s unnecessary and counterproductive in terms of being an available, willing instrument for your spirit. You will learn to tell the difference from when you’re using your mind in a state of panic to figure things out and resolve them so you can stay on top of it all from when your mind is being used by Spirit to explore possibilities to come up with better ways of articulating, presenting, and doing things. The two instances may initially seem very similar, but the difference is that one is panicky and the other is peaceful.
 Mission Control uses her (Zoev Jho’s) mind to think through things alt the time. We use these guys’ (Zavi’s and Ziva’s) minds to think through things all the lime. The only time they get in trouble is when they think they are thinking. And then we get about halfway through the process and they decide that they’re done thinking and they know what they’re going to do, and we’re going, “Oh dear. We haven’t reached the end of our process yet.”
 We love to use their minds to think. Your spirit loves to use your mind to think through possibilities of how to do this, how to do that, how to set that up, how to set this up, what kind of people do we want to interact with, what do we want to do, fl
etc. Mental bodies are very useful. We love to use them. Please don't interfere with the process for us just a little request from those of us who donut  have minds like that of our own. But it is useful for us to be able to access one. Because the experiment
is to figure out how to manifest this life we live on the fifth dimension into the third dimension. To figure out how to bring the Big Story (where we are all multi-dimensional masters here to serve the evolution the planet) and its articulations and awareness here so that this place can become like that place. That's the experiment were involved with. That's transmutation,
transformation, transition, translation, transfiguration.

PARTICIPANT: Sometimes when I'm thinking and planning and wanting to move forward, I run into a thought of limitation. Then I get discouraged by the limitation...

ALARIUS: That's not your spirit using your mind to think. That is you exploring possibilities without the perspective of having no consideration of whether they ever become real or not.

PARTICIPANT: I donut actually test them out.

ALARLUS: No, they don’t need to be tested out. You’re thinking like you have to figure out what to do, and that what you come up with has to be right, and that what you’re thinking about is real and important, instead of just making your mind
available for your spint to think about these situations with and to come up with whatever it decides to come up with.Instead of just being ready to do whatever Spirit says after it goes through whatever process it goes through or comes to whatever
resolution it comes to to get to wherever it wants to go.
 The difference is, you're feeling responsible and like you should be in control. The other way is one in which you're just letting Spirit use your mind and you're participating wholeheartedly, watching the process saying, “Gee, I wonder how this is going to turn out?”

PARTICIPANT: So the mind is considering all the possibilities?

ALARIUS: No, Spirit is considering all the possibilities using the mind.

PARTICIPANT: Right, and the mind doesn't know what Spirit is going to do.

ALARIUS: It has no idea how it’s going to end up or what Spirit it’s going to do once it is done exploring. Spirit could do all this exploration of all these possibilities and dump the whole damn idea; decide it’s a waste of time. It could spend hours, days,
months, years exploring possible- ties and then say, “Oh, forget it.”  More than once, Zavi and Ziva have gone to extraordinary lengths based on what Spirit told them to do to setup all kinds of dynamics, energies and interactions with all kinds of people, and at the last minute Spirit said, “No, this experiment isn’t going well. We’re dumping it.” And they are just walking away  saying, “Well, what do you want me to do next, Spirit?” The people are saying, “But, but, you said, you said!”
 They’re even willing to wholeheartedly engage 100% in including other people in these possibilities where those people get their hopes up, and they want all these things to happen, and they’re saying, “Oh boy,” and then Spirit comesinand says, “Done. No. Not real. Not happening.” They are willing because they’re very impeccable in following their spirits. That’s freedom. That’s being kind of leisurely and relaxed about your life. That’s being surrendered to the mystical universe and your spirit.
 Your spirit knows what its doing. If it decides to dump something after a huge investment of time and energy, there's probably a damn good reason for it and it’s none of your business what that is, because you’re here to serve your spirit, right? So your spirit doesn’t even have to tell you why it’s not going to do something. Isn’t that wonderful?
 Allow Spirit to use your mind to think about and explore possibilities. Allow yourself to engage exploration of those possibilities without any consideration of whether they’re going to become real or whether they are going to work the way you think your spirit was going to have them turn out.
 The more you surrender your mind to Spirit to make it available for Spirit to use, the more the mind begins to realize that the Big Story is simply too big for it to try to predict or control. The more your mind begins to be able to relax into the functions it was designed for. Because Spirit designed the mind to be used to explore possibilities and articulate realities and to work with the creative process. You can have a lot more fun by simply allowing that process. *