ALARIUS: Come with us into Big Story Land. Come with us to the place where you are incredible, inter dimensional, multi-dimensional, extraterrestrial, celestial masters in a grand, evolutionary story where a whole new way of life is being manifested on this planet and where a new species is emerging. The place where there are beings living in immortal
bodies of light. Come, join us in Big Story land. That’ sour invitation. Its right at the door of our reality. It says, “Come in. Play in Big Story Land. Come one, come all, to Big Story Land.”
 What do you do with all the invitations you're going to get when you leave here? Because you will get them. Every being has a
story, and they are a character in that story, and if you happen to strike their fancy, they would love you to play a character in their story. “Hey, hey, come on in. I've got a role in here.
There's probably some lines for you. Hey, you can be my sister, you can be my dad. Or, you can be the love I lost. Unrequited love, you would be good for that one.”  People are always inviting you in. In the small story people are always inviting those in
who go into separation and reject them. Then they feel incapable and unworthy. The invitation is there to join them in that, and we say, “No, thank you.”  You're going to get a lot of invitations. Will you offer those same beings an invitation into a bigger story or will you accept their invitation into their smaller story? I guess it remains to be seen. But if you find that you have
accepted the invitation into somebody's small story and you want out, there's away to do that. Its a little easier if you don't accept the invitation in the first place, but if you find yourself in there, wouldn’t it be nice to have an escape clause?
First, you need to recognize that every time you interact with someone within the small story, which is the realm of third and fourth-dimensional distortions, what you’re doing is weaving a reality tapestry. You’re weaving energies together that are generated by collusion about what reality is and what life is like and what we’re all doing and who we all are to each other. It’s a small story, but it may be interesting to the small-story part of you to find out about their small story and play in it. So you’re
weaving this tapestry like crazy and you’re building it, and all of a sudden you go, “Oh no, I’m in the small story! What did I do that for?!”
 And at that point, you can just excuse yourself, sit down for a moment, and quietly begin to pull back all your strands of energy
that you have allowed to be woven into that tapestry. Then, generally sense that person’s story and see that you became a character in that person’s story.
Remove your energy your face from that person’s story. Literally write yourself out of their story. This will create an opening for somebody else to come in and play that character in that person’s story.
 You want to try doing that right now with everybody you know? Would you be interested in writing yourself out of everybody’s small story? That means all you would have  left with all of those beings is the big-story relationship or none at all.
PARTICIPANT: The end of all relationships!? What about my kids?
ALARIUS: There’s a BigStory, too. You can have a big-story relationship with kids.
PARTICIPANT: I don’t have too many people in my life.
POLARIA: Do you think the people in your life aren’t in the Big Story?
ALARIUS: There you go, us and them again.Them is us, remember? They’re in the Big Story, too.
POLARIA: All you’re doing is unweaving from the third and fourth-dimensional distortions of the small-story relationships. You’ve got it set up in your head that there is this really intense and distinct separation between the Big Story and the small story. You’re unweaving the third and fourth-dimensional distortions of the small story.
PARTICIPANT: To unweave myself would be to just cut them out totally?
POLARIA: Your attachment to relationships and your fear of losing them is a major doorway through which the dark forces manipulate you. That’s a reason for not going all the way. That’s a reason for not taking a stand. You would do well to close that doorway.
ALARILUS: You have seen already that big story relationships are far superior and far more beautiful than small story relationships. I have absolutely no idea why you would be attached to third- and fourth-dimensional relationships when they are mostly devolutionary and distortional. So it is obvious to me that that is a doorway through which the dark forces manipulate you. Big-story relationships are evolutionary, synergetic, beautiful, and powerful.
 See how quickly those little doorways will just have you saying, “Nope... Well, I don’t know.” The Dark Forces just say,
“Whoops, look out! There’s a good reason to say ‘no’ to your spirit.”  See, you’re getting down to the bottom line. The only true relationships are in the Big Story. If you don’t have a relationship with someone in the Big Story, you don’t have a
relationship with them... really. If this concerns you for any reason, it might be useful for you to know that the nice thing about this exercise is that anytime you see these people again, you can always accept their invitation and enter the small story with them.
POLARIA: You can always re-weave. No problem. With any of them. This is not permanent. To have it be permanent, you would have to live in the Big Story all the time.  If you want to climb back into someone’s small story with them, all you have to do is accept their invitation and crawl back in and you’ve got another piece of fabric going.
PARTICIPANT: It feels good to know that I can just unweave like that.
POLARIA: Yes, anytime. You can unweave it anytime. You can re-weave it anytime.
ALARIUS: Then you can actually find out who's who in the zoo. Don’t you want to know that? Don’t you want to know the relationships  in which you’re evolving, co-creating, doing something wonderful together in the Big Story, as opposed to the relationships where you’re just wasting time? I must admit I’m biased. I don’t find much about the small story attractive. I understand its validity and usefulness up to this point, but it’s not what we’re here for.
 Ready? Start unweaving and writing yourself out of anybody’s story that you want. Visualize them. Pull out the strands that are
yours and send their strands back to them, knowing that everybody will keep what they gained out of that relationship and take that away with them. And then just write yourself out of their story — third  and fourth-dimensionally — knowing that if there is a fifth-dimensional story going on there — and with the important relationships in your life there probably is — that that will continue. And also knowing that if you want to reconvene in the small story, you can.
 When you’re done, in terms of the third  and fourth-dimensional distortional, small story nonsense, you’re just not there anymore. Who knows how long it will take them to realize it.
POLARIA: But your experience can be very different very quickly.
PARTICIPANT: Now, you said that when you disappear there is an opening for some other being to fill that spot?
POLARIA: In the small story.
ALARIUS: You just don’t have to play in other people’s realities on their terms. You can play with everybody in the Big Story. And because there is a big-story version of everybody’s reality, you can relate to everybody based on who they are in the Big Story.
And you can also refuse to relate to who they are in the small story and let the chips fall where they may. We do that with you. We’ve been doing it with you for days. Do we seem to get along? Do we seem to have a nice loving interaction?
Do we seem to care about each other? Do we seem to have a relationship? Go figure! [laughter]
PARTICIPANT: Can you help people get from their small story to the Big Story?
ALARIUS: Have you ever heard of following your Spirit? Have you ever heard of letting your Spirit use your mind to think?
Have you ever heard of letting your Spirit use your mouth to talk? Have you ever heard of seeing them in the Big Story as masters in a grand, evolutionary drama while you talk with them? That’s all you need to do.
PARTICIPANT: That’s easy.
ALARIUS: Great. It doesn’t matter where they are. It matters where you are.
ZIVA’RAH: The experience of you being a living demonstration of what it looks like to live in the Big Story and to relate to people from the Big Story will be kind of nice for them to be around. You have no control over them. It’s up to them what they do with it.
ALARIUS: Whether they know it or not, they come to take a drink of the Big Story when they’re with you. Everybody who interacts with us comes to take a drink of the Big Story. We are not here to change your lives. We are not here to make you do anything. We’re just here for you to be able to come take a drink whenever your spirit wants.
PARTICIPANT: So basically, to simplify, you’re just following your Spirit.
ALARIUS: Totally.
PARTICIPANT: That’s the bottom line.
ALARIUS: Yes, you just follow your spirit and say whatever occurs to you to say. And your job is just to stay in the Big Story or at whatever cost, get back to the Big Story as soon as you can if you get pulled into a small story.
ZIVA’RAH: Yes, if you find that you’ve woven with them again, then unweave.
ALARIUS: They’ll appreciate  it. The people that you have unwoven the distortions from.., you have no idea how many
people are stuck playing roles in your small story that they just hate! They have to be things for you in your small  story, and they can’t get out of the role. They can’t quit playing that role until you write them- out and unweave, or write yourself out
and unweave. They always have to be whoever that character is in your picture of reality.
 And while you’re doing it, you just might develop the habit of seeing everybody in the Big Story and trying to get a sense of what they might be up to. No matter what their small story is.
PARTICIPANT: That’s helpful. See the flip-side.
ALARIUS: Yes. Them is us, you know. We are all in the Big Story. We’re all characters in the grand, evolutionary drama. As far as I know, nobody gets left out. How could they? How can you get left out of the Universe you’re in? “We have a Divine Plan for everybody else here but you. Sorry.”  You need to start looking at these people around you with different eyes. You need to start looking at yourself with different eyes.
ZIVA’RAH: What you see in another you evoke in them. You call it forth. It’s a simple Universal Principle.
ALARIUS: And everybody’s got a small story and everybody’s got a Big Story. And everybody’s got an invitation into their story. Now, if you're a walking, Big Story invitation and you graciously decline participating with other people’s small stories and you make it your job to kind of, at least, sense their Big Story what's happening? The BigStory is getting evoked in them. That’s ultimately very beneficial to them, very beneficial to the planet, and highly evolutionary in nature. ~*